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Date Posted: 09:17:53 06/14/17 Wed
Author: Knuit Holt
Subject: Modern trends in mandatory examination of children at specific ages

To read about modern trends in exmination of children, how to prevent prostate congetion or blue baalls and about the FEMA concentration camps, please scroll down.


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Modern Trends in Well-child and Well-teen Assessments - as They Manifest in Certain Areas in th World

By Knut Holt


A yearly well-child health assessment is standard in many societies. This assessment includes typically an assessment of general body development. In addition there is often a genital and a rectal check that may be more or less thorrough depending on the age of the child and depending on the standard in the particular society. In many societies this check is totally omitted, or it constitutes only of outer palpation with fingers, retraction of foreskin for boys, spreading of labia for girls and spreading or the buttocks for both sexes.

There is however a growing tendency in many societies to call in children at specific age levels for a more thorrough development and intimate exam in addition to the ordinary well-child physical. This thorrough assessment is typically performed in a health center or in a hospital, and takes typically 2-4 hours. Some avatguardistic societies even seem to hospiralize the child for a couple of days or have a hospital department within schools where the children stay for a coiple of days for this type of examination.

The elected age levels for this type of exam tend to be 6-7, 11-12 and 15-16. The following is a survey of those type of exams that tend to be included in these special exam sessions.

The following information is based on extensive polls made about the exam types people in various countries experience at specific age levels, and on facts regarding the technological development in examination equipment. The details specified are only meant as a documentation of an ongoing development. They are not meant as some kind of advice about what type of exams children should go through, or as any judgement weather this development is good or bad.

At no place are absolutely all of the procedures listed in the following done. Any place that perform such extensive ordeals on children will choose some of these procedures, but which of them that each site selects, seems to be somewhat arbitrary.


In some societies the parents will be instructed not to give the child food after some time the day before and to give the child some laxative agent to make his stomach empty.

In societies that arrange tha most thorrough version of these development exams, one or two nurses from the community might visit the child AND hisher family the day before the exam. They will speak with the parents and the child to prepare them all for the examination the next day.They will also take all the needed vitals of the child. They will then let the child take off all clothes and let himher go to bed. Then they will perform a simple orthopedic examination and a manual inspection of the genital and rectal zones.After that tehy will take specimens of secretions and microbial speciments from all the body openings of the child with sonds or suction pumps inseried at some dept into the nose, throut urinary opening, vagina and rectal opening.

After that the child will typically be asked to stay in bed, the rest of the day and until next morning. Before leaving the nurses will catheterize the child and fix electrodes and sonds at various points in hisher body. The electrodes will be connected to a small recording device that the child will wear on a belt around hisher wait or similar. The purpose of these arrangements is to monitor the vital values of the child throughout the nigh an next morning.

The purpose of this preliminary and intitial exam, is also to plan better the more thorrough exam the day after, and assess the reaction of the child and the parents upon intimate handlings of the kind. The purpose is also to prepare the child for the type of exam that will occur the day after and to make the child accept what shall happen and cooperate.

The child will then be fetched to the exam center in some kind of ambulance.


This special exam is likely to start with an structured interview with both the parent and the child, and with cognitive tests. During this part the child will be fully clothed, but in a light way, so that the staff can assess bodily reactions to posed questions. At the end of this preliminary part the child will be clothed down to underwear or given a gown or some light exam clothes that are easy to open or remove.

The exam is likely to proceeed with anthropomorphic measurements with an assessment of the growth patern. This stage will include measurement of weight, height, limb length, and circumferance of all body parts. There will also be measurement of subdermal fat thickness. After this part the chilld is likely clothed down to only briefs around the genitals.

Then there will be assessment of body functions like gait, active flection, ballance, coordination of limb movements and muscular strength. Now there will also be a neurological assessment where the sensitivity in all body parts will be assessed by gentle stimulations. The neurological assesment will end by the lower underwear taken off so that the child is totally naked and the sensitivity of the outer pelvic areas tested.

The stimulation and assessment of reactions by such neurological exams are traditionally done by manually touching with pointed objects. But there is a growing tendency to use electronically stimulating sonds combined with electrodes connected to a computer device to assess reactions

The child will remain without ordinary clothes for the next stages of the examination, but will be offered a gown or carpet to warm and shield when total nakedness is not necessary.


