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Date Posted: 15:07:33 05/26/08 Mon
Author: talkonline
Subject: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has come to my attention that something horrible is happening in ATLANTIC CITY.
I heard about Bodies: The Exhibition on PINKY'S show, and then saw images from the traveling mutilated corpse-show on THE PRESS's website.
There is currently legislation that would prevent bodies who have not given permission to be displayed, but it has not yet been passed. In New Jersey, Representative CHRIS SMITH is one of the sponsors.
Not only have the former owners or their families not given permission, which the show promoters make no secret about, using the euphimisim "unclaimed" (bodies), but there is a very real possibility that the bodies on display were murdered for the very purpose of starring in this exhibit.
20/20 did a report on this company in February,and a follow-up as mentioned in THE PRESS.
Personally, I have no problem with anybody who wants to give permission for his/ or her dead body and/or organs to be used in any way they wish, but I sure do have a problem
with political prisoners from China, being murdered because someone else wants to use his/ or her body and/ or body-parts without his/ or her permission.
This goes beyond emminent domain!
The owners of the company that sponsors the exhibition have been quoted as saying that they are willing to help in an investigation about WHO? the bodys really are.
The exhibit at the TAJ, in my opinion, is a crime-scene, and the corpses are evidence.
I think DNA should be examined, and relatives should be found.
From what I understand, many of the bodies are from (formerly) healthy young people from China.
Family members were forbidden by law to "claim" the bodies, and that is why they are labeled, "unclaimed", and yes, it is all perfectly "legal" according to law in China.
It is also legal to kill prisoners because someone else paid to have his/ or her kidneys.
The bodys in this exhibit have been obtained by way of police in China, that has also been established.
If I lived in China, I would probably be a political prisoner, and so would YOU, just for visiting THIS message.
Did anyone at The TAJ, consider the effect that this exhibit would have on ASIAN employees or customers?
I am not ASIAN, but it makes me sick, to think about how I would feel if it were my relative's body being used like that.

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