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Kidd Kraddick In The Morning Bulletin Board
Talk about the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning Show
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Subject: andrew and wow

kathy (awesome)
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Date Posted: 10:06:35 04/08/08 Tue

I am a advid WOW player and think andrew does play but may not know how to expess the world that is know as WOW if u ever want an in depth veiw of a world of warcraft just let me know. By the way i am a 40 year old female and most the players i play with are 35 and older its not just for the geeks anymore :)

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Subject: MENUDO

Chelsea Zaragoza (Hopeful)
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Date Posted: 16:43:05 04/30/08 Wed

ok my name is chelsea and im only 15. however, i have a huge outlook on life and i live each day to the fullest. as a 15 year old i am of course in love with the JONAS BROTHERS. however, ever since theyre last concert in March with Menudo i have become a HUGGGGE Menudo fan. they started out on the show MAKING MENUDO on mtv. they now have a new tour starting tomorrow called the Bandemonium Tour. which includes: Menudo, NLT, Glowb, and VFactory. i was wondering if there was any way to possibly have Menudo on your show. Their concert will be held on May 11th at the House of Blues and they are coming back to sixflags in July. i know this is crazy and last minute but i will do anything to get them on your show. menudo fans want their boys to become BIG STARS. i will make a petition or anything it takes. just tell me what i need to do. im camping out that night so i can have FRONT ROW at the concert. so you guys should come :) so please think about it. remember i will do ANYTHING. even if that means running down the highway (which ive done with JB chasing their tour bus) haha. im a big big big menudo fan. PLEASE REPLY. or add me on myspace if you agree with me Menudo Fans!!!


thank you!

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Subject: omg

sunshine (idk)
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Date Posted: 18:57:53 05/09/08 Fri

hey you guys well i love ur show and well i think ffeddy is awsoem so where can i get his song define gravity and be able to put it on my myspace???

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Subject: Leahs Laugh

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Date Posted: 09:04:28 05/13/08 Tue

play leahs laugh more its great!

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Subject: You guys are amazing!!!

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Date Posted: 14:18:32 05/09/08 Fri

Dear Kidd and team,

You are something I look forward to everyday. The chemistry between everyone is magical and there are days that I literally am bummed when 11am east coast time comes around. I listen in the car, then listen at my desk.
Earlier this week I was glued to the radio/my computer when Colbie was on, she is incredible and her voice sounded perfect. Think about taking the team on the road to some affiliates, and if you do, think about Tallahassee for an FSU football weekend. Take care, you guys rock!!!!

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Subject: FREDDY

Big Maggy (Lovin' Freddy)
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Date Posted: 12:10:03 05/09/08 Fri

Kidd, I am so glad you found Freddy. He is so Good! Please put "I like the way" up for sale. I already made my sister by me the first song. And, please make him sing in the morning. I want to hear the raw voice. I think it would be sexy!

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Date Posted: 13:35:58 05/07/08 Wed


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Subject: Military Spouse

Liz (bored)
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Date Posted: 08:52:46 05/07/08 Wed

Remember Friday is Military Spouse Appreciation Day! I loved the poem on ya'lls page. Just thought you should know!

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Subject: Kenny Chesney

Kaitlyn (Happy)
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Date Posted: 21:42:17 05/06/08 Tue

So I heard you guys talking about Kenny Chesney!! I really love him and I would do anything to meet him!!! I was searching the website and saw the link to celeb mansions... hoping to find Kenny's!!! But no luck.. can you put one on the site!!!
I love you guys!!! KISS fm is the only reason i decide to get up in the morning ... well besides the fact i have to go to school.. but still!!! : ]
Keep up the volume!!!

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Subject: Oh. Em. Gee.

Mallory ((EXTATIC!!!!))
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Date Posted: 18:42:16 05/06/08 Tue

I jus wanted 2 say how much i LOOOOVVVEEEE this show!!!!! it is prtty much wat i look 4ward 2 n the mornings........ considering i wake up 2 it evry morning nd listen 2 it on the way 2 skool!!!!! Also I rlly wanted 2 point out that Freddy nd his music r both SUPA DUPA HOTTTTT! I LOOOOVVVVEEEE him nd his music is AWEMAZING!!!!!! Wat u r doing 4 him is b yond generous!!!!! all of u on the show r so generous nd i love u guys SSSSOOOO much!!!!!!

Srry 4 my misspelld words!!!!!!

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ALYSSA (confusededed =S)
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Date Posted: 18:23:13 05/05/08 Mon

EH-MAH-GAWD!!!!!!!!!!! i think ima scream!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! there we go! i feel a wittle better now... ok my question is like for JC since he is like such a love expert(btw say hey to kinsie she my idol!)... ok what does one do when the person your dating is so foine and supa sweet but your "friend" is tryin to hook up wit him behind your back and you dont know what the dispies goin on?!?! and also your starting to like your best guy friend that is supposevely friends with the person youre dating to??? IDK WHAT TO DO! help me JC! KIDD! KINSIE! TAYLOR! SHANNON! KELLY! BIG AL! SUM1!!!!!i need a fwend! a shoulder to lean on! a- a- a- A DR.PHIL!!! woot! now were talkin! k well g2g my homie puppies! chow!

aka(lyssie poo)

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Subject: Freddy Does Wichita Falls, TX

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Date Posted: 08:31:00 05/05/08 Mon

WE WANT FREDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Myself and lots of listners want Freddy to come to Iron Horse Pub or Neon Spur to perform for us here in Wichita Falls, TX. We can't wait to buy the C.D. so come here and promote yourself to your new fan base.