This stage to come now will be a thorrough orthopedic examination, where the shape, flexibility, function and development status of all muscles, joints and bones in the body will be assessed, including the whole pelvic area and the muscles in the pelvic floor. This examination wil include:

-A check of spine curvature to diagnose scoliosis or other deformities, performed with the child in standing and foreward bent posisions.

-Checking of flexibility in the schoulders, armes, spine and hip with the child in standing and sitting posision.

-Assessment of leg and hip joint flexibility with the child laying, performed by probing all possible modes of bending and twisting of the legs.

- A general inspection of the pelvic structure with the legs bent up and spread, including assessment of the alignment of the rectal opening, symmetry of the buttocks, and symmetry of the outer genital structures.

-Ultrasound examination of the major joints in the body, especially the hip joints, knees and shoulder joints.

-Additional ultrasound check of body areas where the forgoing examinations have revealed symptoms of possible problems.


In many societies the child will be given some degree of anesthesia for the rest of the exam, most likely only some calming medication through the mouth or light sedation through an intervenous catheter, or with gas through a mask. The intention of the anesthesia is to make the child calm and relaxed, and to hinder the child from remembering much of the more intimate parts that follow.


After the orthopedic examination there one will perform an outer abdominal assessment whith the following procedure

. Manual palpation and percussion all over the abdominal and renal region with the child laying on the back and laying at the sides with the legs flexed, to assess the shape of the abdominal organs, detect any tissue changes, painful points, muscular tension, masses, fluid accumulation and abnormal accumulation of intestinal content.

- Ultrasound examination of the abdomen with special attention at the bladder and the renal area.


Then there will be a more specific genital assessment with the child laying on the back with the legs flexed up and separeted. The exact posision will vary according to the development stage of the child. For girls this will include:

- Manual palpation of the outer genital area

- Separation of the labia to inspect the inner area of the genitals.

-.Taking specimens form the outer urethra and vagina to analyse secretions and microbeal content.

- Inspection of the vagina with an optical scope.

- For girls in puberty vaginal ultrasound exam.

For boys the genital exam will include

- Manual palpation of the penis, scrotum, testicles and the area down to the anus.

- Retraction of foreskin and spreading uretral opening for inspection.

- Taking specimens form the outer urethra to analyse secretions and microbeal content.

- Taking specimen of prostate fluid with a tube inserted into the urethra, and if necessary with a massage of the prostate with a finger inserted through the anus.

- Palpation of the prostate with a finger inserted through the anus.

- Ultrasound exam of the scrotum, testicles and the area down to the anus.

The child will then undergo cystoscopy where one inspects visually the inside of the urethra and the bladder, and possibly also takes small specimens from the inside walls. For boys there will be a thorrough inspection of the prostate area during this examination. Traditionally cystoscopy has been a difficult examination to undertake, but modern flexible instruments ha made it to an easy and very quick examination. Therefore this type of exam that sounds very intrusive is very likely to be included. During this exam the bladder will be filled with fluid and in that shape also assessed with an outer ultrasound sond.


The physical assessment concludes with the rectal inspection, which will include

- Examination of the anus and interior room with an inserted finger

- Opening of the anus with a speculum for visual inspection and taking specimens.

- Taking specimen from the rectum with an inserted instrument while the speculum is in place

- Flushing the rectum and lower colon clean out content with by means of an inserted tube.

- Internal ultrasound exam to visualize the organs around in the posterior pelvic zone.

- Inspection of the deeper parts of rectum and terminal colon with a flexible optical scope

The instruments used in most of these examinations will take pictures and measurements that are transfered to a computer, stored there and later taken forth for further inspection and diagnosis.


In the original post, I told that endoscopic exams through the urinary opening, the anus and the vagina i steadily more often performed on children and teens. In certain areas this is so often done at the age of 6-8 and 11-14, that it constitutes a semi-standard procedure that a selected and great persentage of children will go through.

In the reacent time I have got several indications that another new examination mode in the lover body of children often is done in addition to, or instead of these endoscopic procedures.

