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Subject: A witch with a broken heart

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Date Posted: 22:43:10 07/19/05 Tue

See I like this guy his name is Randy. It was my last day at my old school so I decided to tell him how I felt so I wrote him a letter to give to him in 6th period. So I gave it to him. I've likde him since the 5th grade but I never told him anything cause I used to be chubby but lost a lot of wait in the 7th grade. So I waited and waited for 2 weeks until I finally decided to call him and ask him myself. It's not like he did'nt know me at all we were almost good friends. So I called him and he says "who's this and I say my name" and "remember from Mr. so ans so's class" and he saya oh yeah. So we talk a little and I ask him about the letter. He says what letter and Ifelt my heart sank cause I saw my friend give him the letter cause when she did he looked back at me. So I decided mabey he's just making me sweat so I told him the truth about how I felt. I told him I really likde him if Iwas too foward Idon't know but I just had to tell him. Feeling like a nervous wreck and almost passing out he has the nerve to say"who's this again and my heart broke. He did'nt even anserw my question wether he liked me or not.Thats when I knew he really did'nt remember me. I was just a lifeless figure for him. I was just a body. I quickly said never mind and good bye before he could hear me cry. My heart broke into millions of pieces. I wanted to die for making such a fool of my self . What hurts the most is that i still like him mabey even in love because I still think of him and when I do I get butterflies and then reality hits me like a bullet. I think of im most when I hear Usher's" MY BOO" song.I called for comfort from my friends . Turns out he was going out with the school slut who had just recently had a pregnancy scare from another guy. So if you want to talk with me just be a wiccan friend or your a guy that can help me get over this heart break please do'nt hesitate to write me. Blessed be

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