Love ya,
Candace :)

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Subject: is TRIP a Day OVER?

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Date Posted: 05:48:32 05/05/08 Mon


Oh , pleaseeeee, Tell me the Trip a day isn't over yet? Did I miss it, You Still have it up on the webpage, and it says come back at 6am, I got up a 5AM so I could try and win, and now I am not sure that it's still going on, But it says come back on Monday at 6am, So help please !!!

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Subject: possible give away

Amada L. (Happy and Hopefull)
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Date Posted: 23:18:51 05/04/08 Sun

Hey Kidd,
I want to start by saying I Love You and your crew. I have heard on your station and even your show promote Dr. Booth for the wonderfull lasik work he provides. I have worn glasses for the past 10 years and have yet to get lasik due to financial reasons. I know that you do give aways and even help the less fortunate. So I was wondering if you have ever thought of doing a lasik giveaway. I personally have never tried to win anything because I just have no hope in winning. At the same time I know how desperate I am of not ever having to put on glasses. So I know I would, with out a doubt try to win, as well as other people who cannot afford this procedure. Maybe I am crazy or just Desperate to get rid of this burden. So I figured why not give it a shot!!!! Thank you for taking the time in reading this! LOVE You !!!!! P.S. Please excuse any bad grammer or spelling.... feel free to e mail anytime!!

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Subject: saying hi

Maya (sexy)
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Date Posted: 12:07:19 05/04/08 Sun

hey kidd kraddick u guys r the best radio station ever!I love the humor u guys have and jc's voice in the radio is so hot. By the way Kid do u still do the voice of kinsey I haven't heard it in a long time, I'm sure many listeners love it. Hey, u guys should do kidd kraddick in the afternoon or something, some ppl or alot of ppl go to skool and we miss it. Love ya guys keep up the great work.!

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Subject: jonans

lela (worried)
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Date Posted: 08:41:29 05/04/08 Sun

when are yall giving away jonas bro tics

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Subject: Kellie's Top 5

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Date Posted: 21:00:13 05/03/08 Sat

I know that the top 5 is devoted to Hollywood stories, but I think that Senator Craig ended up in the top 5...or maybe I'm thinking of some other politically based scandal or incident.

It's weird how a liberal's bad behavior is always publicized (e.g. Gary Hart and Monica's blue dress), but conservatives have to get arrested before anybody ever talks about them.

Bill Clinton may or may not have inhaled marijuana, when he lived in England. George Bush admitted to using Cocaine for more than a decade. Somehow, Clinton's character is more in question, because of marijuana in college, when Bush actually had an addiction. It's weird.

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Subject: rocking my socks off

shyeanne (hyper and bored)
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Date Posted: 20:35:08 05/03/08 Sat

keillie if that's how you spell your name.
you rock my socks off.
every morning i wake up listening to kiddkraticc so once i hear it my feet starts to rock and the my socks are off and i think i only have three pairs left.

antway kidd your older than i imagined from listening to your voice so once i saw your face i was just like WAOH!
might wanna think about changing the voice.just kidding[:

right now my head's in the dumps but the other dude you barley talk but your aawesomeness
well i gotta buy another new pair of socks see ya!

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Subject: thanks to older veterans

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Date Posted: 20:28:01 05/03/08 Sat

I recieved a email from a friend today that made me cry. I urge you and all of your listeners to go to this web site. It is a moving song.
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.managedmusic.com/Music/PlayBeforeYouGo.php">http://www.managedmusic.com/Music/PlayBeforeYouGo.php</a>
I hope it touches your heart as it did mine.

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Subject: Freddy!

Ben (Happy!)
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Date Posted: 17:29:54 05/03/08 Sat

Hello Freddy! Ive been following your little adventure and i think this will be your time to shine! I love your music, the way you do it is just different and BETTER then most of the music out right now. Good luck man!


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Subject: saying hello

Alice (hot)
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Date Posted: 16:21:29 05/03/08 Sat

Hey u guys rock! Ur the best radio station. I love ur personalities and ur all so funny that i can almost die for laughing to hard. kidd ur so kool and entertaining, al ur like the best guy friend, kellie ur so nice and loving, jc i love ur voice on the radio plus ur cute and ur girlfriend is so pretty she looks like a barbie, how did u get her? Anyways just wanted to say ur the best and keep on the good work. Do u guys still play kinsey? I haven't heared her in a long time.

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Subject: Foreclosures and homeless in America

Diana Gibson (sad)
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Date Posted: 14:36:03 05/03/08 Sat

I am sure that you have received many messages concerning people who are losing their homes due to the inability to maintain and pay their mortgage payments.

I am hoping that my situation will arouse your interest on this situation even further.

First of all, I am not looking for fre money or sympathy. I am hoping, that after reading about our family, perhaps someone in your listening area knows of government programs, etc., to help us in the short term.

Our story: I am phsically disabled (confined to a wheelchair). I have been hapily married to my husband of 25 years. I have a 16 year old adopted daughter (she has been our blessing since she was 7 weekds old).

Our problem, for several years, was to find a home that was accessible to my needs. We finally found a home, almost two years ago, that suited my needs. The mortgage payment was barely within our financial situation, but we made the sacrifices in order to afford the home.

