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Subject: Steve is SOOO COOOL

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Date Posted: 20:10:20 12/08/04 Wed

Dear 21 yr. old virgin,

So this dumb broad squad that you have thought up...

consists of?:

-women you cant get with?
-women with vaginas (that you cant get with)?
-women that are human (that you cant get with)?
-or men in drag (that you might be able to get drunk and get with)?

a few more things...

Your pictures suck. Your pictures aren't funny. Your website is amature at best. Even the name "dumb broad squad" reminds me of insults that children in the second grade used to throw at people.

Now i suppose i'm almost sinking to your level by pointing out that your a worthless fat 21 year old virgin with a shitty job, with an asshole boyfriend, and way too much time to look up your precious kiddy porn. So i'll make this quick. I'm not a virgin and I don't make fun of people behind their backs (on the internet nonetheless).

However, if I were to make fun of people online. I would make a good website with a chic design. I would make good graphics and comments that actually resembled witty.

Peace Nig.

I pwnt j00

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Re: Steve is SOOO COOOLJimmy20:50:51 12/08/04 Wed

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