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Subject: Miley Cyrus

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Date Posted: 21:23:47 04/29/08 Tue

Dear Kidd,
I am a 15 year old girl and, no offence to yourself, but I'm going to say I know a little more about teenagers then you do. Now let’s discuss the points here, shall we?
Point A. Miley is not only a human being, but a teenager. She is not perfect and should not be expected to be perfect.
Point B. After listening to your tirade this morning, I just had to laugh at how little you know about teenage girls. As a girl in this chauvinistic world, I don’t want or need another show about some little Christian girl who has the perfect life, where nothing bad ever happens. That just makes me think that everything about my own life is wrong and the world should be perfect, which it obviously is not. If you really want to see the entertainment many teens want, go to your local library and go to the teen section. It will be filled with books about abuse, rape, hurt, death, pain, and do you know why? Because people want to know that they are not alone in this world. So don’t tell me we need another show about nice little girls being perfect, which they aren’t.
Point C. If I listened to you rant twice, read quite a few news articles, and looked up these photos, can you not at least have gotten some of your facts straight, like the fact that Jamie Lynn is not employed by the Disney Chanel.
Point D. The song had nothing to do with this. That was you just grasping straws, and if you really couldn’t think of a better attach on her, you really shouldn’t be trying to debate this.
Point E. The pictures themselves took me forever to find. It’s not like they are posted on bill boards, and the pictures were not as bad as everyone’s making them out to be. Some of them were a little racier, but the pictures in her bra were not in any way bad. How is a picture in her bra any different than a picture in her bathing suit? And no matter what you say, the Vanity Fair shoot was art.
Point F. Kelly and Kidd, you both are not only old fashioned, but being incredibly hard headed and refusing to listen to others opinions. And yes Kelly, a prom dress can, at times, portray “I’ll go to bed with you.”
I hope you at least take my thoughts into consideration, because this topic didn’t take me as important until I heard you throw a grand little hissy fit about something that I don’t think you could quite understand, even if you wanted. Teenage girls are confusing and strange, but should not be treated like we’re all idiots. Miley Cyrus has done nothing wrong and no one is to blame because nothing of any importance actually happened, other than a slow news week.

Sincerely Yours,

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[> Subject: Re: Miley Cyrus

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Date Posted: 08:50:18 04/30/08 Wed

i just wanted to comment on your opinion of kidd's views on the miley cyrus thing. first of all, i'm sure that you might know what it's like to be a teenager, but you have never raised one, as kidd has. i have a six year old daughter who is obsessed with miley cyrus and these pictures are the exact opposite of the image i want portrayed by my daughter's role model. these girls are forced to sell themselves at way too young of an age. miley cyrus has a wonderful audience of young girls and she needs to consider that everytime she makes a decision. i'm sure if your parents were around everytime you made a decision, the outcome would be substantially different.i will personally make sure that my daughter does not see these pictures and it makes me wonder where her parents were when these pictures are taken. so, like i said, the difference between being a teenager and raising a teenager are profoundly different.

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[> Subject: Re: Miley Cyrus

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Date Posted: 10:44:14 04/30/08 Wed

You are not 15.

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[> Subject: Re: Miley Cyrus

Dana (Great points!)
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Date Posted: 11:02:29 04/30/08 Wed

You had some great points and I pretty much agree with you. I am NOT a teenager and haven't been for a while. I am so tired of hearing about these pictures and the media is making too much of an issue out of this. I am not "de-sensitized" but I think a bad choice was made on her behalf -- let's move on. I would have never seen these pictures (I don't buy Vanity Fair) if I didn't see them flashed on the television or talked about all the time. I love her songs and I even watch her show with my son and no, she should not be fired. I am sure her lesson is learned -- especially how brutal and judging people can be

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[> Subject: Re: Miley Cyrus

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Date Posted: 14:34:29 04/30/08 Wed