Since then, our financial situation has changed drastically. Because I was able to work, though disabled, I did for as long as my doctors deemed it was a hazard to my health. I had to stop working. Shortly after, I was notified by Social Security that I owed tham over $40,000 for the time that I worked and they continued paying my disability payments. The problem is that I called them frequently and let them know that I was working and I needed to know how much of my disability payments would be affected because of this. I was told time and time again that I had a 36 month perieod to continue working before my case would be reviewed. Therefore, I continued working as long as my doctor's would allow. I did work for approximately 3 years and 5 months before my doctors told me that working full time was taking too much of a toll on my kidneys and my physical strength. Again, I contacted Social Security to let them know of my situation. Again, I was told that my payments would remain the same.

My Disability payments, alone along with my husband's income still allowed us to continue making our mortgage payments.

Shortly after, my disability payments were discontinued because they now deemed I owed them well over $40k. We disputed; and they continue my payments, but deduct $600 monthly to pay toward my debt. At that point, we were no longer able to make our mortgage payments. That, along with the fact that our monthly payment went up by $700.00 monthly.

Of course, it was not long until we were given notification that we had to put our home up for sale if we could not make our payments. We took all the necessary steps outlined by credit counselors, etc. to try to keep our home. HUD asked us to file bankruptcy and they could provide a second mortgage as long as we were able to maintain the current payments to CitiMortgage. We did all this, as directed.

We have had one more downfall. My husband is unable to work due to complications from Colon Cancer surgery he had early in April. His employer will keep his position open, but he had no benefits. As long as he is unable to work, he has no income.

We have been given an eviction notice. However, we have no way of moving (since both adults are disabled right now) and we have no place to move to since I require a house/apartment that is wheelchair accessible.

For my daughter, we prefer to stay in our area (Royse City) so she can finish her high school education in the same school she is familiar with.

To date, we have neither a place to move to or means of moving there (should we be fortunate enough to find a new home).

Please, please let us know of any options available to us. If not, we will literally be homeless. Here in the U.S.A., the country I love and could never conceive such a thing happening.

Thank you for your time to read this legnthy story. God bless you for bringing this situation to light and for any help you can offer.

Diana Gibson

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Subject: American Idol -

Ms. St Claire (helga)
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Date Posted: 08:14:31 05/03/08 Sat

Kellie: THANK YOU...THANK YOU...for being one that sees the "LACK" of talent David Archeletta doesn't have. Sing - yes - I'll give the boy that - charisma - "IT" factor - ability to entertain - I don't think so...what a bore. He's a mini-melissa doolittle..that oh so humble grin after each performance...please.

I'm so glad to see there is another great mind out there that thinks like I do.


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Subject: Freddy!!!!!

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Date Posted: 07:17:27 05/03/08 Sat

I LOVE FREDDY!!! Where is Taylor, well I know where she is, but she and Freddy would SO hook-up. I think the KiddyKat dolls should be in Freddy's video!!!

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Subject: i love kidd kraddick in the morning show!

Morgan (happy)
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Date Posted: 21:54:18 05/02/08 Fri

oh.my.goodness. i absolutely love your guy's show. it's so hilarious! i love waking up to it and getting ready for the day. it's positively amazing!. not even kidding. so yahh[: ooh and freddy is so amazing. [haha]

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Subject: Freddy !

Haley (joyful)
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Date Posted: 21:47:07 05/02/08 Fri

OMG. I just started listening to the show, like recently:)
and i am in lovve with it. you guys are so halarious, haha.
Freddy's song Defying Gravity , is absolutly refreshing . I know all my friends love that music & we're always looking for a new face, instead of madonna's short lived songs:D
all my friends are IN LOVE , let me tell you, WITH FREDDDY . ya'll did great and i continue listening to the show, especially seeing caring people. you guys are great role models:)

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Subject: Kidd Kraddick made a mistake

Curious (Concerned)
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Date Posted: 15:42:54 05/01/08 Thu

I think Freddy needs to jump on recording his music NOW...reason: his fans are NOW and like everything about him NOW. If the record is made the way he wants, then the audience is going to get "burned out" on the constant discussions of everything and the long term process it will take. Plus Kidd, you and everyone there in the studio don't have a clue on where to begin and are relying on others to get this going. I say Freddy should get it done and get it out there while the iron is hot! He should get help with the negotiations with a record company, but go in that direction then the way he wants to go about it.

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Subject: Board still broken?

writer (frustrated)
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Date Posted: 13:51:07 05/01/08 Thu

where are the messages? Things went down (broke) yesterday, and while I can add a message, there is no way to view the posted messages (?); archives are also empty. WTF?

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Subject: Freddy

Natalie (Tired)
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Date Posted: 13:28:32 05/01/08 Thu

Ok its great what your doing for Freddy but seriously if your show is going to turn into the Freddy show I will stop listening. I love listening to you all in the morning and the kpod for stuff I have missed but Freddy is on the kpod too much and he is boring to listen too. Its like when he tells a story hurry it up get to the point. He is a music guy not a morning show dj.

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Subject: Too much Freddy!

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Date Posted: 12:41:04 05/01/08 Thu

Ok guys, your show is awesome and I have been a listener for years, but I think the whole Freddy subject is being stretched too far. He's the focus of nearly every bit you guys have been doing for the past 2 weeks. It's a cool story and all, but it feels tired now. Let's please move on. Simple updates here and there on his progress will suffice.

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Subject: Freddy ROCKS

Richard (Smiling)
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Date Posted: 12:32:30 05/01/08 Thu

Man, some of the best music I have heard in a long time. I hope he can make it to Georgia. This is real talent!!!!

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Subject: THE Freddy!

