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Date Posted: 17:10:54 04/18/09 Sat
Author: talkonline
Subject: Gone but not forgotten-

Today we said goodbye to HARRY KALAS. A voice that came over the airwaves, and like they say, provided the narration to our lives.
Like background music, I could be doing dishes or laundry when all-of a sudden the whole house would pause for a second and then you'd hear it, "THAT BALL IS OUTTA HERE!".
And then I'd hear it again, like an echo from whoever else in the house heard it.
And then I'd echo back.
"WE LOST OUR VOICE"-was the headline. And it was so true that The Press even copied it.
I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to my friend RICH from BRIGANTINE, RICH from EVERYWHERE.
So today as I watch the TRIBUTE TO HARRY and say goodbye to HARRY KALAS & think about how I'll never forget the sound of his voice and how much it brought to my life, I'm remembering RICH too.
The soundtrack of my life always got a little more exciting while RICH or HARRY were on-the-air, and I miss the fact that I can't just pick-up the phone and call RICH, (he always had time to for a nice long chat), to hear all the details.
(RICH was one-of the founders of this message-board by the way)
Those two great voices had a lot in common. An overall optimisim and joy in life. It came-across in their voices, over-the-air, and uplifted those who heard it.
RICH used to say he, "NEVER HAD A BAD DAY.", and I believed him.
A prayer was said during the TRIBUTE to HARRY THE K, it asked that we honor his memory in acts of kindness.
That's a good idea, for RICH too and RICH's family also requested that donations can be made in honor of RICH for his friends at the Shore Memorial Dialysis fund, where RICH spent a lot of time in his last years.
So, when it gets too quiet around here, and I'm missing the sound of those great voices who kept me company, I'll hear them in my memory, and maybe do something nice to remember them by.

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