Amen Allora! Well said. Are you really a teenager? I am a Mom of 5, 3 girls (all in college, GEAUXX Tigers!!) and 2 precious boys. I would be so proud of any of my girls for expressing themselves as well as you just did. This is actually the 1st time I have ever written in a blog or anything like that, even tho i think constantly I have to call Kidd Kraddick or write a letter to the editor, or email some news person or whatever, over some such garbage that I hear in the media everyday. But this Miley Cyrus thing has me perturbed. The NBC Nightly NEWS actually featured this story and questioned people on the street about how they felt about this issue, PLEASE GOD, help me before I explode, WE ARE AT WAR and this is what we are talking about on THE NIGHTLY NEWS! The photos of Miley and her friends were in my opinion a mistake, the photos were fairly innocent,teenagers being teenagers but if it were one of my daughters i would have to remind them that anything that gets out on the internet especailly photos have the potential to be viewed by anyone, like a future employer or that person thinking of giving you that fabulous internship in NYC for the summer and they GOOGLE your name and what comes up but you partying, and they make a snap judgement about you, which is what EVERYONE does. So, it's not smart to take photos that you wouldn't want your grandma to see because they will end up on the internet. Miley already having a job, should know better, she should think of her image and what she represents and how young girls look up to her, blah, blah, that's in a perfect world where because you are someone's role model you are expected to be perfect, as Allora points out, she should be allowed a few mistakes, like the rest of us, we should not all loose our jobs for one mistake, SHE SHOULD NOT LOOSE HER JOB BECAUSE OF A CHILDISH MISTAKE, KIDD KRADDICK! I suppose if your daughter gets a job in some broadway show and kids looked up to her and a photo of her gets out of her drapped across some guys lap you'd expect her to be fired. Would you be okay with killing your daughter's dreams over such a trivial thing.But it is okay to cast judgement on Miley Cyrus. Why? As far as the Leibovitz photos, Kidd get your mind out of the gutter!!! The photo of Miley and Billy Ray was beautiful and NO WAY is it inapropriate, AT ALL, and anyone who thinks it is should probably examine why they have a problem with it. My daughter's father passed away when she was 15 and if I had a photo of her with her dad, like that one,which to me portrays a lovingly close bond, that would be so special to have and cherish. MAYBE KIDD IS JUST A DIRTY OLD MAN, not to be able to see that in the photo of Miley and Billy Ray. The way Kidd said he had to not look @ the photos of Miley when he first ran across them on the internet makes me wonder why, it makes me feel oggie about Kidd. Couldn't he see that was Miley hanging out w/ her Buds just as his own daughter prob does? The Leibovitz photo well, not my favorite anyway, but to me it is art, it's Leibovitz, Miley looks sort of stripped of all he glitz and Hannah Montanna image and she's just natural, not sexualized. If I could have an art photo of me at 15 by Annie Liebovitz instead of my lovely school photo, I'd jump at the chance, in a sheet or not. Actually, I wish there was a sheet over my head in my school photo at 15. In fact, that COULD be considered a drape covering Miley and not a BEDSHEET. But here we go in the gutter again, thinking she just rolled out of bed with some hot guy in a bed SHEET. Because it is different it must be BAD!! KIDD AND KELLY i thought you were more opened minded. And as for the discussion that Leibovitz asked the parents to leave the shoot and why didn't they question that in the first place, that is not what happened. It seems they shot the photos of Miley and BR first, he left and she was there w/ her teacher and grandmother. I would not question her parents judgement seems they've raised a hardworking, responsible daughter they can be proud of, lest someone judge my own parenting skills, I do my best but I'm not perfect for sure. Normally when I see celebraties behaving badly I think why do we continue to admire these people that are such idiots, but not this time. Miley Cyrus has nothing to be ashamed of. SO KIDD ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG about Miley, quit being so judgemental, we've all got enough people trying to knock us down in this world and also try to form an opinion of your own rather than what some LA Times reporter thinks. I will probably come across some article today about how the US is afraid (HAHAHAHA, our enemies LOVE that) to make the Saudis mad by demanding lower oil prices because we BORROW $$$ from them!! Is that even true? I thought The government borrows mostly from Social Security Administration. LOVE THE SHOW....

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[> Subject: Re: Miley Cyrus

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Date Posted: 18:39:39 04/30/08 Wed

Point G: One day if your 15 year old daughter is caught with compromising "artistic" pictures, and she pulls this excuse out of her back pocket; " (I have) done nothing wrong and no one is to blame because nothing of any importance actually happened."
See if your points still work for you.