Old Fan
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Date Posted: 12:29:09 05/01/08 Thu

Kidd - I can see your magic touch pulling strings as things begin to fall in to place around our Freddy - though I realize much remains to be done. YOUR generosity to help this kid makes me crazy love YOU. It's(way)too bad Freddy had to experience the dark side of the business - but, like all other adversities, it's changed him for the better in many ways. I wish him great success; remembering that artistic success does NOT equal commerical success, I truly wish him BOTH.

My message to Freddy - stay grounded, and keep stable positive influences around you, whatever happens. Live clean and keep your character strong. If greatness comes your way, stay humble and true to your fans.

Kidd - love you for doing this (helping him)! In chasing Freddy's dream, we're all chasing a little bit of our own.

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Subject: hey

jessi james
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Date Posted: 10:57:26 05/01/08 Thu

hey just wanted to stop by and say that i listen to yall every morning on my way to school and love yall and hey kid your so cute lol


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Subject: where is Dianthe's daily wrapup post??

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Date Posted: 10:36:44 05/01/08 Thu

I see where you can get into the chat, but I don't want to chat, I just want to read the blog. Kidd said it was on the main page, but I must be stupid because I don't see it...

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Subject: Camera's for Freddy

Nick DePalma
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Date Posted: 09:05:01 05/01/08 Thu

Our company installs digital video security and would be happy to donate some camera's for Freddy's apartment that could be viewed through your web-site. E-mail me back if you are interested.

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Subject: Miley Cyrus

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Date Posted: 21:23:47 04/29/08 Tue

Dear Kidd,
I am a 15 year old girl and, no offence to yourself, but I'm going to say I know a little more about teenagers then you do. Now let’s discuss the points here, shall we?
Point A. Miley is not only a human being, but a teenager. She is not perfect and should not be expected to be perfect.
Point B. After listening to your tirade this morning, I just had to laugh at how little you know about teenage girls. As a girl in this chauvinistic world, I don’t want or need another show about some little Christian girl who has the perfect life, where nothing bad ever happens. That just makes me think that everything about my own life is wrong and the world should be perfect, which it obviously is not. If you really want to see the entertainment many teens want, go to your local library and go to the teen section. It will be filled with books about abuse, rape, hurt, death, pain, and do you know why? Because people want to know that they are not alone in this world. So don’t tell me we need another show about nice little girls being perfect, which they aren’t.
Point C. If I listened to you rant twice, read quite a few news articles, and looked up these photos, can you not at least have gotten some of your facts straight, like the fact that Jamie Lynn is not employed by the Disney Chanel.
Point D. The song had nothing to do with this. That was you just grasping straws, and if you really couldn’t think of a better attach on her, you really shouldn’t be trying to debate this.
Point E. The pictures themselves took me forever to find. It’s not like they are posted on bill boards, and the pictures were not as bad as everyone’s making them out to be. Some of them were a little racier, but the pictures in her bra were not in any way bad. How is a picture in her bra any different than a picture in her bathing suit? And no matter what you say, the Vanity Fair shoot was art.
Point F. Kelly and Kidd, you both are not only old fashioned, but being incredibly hard headed and refusing to listen to others opinions. And yes Kelly, a prom dress can, at times, portray “I’ll go to bed with you.”
I hope you at least take my thoughts into consideration, because this topic didn’t take me as important until I heard you throw a grand little hissy fit about something that I don’t think you could quite understand, even if you wanted. Teenage girls are confusing and strange, but should not be treated like we’re all idiots. Miley Cyrus has done nothing wrong and no one is to blame because nothing of any importance actually happened, other than a slow news week.

Sincerely Yours,

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Subject: FREDDY!

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Date Posted: 08:20:53 05/01/08 Thu

I think im going to have to find a new radio station to listen to. If I hear about Freddy again I think I may have to kill myself.


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Subject: Freddy's Music Video

Ian (Music Video?)
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Date Posted: 07:51:18 05/01/08 Thu

Freddy should make a MUSIC VIDEO and i think i can help
I've done a lot of MUSIC VIDEO remake and i would like to offer my services free of charge.
I Direct, Edit all my work. If FREDDY does CONSIDER just email me for more INFO i would love to also.

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Subject: Boring, but you guys are GREAT!

Jennifer (Bored)
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Date Posted: 07:48:14 05/01/08 Thu

Hey Kidd,

I LOVE YOU AND THE CREW! But you really need to update your website or at least make it as interesting as the show is. Hire a few good computer geeks to jazz this thing up because apparently the ones that you have already hired are NO GOOD! This site needs a little bit of everyone's personality in it and right now it just looks a bit generic, I am sorry to say. I do listen to you all religiously and love you and the crew so much.

Bored but excited listener,
Jennifer (Alabama)

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Subject: FREDDY

Kelsey (Excited!!!)
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Date Posted: 07:39:45 05/01/08 Thu

I don't have much time to type this since I'm running late for school...but here it goes.
I met Freddy when he played at the Riverchase Galleria in Alabama and ever since that day I have been absolutely starstruck. I have been on a FREDDY HIGH!! I've been following his story and ever since I told my friend Cami that I got to meet him; we haven't stopped talking about him. We even created a group on Facebook called The Triple Fs(Fellow Freddy Friends) That I made up. Because that's what we call each other. Anyways, I just heard that FREDDY IS STAYING IN THE STUDIO!!!!!!! AND I'M SO EXCITED!!! THIS IS SO GREAT! This turn out will be EPIC! It's something never done before and Freddy is such a great person for thinking of this and always wanting to include his fans. I love him. And I have the T-shirt next to me always that he signed.
The cute girl with glasses
As Freddy called me.

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Subject: Freddy's College

Andy W
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Date Posted: 07:34:34 05/01/08 Thu

So is Freddy still in college? It seems he's ignoring one of the rules Kidd made.

