Subject: Lulu explains it all |
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Date Posted: 21:19:57 12/25/03 Thu
In reply to:
's message, "Lulu and Vivi, at last!" on 13:08:42 12/22/03 Mon
"He said... he said that Seymour is back..."
"But that cannot be!" Lulu exclaimed. "You sent him to the Farplane, right before my eyes!"
"I know," Yuna said simply. She seemed numb with shock.
"So... we get to kick his butt one more time?" Wakka asked, almost hopefully. It was quite a contrast to the first time he was forced to duel with the former maester; he was most unwilling to then.
Auron shot a menacing look at Wakka. "This is no fun and games," he said acidly. "If someone escapes from the Farplane, they must be returned. It's not very pretty."
"You should know." Rikku rolled her eyes.
"What are you guys talking about?" Aurie finally interrupted. "Who's Seymour anyway?"
They all exchanged looks. Of course Aurie wouldn't have a clue what they're talking about; this had all happened over twenty years in his future.
"Seymour was a maester," Lulu said, as if that would explain everything.
Lulu glanced at Aurie curiously. "Don't you remember anything?"
Aurie suddenly seemed very interested in his boots. "Um..."
"As a matter of fact," Lulu said slowly, "I don't ever remember seeing you before. What's your name?"
He could feel his face flush. How would she react when she found out who he was? And who he was going to be? "Auron..." he said slowly.
She looked as if she would have had a heart attack. "Say that again?"
"My name is Auron," Aurie said a little more confidently, daring to look Lulu in the eyes for only a second.
Lulu stared at him for a moment longer, as if trying to decide something. "Right," she said finally. "Seymour was a maester... a person who was a type of ruler, who watched over people. He was the maester of the Guado. He was part human, too. His mother was one of our race. And... a while back... he was going to marry someone."
Lulu smiled. "I was getting to that. He was going to marry Yuna."
"Yuna?!" Aurie stared at her. "You were going to marry this Seymour guy? But I thought that you were in love with Tidus!"
Everyone just had to laugh. It was so obviously true. It was a wonder that Tidus didn't already know, but hey, he was a bit moronic at times. (And luckily for Yuna, the idiot was knocked out at the time Aurie blurted out the truth.)
"Your face is bright red!" Rikku choked out between her giggles.
Lulu shook her head, smiling. "She is in love with Tidus," she said. "But she was going to marry Seymour for the happiness of the people of Spira."
Aurie was confused. "Shouldn't you marry for love?"
"There are many reasons for marriage," Lulu said softly. She stared at the ground for a little while, silent. Then she said, "Anyway... Seymour was a very cruel person. He killed his own father. Then we had to kill him... four times. We'll just have to get him a fifth time, I suppose."
Aurie asked hesitantly, "You talked about the Farplane...?"
"It's the place where the dead go," Lulu explained. "It's filled with pyreflies. The pyreflies show the dead."
Aurie's brain felt like it was going to explode with so much information. "I think I've heard enough for tonight."
Lulu then turned to Yuna, a sparkle in her eye. "Why don't you go and revive Tidus? And you'd better make sure he didn't hear anything..."
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