This new mode consists of making a small perforation in the botton of the navel, incerting a thin flexible endosocpe and inspecting the inside of the belly with this. It is most often done under anesthesia or one takes the opportunity to do the exam when the child is under anesthesia for other reasons, like dental work or tonsillectomies.

In either case, the technological development has now got so far that such an exam can be done with little discomfort and risk, even when only local anesthesia is used, although one prefere the child to be sleeping.

Ths child will often wake up with some plaster on his belly bottom after dental procedure or the like and wonder what has been going on.

Sometimes one also takes tissue samples during this exam, or even takes out the apendix.


The type of exam program described here, is nothing new. It has been attempted from time to time in various soiceties arpund the world at least from the end of the second world war. In most of these societies, a certain persentage of children seem to have been chosen for the program, typically 10%.

By Knut Holt



Benefits and Dangers of Ltting Children Undergo Intrusive Endoscopic Exams as a Screening Measure

I have been am collecting testamonials of these thorrough examinations to document an ongoing development in certain communities around the World, but very rarely spoken about, and also document the prehistory of these examinations.

These thorrough examinations have actually many benefits and I think that performing them at ages 5-6, then again in the prepubertal age 10-12, and again during puberty 14-16 will give most benefits. At least it looks like those ages are prefered in societies where these exams are performed.

These are some of the benefits I know about:

The advantages of the exam of the heart and blood circulation with EEG and ultrasound imaging is to derect early signs of congenital or developing defects that can lead give fatal consequences later if not detected early.

Examination of the genitals and urinary system with ultrasound and inspections by scopes can detect congenital defects that might lead to serious urinary infections and serious kidney problems if not detected early, and these problems can further lead to failure in other internal organs.

Ultrasound examination and Scoping of the lower and upper digestive tract through mouth and anus can help to detect congenital defects and beginning inflammations that can become serious issues later.

A thorrough examination of the joints can detect beginnning rheumatic problems and development problem that later could become serious.

An early testing of the senses and nervous functions with electronic equipment can give an early detection of dysfunctions before they give complication with learning and development of skills.

These exams can lead to early detction of cancers.

But these examinations as often performed also have risks:

Heavy sedtion or general anesthesia often used during the endosocpic examinations can give serious complications, which are generally undercommunicated to the parents. Also heavy sedation and general anesthesia in early childage can impair the development of the brain and nervous system, which is also undercommunicated.

With gentle approach and modern equipment these examinations can however be done only with local anesthesia and minimal sedation.

There is always a risk that the doctor can injure the kid internally by acting clumpsily during endoscopic examinations.

If x-ray techiques are used, this can lead to development of cancer at a later time.

By Knut Holt



Your Children are Inspected and Monitored in All Thinkable Way Possible by The Autorities Tied Up to the Global Elite

I have done some research about the steadily more thightly surveillance and recording of everyting regarding children in the communities around the world. In many societies around the world children are called in and undego a extremely intrusive examination, often under anesthesia, where the kid is inspected by endoscopic instruments through all body openings. Also radiological imaging of all body areas and testing of bodily reaction and functions with electronic means are done. Usually a thorrough psychological assessment is done in advance. Furthermore one places electronic chip into the body of the child so they can be followed electronically with radiocommunicaion all around the clock.

These ordeals have a long history dating back to the 1950es, but they have got steadily more technically sophisticated and steadily more communities seem to be connected to the program. All data from the examinations are stored in central databases. The exams are highly standardized, and seem to be controlled by some international body. The exams are done inspecial rooms at the school, or at some regional health center, at youth camp and any institution for kids. Some societies also do them secretly when the child has some other procedure under anesthesia or some dummy explanation is used.

As said, these ordeal have a long history back to the 1950es. Certain communities or schools around the World seem to be selected to perform them on children and teens, and it all seems to be intertatioally coordinated. The purpose seems to be a thorrough surveillance of all aspects of the health and psychology of kids around the world. I grew up in Norway in Oslo in the 1960es and some schools in Oslo were participating in these ordeal, which I found rather pecular but did not think very much about it before many years later. Then I decided to find out if this still happens, and if it happens around the wurld, by inviting people to tell own stories. Mostly i use standardized polls, but with the opportunity for every respondents to tell with their own words.