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Subject: Freddy

Ashley (frustrated)
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Date Posted: 07:23:16 05/01/08 Thu

I am soooo tired of hearing freddy talk. The only thing i ever hear about now on this show is freddy, freddy, freddy. Not everyone cares so try and make a little time for the people who tune in to hear you guys talk.

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Subject: Listening to Freddy talk is a beating

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Date Posted: 09:58:23 04/30/08 Wed


I love the show and have listened for years. I like Freddy's idea and if you choose to help him with it that's great, BUT...

KEEP HIM OFF THE AIR!!! Listening to him ramble aimlessly on tangents and take 10 minutes to make his point drives me completely batty. It took him no less than 5 minutes to answer the simple question "What's your idea?"

He may be talented musically, but on-air he is a beating. Just give us an update every now and then and I'll be fine with that.


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Subject: Paula Abdul

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Date Posted: 06:43:45 05/01/08 Thu

I feel for Paula, she probably is loopy because of prescription drugs. I've had the same surgery she's had, and I understand how even after the surgery, you're not completely better. I still have pain, 5 yrs after surgery, I've developed arthritis in my neck because of it, and am in incredible pain anytime the weather changes, be it rain, cloudy, cold, and even just windy. I know she's on TV but people really need to give her a break unless you know how bad the pain she's feeling.

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Subject: Freddy's Album Cover

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Date Posted: 06:38:31 05/01/08 Thu

I'm a photographer based out of Prairieville(Baton Rouge) Louisiana. I was apart of the Serranos crowd ! My daughter's and I loved Freddy's performance. I heard the show yesterday, about offering ones services to help Freddy's album. I would love to shoot his album cover for free ! My myspace URL is (myspace.com/karenbethguffey) if you would like to see my style. Let me know if you need my help!

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Subject: ROCK ON!!!

Fanntabulous!! (A sense of Ah!!)
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Date Posted: 17:02:29 04/30/08 Wed

Hey you guys!
This is Lyndsay, and I just wanted to say that I think it's so wonderful how much helped out this Freddi Bloke; I think it's even better that your willing to follow it through!! Not many people can say that they've helped someone all the way to the end! It truly gives me a sense of relief that there are still a couple of genuine individuals in this world. When I heard the show on Friday with Freddi on the air, I nearly choked up. You can imagine what a sight I was sitting in my car with the water works running full blast outside my work place. Please keep up the awesome work, and keep making the dream live on.

****ROCK ON****

p.s. You’ve made me realize that my dream of Broadway is only a step outside my door. Thank you!!! ^-^

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Subject: Drifter from Hot Springs, AR

Dani (Check out this amazing new rock band!)
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Date Posted: 01:31:09 05/01/08 Thu

You have to check these guys out!

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.myspace.com/drifterband1">http://www.myspace.com/drifterband1</a>

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Subject: disney crap

Bridgitte Harrell (happy)
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Date Posted: 08:39:11 04/29/08 Tue

Please read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough About Disney Kids I say
drop them... Kids follow those on the limelight. I have 3 girls I don't want them to think its ok to do what these girls are doing and then backtrack and say THEY DIDN'T KNOW''. Kidd I'm with You I don't want my daughters thinking that Disney"s ok with this behavior. I say fire them.

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Subject: Freddy

Tori (So good....)
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Date Posted: 18:20:28 04/30/08 Wed

Hey - We saw Freddy last night. He was wonderful! I spoke to everyone around me (male/female, all ages). We all loved him! He's the total artist - obviously reminiscent of Billy Joel, but also reminds me of Harry Connick Jr., Lennon & McCartney and others who have it ALL - can sing (wonderfully!), play instrumentals, compose, stage presence; hope I'm able to hear him mature and evolve - I imagine all of his incarnations will be special. We really want to see him succeed - and I don't know how to advise him in that! I'll have to trust in the Music Gods to take it from here -- but Kidd, thank you for finding him and passing the dream along.....We believe in you, Freddy! Keep making music!

(P.S. Kidd, you and Kelly were a little harsh with Freddy this morning -- don't you remember what it's like to be a poor, dead-broke college student? He knows the value of every dollar - and is already protective of any fans. His sweet innocence and pure motives in this regard make him even more endearing....something about that boy and the songs he sings ....LOVE HIM!)

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Subject: Freddy - There's Something About Him....!!!

Taylor (Humming....)
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Date Posted: 17:45:12 04/30/08 Wed

Thanks for finding Freddy for me - I have been following the story from the start (regular morning listener) - and I have quickly gotten hooked. Why?
1. The story is compelling (who doesn't root for the underdog who has survived "tragedy"?)
2. He's likeable & admirable (laid-back, "fun" personality; smart - hello, Ivy League 4.0; humble and learned from past mistakes - no big ego here; he's refreshingly oriented to family values and respects his parents; wrestles with his own insecurities, just like the rest of us...I could go on and on....)
3. He's drop-dead gorgeous - all ready for superstardom
4. His artistic soul - evident in every note and breath
5. His strong, rich versatile vocal ability
6. His upbeat, toe-tapping melodies get absolutely wrapped inside my head - I haven't stopped singing/humming them since I was first exposed
7. Beautiful lyrics - the poet inside this English major is very evident
8. Dripping in musical talent; ability to play instruments, layer compositions -- and go from start to finish in warp speed (witness his "Dallas" theme song for the morning show)...he's got it all!)
9. He fills a void in music of the moment...

