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Subject: JET Forum

Adam Phail-Liff
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Date Posted: 14:52:38 02/17/03 Mon

Hey folks,

We're brainstorming events for next semester/year and one of the ones we came up with was to host a panel of past JET (http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/JET%202003/index.htm) participants at the school. It would be kind of a speaker/information session for the program. The application deadline is in December, so we thought it might be good to hold it in September or October. It could either be just for NYU students or we might make it a REALLY big event for anyone in the tri-state area who wants to come. So, basic question is how many of you might be interested in something like this? Check out the weblink above and let us know, either by responding here, sending an email to me, or better yet, coming to one of our meetings. The next one is Feb 27 @ 530pm in SEC Room 308. Thanks for the input!

For those who aren't aware, the JET program is a program sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Education offering post-graduate work in Japan. There are two types of positions available:
1. · CIR (Coordinator for International Relations) ·
These participants are engaged in internationalization activities. CIRs are placed in offices of local authorities or related organizations.

2.· ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) ·
These participants are engaged in language instruction. ALTs are placed mainly in local boards of education or publicly run junior and senior high schools. There may be a very limited number of cases in which the participants are placed in private junior and senior high schools through the prefectural offices or designated city offices

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