I soon found out that these ordels have been happening all the time since then, that mostly the same protocol has been used all the time, but modern equipment has been steadily introduced into the protocols, and that it happens more now than ever.

And I found out that it happns in selected communities in USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Russia, Brazil, India, Australia and South Africa. I ask about geographical region and the repondents have the opportunity to tell the exact place if they want. I have stories from Western Europe, Estern Europe, East Asia and South America without knowing the exact country.

Furthermore, I found out that certain types of private schools are heavily involved, especially Montessori schools.

During the communist area in Wastern Europe, these comunities semed to patricicipate, using the same protocolol, as USA and Canada, which points to a coordination by some part of UN.

I did not thinking about chipping in the first place, so I did not ask for it in the polls.. But I have had some private conversations with a few respondent that could tell that the chips were found by accident and the testamomials of these are from the last few years.

If you have experienced something of the kind or know about examples of the ordeals, please tell about it here. Copy the link and use it in the address field of your browser:


By Knut Holt

By the way, some useful information about disease prevention, fitness and sexuality. Copy the link and use it in the address field of your browser:


How to Prevent and Treat Blue Balls or Congested Prostate

By Knut Holt


By vascocongestion (blue balls) the testicles and the scrotum are typically swollen and tender. The prostate region can also be swollen, have cramps and be aching. The scrotum can also get a darker color. The symptoms usually go away by themselves after some time, typically after an hour, but it can persist or occur frequently.

The condition can occur in any age, but most often in boys during puberty and in young men, when the genital region is more active than in other ages. It is often seen in teenage boys that for some reason do not have the opportunity to get an orgasm and ejaculation in several days. Blue balls seems to be a frequent issue in some communities around the world or in certain ambients like boarding schools for boys, but in other communities it seems not to be any issue at all. In UK and North America the condition seems to be a frequent issue, but it is seldom heard of in for example Scandinavia.

The cause of the condition is often a prolonged sexual arousal with an engorged penis and perineal region without orgasm and ejaculation. During sexual arousal veins leading blood from the genital and perineal area constrict, so that blood and lymph accumulates. By this condition the constriction of the veins does not go back but develop into prolonged cramps. Then excessive amount of blood and lymph will accumulate and stay. The blood will also loose oxygen so that it gets a bluish color.

The accumulation of lymph and blood then squeezes the tube that leads from each testicle, through the prostate and into the urethra, the Vas deferens, and clogs it. Then secretions made by the testicles and the prostate will also accumulate and increase the pressure even more. At some points the condition leads to accute symptoms. After some time the cramps and symptoms will usually cease. Clogged vas deference or prostate can be prevented by having regular orgasms, either by sex or regular masturbation. One can also prevent blue balls by massage of the region between the legs, the testicles and the penis. This can be done by hands or by using a vibrator. Masturbation or massage of this region is also a good cure for the condition in its acute stage.

Ordinarily blue balls or related conditions are not dangerous. Sometimes it is however impossible to get an erect penis go down again even after several hours. By this condition, called priapism, where the blood vessels in the penis are clogged by permanent cramps or other causes, the inner tissue of the penis can be destroyed if it is not treated emergently. By the treatment one usually empties the stuffed blood from the penis by a small cut.


Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and eroticism. Please see his web-site to find more health and sex information. There are also presentation of products to enhance sexual satisfaction and to improve health.


Free to copy with the author's name and link

Source: http://www.eioba.com/a/4656/how-to-prevent-and-treat-blue-balls-or-congested-prostate


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Watch Out for the Steadily Growing and Proliferating Massive FEMA Complexes and Similar




In the last years one has seen a continual establishment of big and massive FEMA camps or camps of the same type that do not tag themselves as belonging to any particular organization. They are seen in all of North America and Europe, not only in USA. What is described here is therefore a fenomenon seen also in the allied countries of USA.


The camps are generally equipped with heavy vans suited for military operations or for transport of persons under guardianship.

Also one sees great number of vans that look like some kind of intensive care ambulanses, without being tagged as such.

The vans are generally dark or camouflage greybrown with dakened windows, and only some of them are tagged with FEMA symbols or symbols of any other organization.

The vans are also already in heavy use on the highways of North America.