I did attend his Dallas "debut" at Texas Bar and Grill last night, also; the audience was filled with male & female of all ages. Everyone I spoke to (many) felt just like I do. We were treated to a casual, "conversational" performance - just 1 man and his piano; no place to hide. The power of his clean, rich voice was captivating; each song had a story. I could have listened to much, much more...he left me wanting....

Best of all is the person, the artist Freddy; genuinely nice guy. He was so eager to really connect with each member of the audience, and appreciative of us - he paused to truly converse with EVERYone and honor all requests. You had his full, eye-to-eye attention! Obviously, this sort of indulgence can't go on forever - he's only one person; all the more reason for me to savor my moment...

I don't know how to help him navigate from here...I'm hoping the Music Gods will guide him on the right path. But the raw talent and artistry just can't be ignored.
He's really something special - Thank you, Freddy - can't wait to hear more!

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Subject: Big Al's Chesney tribute

Melissa (giddy)
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Date Posted: 09:38:48 04/30/08 Wed

Please tell me there is somewhere on you website that I can find that song. If my boyfriend doesn't hear how hilarious that was then I may not be able to go on living. If you don't want me to die you will do this for me.

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Subject: Texas Bar & Grill

Liz in Fort Worth (Excited to see yall!)
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Date Posted: 17:01:46 04/30/08 Wed

What's up KKITM!

I showed up at Texas Bar & Grill at 4:30pm just to watch Freddy play. I was really blown away by how good he is live and also that he could laugh off his errors like forgetting lyrics.

What I was really excited about though was seeing the cast there! I've never been to a Kiss event and I was really really really excited to see all of you (except Kelli wasn't there..no worries though..still love her) Big Al is tall, J-Si was super sexy, Kinsey was gorgeous, Shanon was preoccupied, Andrew was even a little comical in his own way. I did catch a glimps of Kidd as he hid in the hallway. I listen to you guys every morning and hope one day I can meet the whole show! Keep up the excellent work you do. We all love you!!!

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Subject: FREDDY!!!

Kelsey (EXCITED)
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Date Posted: 16:37:22 04/30/08 Wed

I met Freddy when he played at the Galleria in Alabama and ever since then I've been on a FREDDY HIGH! My friend, Cami, and I have been following the Fredisodes and checking up on him and when we got the news about his BIG IDEA we freaked out!! I've voted Yes for Freddy and I'm making all my friends vote for him too! Cami couldn't make it to see him and when she heard that I got to she got so mad. Haha. But all we do during lunch and gym at school is go on and on about Freddy and sing his songs. Defying Gravity is the one we've been singing all week :) I think Freddy is an amazing person and has pure talent that is hard to find. I hope everyone votes yes and he makes his album on the station. I can't wait for it to be released - I'll wait in line for the opening of it!! And we really hope he goes on tour again AND COMES BACK TO BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA!!! I've been checking my e-mail everyday to see if I've gotten a response from Freddy to be in the music video as he was saying to everyone he met. ...Nothing yet, but I'm still hopeful! I have my "Proud To Say I HAVE FREDDY GAS" shirt by me right now that he signed for me. I love it. He's a great person and deserves this album to work out so bad! I can't wait for it!
Much love,
"The cute girl with glasses" [as Freddy said :D]

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Subject: Prom Pics

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Date Posted: 10:21:56 04/30/08 Wed

Can someone either explain how to access the prom pictures of JC or else there is something wrong with the website. I can find the link but none of the pictures will pull up (and yes I have right clicked and said open picture.) I can't even get it to play in slideshow mode and I have been trying since Monday. Can anyone help!

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Caroline (hap-PAY!)
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Date Posted: 14:13:30 04/30/08 Wed


Saw him last night at Texas Bar & Grill - and he is truly A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!! He's the real thing - total package!
Lucky for us, he can keep making music no matter what - but because I LIKE him so much, I want him to achieve wild success! (Maybe things happen for a reason...this time around, it would be more meaningful & appreciated; I don't think it would ever go to his head, etc.)

Kidd - call in all of your connections and use your expertise - let's help FREDDY touch the stars! I CAN'T GET HIS SONGS OUT OF MY HEAD - and I could look at him forever! He's also a warm, kind human being (which comes through in his soulful lyrics). Nevermind radio - his songs sound perfect for movie/TV scores -- LOVE HIM!!!!!!

WE WANT MORE FREDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Date Posted: 14:01:26 04/30/08 Wed

Where did he go? I loved him! I wear my ear buds listening to you guys all morning and I'd giggle so loud that everyone wanted to know what's so funny. I have them all addicted to the morning show now thanks to the HIP HOP LOUNGE SINGER. Bring him back PLEASE!!! Or at least archive old clips on here so I can listen to the again.

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Subject: Black People

Demi (I love folks from all WALKS of life!)
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Date Posted: 21:03:51 04/29/08 Tue

Hey Kid, Kelly, Al & JC .................Look at your entertainment line up where's the black people???? Black folks listen to your show also. OKAY!!!! Where's Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, JZ, Chris Brown, Leona Lewis, Jordin Sparks? Or are they too hood for ya?????

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Subject: Podcast on itunes

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Date Posted: 00:29:14 04/30/08 Wed

I work until 4am. The warmup show is available on ITunes. KPod is great and all, but the twenty min that the podcast covers is just a tease. Help a brother out, full show on Itunes.

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Subject: Freddy (What else, right?)

CJ (Thankful)
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Date Posted: 22:50:06 04/25/08 Fri

Freddy is okay and everything, but I don't think he was worth a week of build up. I'm glad he's finally out of the picture so the gang can talk about something OTHER than Freddy now. He isn't that "amazing".

