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Date Posted: 14:19:29 12/03/05 Sat
Author: Queen of Funfairs
Author Host/IP: 81-170-37-44.homechoice.co.uk /
Subject: Some bastard hacker has broken funfairs forum

For anybody that hasn't heard, this is what I've posted on Myspazz and livejournal winter_gardens:

Dear Funfairs forum members...
You may have noticed that the forum has been down since about 1am this morning. As if we hadn't already had enough heartbreak this week some complete and utter twat decided to hack into and break the site. They got in by hacking into my admin password and then reaked havoc. The damage to the forum is quite substantial. At the moment a very kind and clever person who knows about these things is working hard to see if we can get any of it back in a working condition. There is no guarantee we will get all of it back and it is almost certain that sections other than "Stick Around" have been lost. It will be at least the middle of next week before we know whether we can salvage anything.

I am really sorry to bring you yet more bad news. It feels like I've been burgled and they've left the telly, the computer and the camera and walked off with my memory boxes and photo albums and written abusive crap all over my walls. This is just such an unspeakably nasty and vicious thing to do. Having googled the hackers name it appears to be totally random. They have previously broken forums that cover everything from discussing chemistry to gardening.

I feel really, really upset about this and once again I'm so, so sorry to all of you. We will do everything we can. I know not everybody comes here but in the meantime I would suggest we use this place if we want to say anything band related.

Alison xxx

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[> Re: Some bastard hacker has broken funfairs forum -- Leonora, 05:27:01 12/05/05 Mon (webgw2.thls.bbc.co.uk/

Thanks for this. I'm not on Live Journal so I didn't know exactly what was going on. This is unfeasibly bad timing, hopefully as much as possible can be salvaged.

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