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Subject: Re: how to start a pet cemetary

William Keillor
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Date Posted: 21:02:15 12/28/05 Wed
In reply to: Wilma Thomas 's message, "Re: how to start a pet cemetary" on 22:06:15 12/21/05 Wed

>I live in New Jersey and want to know how to start a
>pet cemetary. Please someone respond with information.
>Thank you
Contact the The IAPC (International Association of Pet Cemeteries) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of pet cemeteries everywhere through public awareness programs. The International Association of Pet Cemeteries was founded in 1971 in West Chicago by Pat Blos ser . Member pet cemeteries are expected to maintain the highest business and ethical standards. IAPC operates on a budget that is supported only by dues and other contributions from members. IAPC has no paid employees, all efforts are completely voluntary. 

You are invited to join the IAPC. If you have not yet opened a pet cemetery, you may join IAPC as an Affiliate Member for only $150. This will allow all the benefits except voting rights. It also delays the payment of the $100 initiation fee until you have a cemetery up and running. If you become a member, you are expected to attend one of our training sessions or a spring or fall meeting within the next two years of becoming a member. Participating in IAPC as a member gives you the "edge" needed to become successful.

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