I know the show can't please everyone, and in fact i'm probably one of the few who oppose the holyness that is Freddy, i'm just stating that its been quite boring lately and all week long has been Freddy-this, Freddy-that. A brief five minute segment would have been more than enough to update us on his "exciting" travels. :)

I love your show, i've been listening since elementary school and i'm now a freshman in college. Now I just wish I could get a day off so I could watch on the webcam!

- CJ

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Subject: Dianthe's daily synopsis

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Date Posted: 11:34:36 04/30/08 Wed

Where on the website can I find Dianthe's synopsis of the show?

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Subject: Miley Cyrus

Becky M. (Irritated)
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Date Posted: 17:20:11 04/29/08 Tue

The way that most people, both here and on the news, are discussing the Miley Cyrus incident is infuriating me. I've read many people claim that these photos are "kiddie porn" or "truly, severely inappropriate," but I think a lot of those claims are rather ignorant.

I really doubt that they handed her a sheet, said, "Okay, take off everything. Let's make you a sexpot," and did the entire shoot with sexual symbolism in mind. I don't think it was necessarily the best idea to dress her the way they did, but every time I look at the shots, I honestly don't get an 'oogie' vibe. I thought the shots were artsy - I see where Miley was coming from - and I thought that they were what could probably be expected coming from a glamour magazine. And the pictures of her and her friends aren't evidence that she's a secret lesbian or that she's a horrible teenager; in fact, a lot of those photos look nearly identical to half of the things I see every day, on Facebook or on the teenage girls at my high school.

I think this whole incident has been blown way out of proportion. The fact that MSN articles are calling her "The Next Britney Speats" is ridiculous. Vanessa Hudgens didn't even get this much bad press, and her shots didn't even include bedsheets! Disney won't drop Miley; she is probably the single best thing that the corporation's ever gotten its hands on. She may get some reprimands, she'll probably have to apologise several more times, and she might lost some approval from distraught parents, but there's no logical way that she'll lose her job over something like this. I'm surprised it was even mentioned in the first place.

Sorry to preach, sorry to complain. I just got annoyed while reading these comments and listening to the news. Have a pleasant day!

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Subject: freddy Myspace?

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Date Posted: 12:13:34 04/28/08 Mon

What is Freddy's myspace? I've been looking for it like crazy! please help!

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Subject: Miley Cyrus

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Date Posted: 15:43:06 04/29/08 Tue

I think that Miley has completely let her fans down. As a young lady myself, it is very discouraging to see girls exposing themselves in such ways,it is sad!It really puts the pressure on those good girls left out there who don't want to get attention with their sexuality but with there smarts instead.The media makes you feel like thats wrong and you must be boring when you decide to keep your clothes on.And thats not right!I think Disney needs to set a good example for kids and Miley just might not be that example.

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Subject: Freddy CD

Troy Honaker
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Date Posted: 21:53:49 04/29/08 Tue

No question, Freddy is talented.

His CD idea is interesting.

Not sure if he really needs a record deal. He generated a lot of fans without one. The Freddy needs gas tour gave him even more fans. That's one of the main things, record deal or not, he needs to keep getting his name out there. Do what works, do it again, do it again....

Then he needs to have something to sell, CDs, t-shirts, etc.

And of course, keep making great music!

There's a lot things he could get into for promotion, like blogging, Google adwords (pay per click), articles, etc.

A record label, I guess, doesn't necessarily mean that you will get automatic attention. CDs could just sit in the stores if they are not promoted. You could be the best artist in the world, but if no one knows about you, you could end up not selling many CDs.

Anyway, a lot of things are going right as far as promotion.

Freddy, you have an amazing life ahead of you. You just gotta keep pushing.


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Subject: none

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Date Posted: 10:27:45 04/30/08 Wed

I really wish they would stop saying freddy's situation over and over again
ive heard that his record label dropped him a lot of times and that he is so deserving and what not, I love hearing about freddy but stop telling of his past so much!

its people own fault if they havent been listening.

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Date Posted: 10:09:08 04/30/08 Wed

I was wondering why you all do not play
Single Again by Trina?
Could you please make it part of your future song list!!
It's a great song!!

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Subject: Deficit

Ambar Qureshi
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Date Posted: 09:54:45 04/30/08 Wed

We owe most of our money to China- It comes from the huge disproprtionate balance of trade and the war. The war needs to stop, and we need financial planning to get back on track. We need to strengthen our economy. Buy less meaningless trinkets and bobbits made by Chinese sweat shops and create a higher standard for your self- buy less from there and more from HERE. Our jobs go oversees so the former factory workers and skilled labor now earns horribly less and ends up the floor clerk at stores like walmart which make foreign interests richer and us weaker in the long term.

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Julia && hannah ([[boreedd]])
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Date Posted: 09:30:24 04/30/08 Wed

Heyyy guys its hannah && Julia..We love listening to the showw you guys rock!!
I just have one thing wrong with it, you guys always play the same music.
I would LOVE it if you guys could play a little bit more of a variety of music.
Im really into pop/alternative music and I would love to hear more of it.

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Subject: So sick of Freddy

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Date Posted: 07:18:22 04/29/08 Tue

When is this Freddy bit going to be available in paperback?

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Subject: JC!!!!

Jordan C (Wondering)
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Date Posted: 09:09:40 04/30/08 Wed

So as I look through your site I see nothing about JC??? Isn't he a part of the show too? No pics of him, no bio, what's the deal? I feel bad he's being left out!