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[> Subject: Re: Miley Cyrus

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Date Posted: 08:36:48 05/01/08 Thu

Amen Allora! Well said. Are you really a teenager? I am a Mom of 5, 3 girls (all in college, GEAUXX Tigers!!) and 2 precious boys. It would make me proud of any of my girls for expressing themselves as well as you just did. This is actually the 1st time I have ever written in a blog or anything like that, even tho i think constantly I have to call that Kidd Kraddick or write a letter to the editor, or email some news person or whatever, over some such garbage that I hear in the media everyday. But this Miley Cyrus thing has me perturbed. The NBC Nightly NEWS actually featured this story and questioned people on the street about how they felt about this issue, PLEASE GOD, help me before I explode, WE ARE AT WAR and this is what we are talking about on THE NIGHTLY NEWS! The photos of Miley and her friends were in my opinion a mistake, the photos were fairly innocent,teenagers being teenagers but if it were one of my daughters i would have to remind them that anything that gets out on the internet especailly photos have the potential to be viewed by anyone, like a potential employer or that person considering you for that fabulous internship in NYC for the summer and they GOOGLE your name and what comes up but you partying, and they make a snap judgement about you, which is what EVERYONE does. So, it's not smart to take photos that you wouldn't want your grandma to see because they WILL end up on the internet. Miley already having a job, should know better, she should think of her image and what she represents and how young girls look up to her, blah, blah, that's in a perfect world where because you are someone's role model you are expected to be perfect, as Allora points out, she should be allowed a few mistakes, like the rest of us, we should not all loose our jobs for one mistake, SHE SHOULD NOT LOOSE HER JOB BECAUSE OF A CHILDISH MISTAKE, KIDD KRADDICK! What does her age have to do with it? What sort of example would Disney set by firing Miley for photos SOME people consider sexualized? What sort of puritain society do we live in? Haven't we evolved from such intolerable views? I suppose if Kidd's daughter gets a job in some broadway show and just maybe some kids look up to her and a photo of her gets out of her drapped across some guys lap you'd expect her to be fired? Would you be okay with killing your own daughter's dreams over such a trivial thing? But it is okay for you to cast judgement on Miley Cyrus? Kidd its not a sex tape, she and Billy Ray aren't raising fighting cocks on the family farm in Nashville. Those are things we SHOULD be outraged over and heads should role if people who work for a co. like Disney do those things. As far as the Leibovitz photos, Kidd get your mind out of the gutter!!! The photo of Miley and Billy Ray was beautiful and NO WAY is it inapropriate, AT ALL and anyone who thinks it is should probably examine why they have a problem with it. My daughter's father passed away when she was 15 and if she had a photo with her dad like that one, which to me portrays a lovingly close bond, that would be special to have and cherish and only a sick person would consider that inapropriate. MAYBE KIDD IS JUST A DIRTY OLD MAN, not to be able to see that in the photo of Miley and Billy Ray. The way Kidd said he had to not look @ the photos of Miley with her friends when he first ran across them on the internet makes me wonder why, it makes me feel oggie about Kidd. Couldn't he see that was Miley hanging out w/ her buds just as his own daughter prob does? The Leibovitz photo well, not my favorite anyway, but to me it is artistic, it's Leibovitz, Miley looks sort of stripped of all the glitz of her Hannah Montanna image and she's just natural, not sexualized. It's a portrait, her back is exposed, horrors! If I could have an art photo of me at 15 by Annie Liebovitz instead of my lovely school photo, I'd jump at the chance, in a sheet or not. Actually, I wish I were in sheet, over my head in my school photo at 15. In fact, that COULD be considered a drape covering Miley and not a BEDSHEET. But here we go back in the gutter again, thinking she just rolled out of bed with some guy in a bed SHEET. Because it is different and not what we did @ 15 it must be BAD!! KIDD AND KELLIE i thought you were more opened minded. And as for the discussion that Leibovitz asked the parents to leave the shoot and why didn't MILEY'S parents question that in the first place, that is not what happened. It seems they shot the photos of Miley and BR first, he left and she was there w/ her teacher and grandmother. I would not question her parents judgement from what we know about this family so far,they've raised a hardworking, responsible daughter they can be proud of,lest someone judge my own parenting skills, I do my best but I'm not perfect for sure. Normally when I see celebraties behaving badly I think why do we continue to admire these people that are such low life idiots, I wouldn't let my dog hang out w/ some of these people, but not this time. Miley Cyrus has nothing to be ashamed of, she does not deserve to have her character attacked by you or the nightly news. Can you imagine how it must feel to have that happen to you or your child? I understand she is a celebrity, she put herself out there but still she is a human being. SO KIDD ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG about Miley, quit being so, narrow minded and judgemental, we've all got enough people trying to knock us down in this world. Also try to form an opinion of your own rather than what some LA Times reporter thinks. I will probably come across some article on the internet today about how the US is afraid (our enemies must LOVE that) to make the Saudis mad by demanding lower oil prices because our government BORROWS $$$ from them!! Is that even true? I thought The government borrows mostly from Social Security Administration. LOVE THE SHOW....

Tried to post this yesterday, but couldn't.

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