The camps are usually also connected to the railway network, and in many of the camps one find two-leveled railway vagons suited for mass transportation of humans.


The massive amounts of FEMA camps with associated equipment being erected now, surely has a purpose, or several purposes of use in the near future.

- One possibly espect some catastrophy to happen, which the public is not aware of yet, and the camps are meant to house people hit by the catastropy.

- Possibly one plans to use them to incarcerate all individuals that do not fit into the steadily thighter standards for living or behavior being imposed all over the World right now.

- Possibly they plan to incarcerate people that have shown to be a threat to, or to oppose, the order of the society or plans for new World or national orders.

- Possibly the camps are meant as death camps for people not conforming to strict standards, or are regarded as a threat to the existing or planned orders of the society.

- Possibly they plan to inarcerate a huge number of people and use them as slave laborers for the big multinational companies. USA and other countries pass steadily new laws defining any daviation from a strict standard of normal behavior as a major crime punishable with long prizon terms. Those imprizoned will then be rented out as slave laborers to the great companies. This is already happening, but with the steadily greater amount of people imprizoned the camps will be used.

- Possibly many of the camps are meant as reformation facilities for children and teens that do not conform to steadily stricter standards for attitudes, behavior, psycological status, bodily status and mental status. This is already happening, but when the number of institutionalized kids gets big enough these caqmps will be takn into use.

- Possibly one have near future plans to end national democracies and set in place a governance by a global elite using the United Nations as a platform for this coup, and incarcerate all that oppose or are a threat to the new order.

- Possibly one plans to bus large groups of individuals to the buildings to install electronic seurveillance chips into them, and to perfom physical and mental procedures on them that make them easy to control for the government. There are already symptoms in the society telling this already is happening, and those targeted so far are mostly children or teens that are bussed to the establishments under heavy anesthesia from where they live.

- Possibly they are meant as concentration central for individuals that the society wants to use a guinea pigs in medical research projects or as resources for organs and tissue, for the benefit of higher ranking individuals in the society, and as distrinution facilities for organs and tissues taken. Children and teens are the nost actual for such abuse. Already the number of children and teens disappearing sudenly for never to be found, and the great number of children and teens being declared brain-dead in an undue time after incidences, suggest something of the kind is alreay heavily pÄerating.

Probably one plans for all these uses. FEMA itself will not be the conductor of all these enterprizes, but it will rent out the facilities and their practical help to those conducting them.


The magnitude of the camp complexes and their heavy militaristic equipment makes them suited for all the listed purposes, even the most sinister ones.

Furthermore there exist in USA and other countries legislations that makes it possible for the president or the like to declare martial laws yhat set aside all kind of human rights that the law normally protects in case of some national crisis, even the right to live and exist, and what constitute a national crisis is ill defined.

It is a historical fact that leaders willing to incarcerate huge number of individuals and commit mass murder fairly frequently get to power, even by democratic elections. The mere existanse of these camps together with that kind of legislation, will therefore constitute a constant threat for the freedom, halth and life of every citizen, even if they are not meant for any sinister purposes in the first place.

But what is then the main purpose3 of these ccmplexes:

To rescue and support ciizens in case of a catastropy is likely a a purpose. It is illogical to think that leaders of the country only have bad purposes.

But FEMA has seldome used much of its resources and exsorted a real effective effort to help people when real catastrophes have occured. This was clearly seen by the Cathrina cyclon incident that sat most of New Orlans under water. One is therefore led to the sad concluion that recuing people is not the highest objective of that organization.

The general purpose of the organization therefore must be physical controle, logistics, mobilization and herding of the population for any purpose the leaders of the state might have. And the heavy militaristic equipment of the organization tells that it has the aim of doing so by any means necessary to fulfill the objective of the leaders, which includes such measure as mind controle, incarceration and killing.


Many will authomatically think that even thinking that such plans exist, is lunatic. Those should be reminded that many of these types of atrocities have happend in the relatively near history, in a massive degree and in societies with a high cultural standard, of which Germany under Hitler, and Eastern Europe under the communist regimes are the most conspicous examples.

Everybody should surveil closely what is happening, globally, nationally and localy, make they one's own condluions and prepare oneself physically and materially, as well as plan escape routes.

By Knut Holt




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