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Subject: Freddy

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Date Posted: 09:04:19 04/30/08 Wed

I just have to say...Freddy was a GREAT addition to the show last week! I had actually lost interest in it because it seems like all you guys seem to talk about are The Hills and American Idol. We can watch TV for that. I'm looking for something different out of my morning show...and Freddy was the one that opened that up. The tour was AMAZING! I loved tuning in every day just to hear Freddy. How someone could not want him to make his first record with y'all is beyond me. I sure hope this deal happens. It's great for everyone involved!

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Subject: Freddy

Anna Middleton (wishing)
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Date Posted: 08:50:33 04/30/08 Wed

I wish that you would go ahead and put Freddy on a cd. I love what he sings and I wish that he would come somewhere in Georgia so i could see him. maybe you could fix that up.

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Subject: Idol Dress Rehearsal comments

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Date Posted: 08:49:24 04/30/08 Wed

Okay, clearly Paula is a nutcase, but seriously, do you really not understand that the judges watch and judge the DRESS REHEARSAL? Even Simon has said that he can't hear during performances, and his comments are descriptive of the dress rehearsal sound. He has said before after watching it on tv, he had a different perception, because they can't HEAR it during the broadcast.

So, Paula didn't hear voices in her head, she just forgot when she should comment.

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Subject: Web Cam

James Bowen
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Date Posted: 08:32:48 04/29/08 Tue

Maybe it is the angle of the web cam, but I saw Kidd behind the montiors, and it made me curious about something. Where do they get tables that with a height that low? Or do they take regular tables, and cut the legs in half? Just curious.

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Subject: JC's "relationship" problems

Sarah (Happy)
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Date Posted: 08:17:17 04/30/08 Wed

I hate to say it, but I don't think that JC and Kinsey will last. How can it last when they are so immature? Relationships are hard but, they shouldn't be THAT HARD! Just let it go JC. Or both of you need to grow up. Life is not about partying or being influenced by friends...and if it is, realize that you are compromising what really is important (and don't cry about it....its annoying).

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Date Posted: 08:12:29 04/30/08 Wed

I saw you in Baton Rouge and loved it. You are great and very personable. And in my daughters words, you are "HOT". She and her friends were on the stage with you and loved it.

Let me first start by saying that I did vote YES, however, I think you have seriously lost your mind. While this will be a great story if you succeed, a Label deal is what you have been looking for and you got it. They know how to do this and succeed. It's their business. Even if it is for their own profit, you profit too. I don't feel like you are selling out if you choose the Record Label. Your are just following your dream. Then again, maybe your dream has just changed. So if your new dream is to make it without a label, then I vote "YES YES YES".


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Subject: Miley Cyrus

Chanel Sanchez
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Date Posted: 08:10:33 04/30/08 Wed

This is to all those who say how date Miley Cyrus pose like that. Specially the lady who said if her child did that she failed as a parent. I hope your no as naive as you sound. If you have girls that are older then 12 then chances are your child already took seductive pictures w/out you knowing. Camera phones are everywhere and if you think your kids haven't taken a picture sedutively then you are in another world!! It happens all the time, we as parents can't stop it but we sure can educate our children about sexuality.

What gets me is Jamie Lynn Spears didn't even get near this much and as long of publicity being pregnant at 16 as Miley is gettin for some pictures.

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Subject: freddy's myspace page

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Date Posted: 08:06:19 04/30/08 Wed

Does anyone know how to get to Freddy's myspace page? I can't seem to find it.

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Subject: Freddie

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Date Posted: 07:52:11 04/30/08 Wed

Freddie looks like Adrian Grenier. Yummy. He can be in my entourage any day.

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Subject: Hood rat

Erica M
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Date Posted: 07:40:19 04/30/08 Wed

Hey kidd- we are looking for that interview of the 7 year old yesterday stealing the car... please tell us the link so we can listen!

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Subject: TP & Esco New Group Out!!!

Justin (Jamming)
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Date Posted: 07:36:13 04/30/08 Wed

Hey KiddKraddick! I wanted to tell you about a New Group Out called TP & Esco who recently released a CD. I actually went to college with the two of them at The Citadel. I am sure you would be impressed by what you hear at their myspace site : <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.myspace.com/tpampesco">http://www.myspace.com/tpampesco</a> one of my favorite songs off their CD is Summer Breeze! If you don't mind please let me know what you think!


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Subject: Sick Of FREDDY!

Samantha (UGHH!!!)
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Date Posted: 06:59:01 04/30/08 Wed

Im not going to listen to the show again until this Freddy drama is over.

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Subject: Miley again

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Date Posted: 06:36:45 04/30/08 Wed

Kidd....Miley again????? This is what Miley wants, Vanity Fair wants and Disney wants. 4 million hits. It's all about MONEY. Do you really think Disney/Vanity care about image. Look at how much their excutives get paid! They are laughing to the BANK right now. Free publicity for them. They don't even have to pay you and you are talking about them for more than 2 whole days! This is what AMERICA is and always will be.........If the president's daughter can get drunk in public, a former president can mess around in the white house with interns......sexy pictures of 15 yr olds?????????

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Subject: Local Idol

Tricia (disappointed)
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Date Posted: 08:33:41 04/29/08 Tue

Hey gang,
I have enjoyed listening to you show as I take my kids to school each day. I love Freddy and the fact that you gave that talented kid a second chance!
I am, however, disappointed that you aren't doing your part to support our local American Idol. This morning I cringed as Kelly painted a picture of Jason Castro as some laid back kid smoking "something" on the beach. FYI - this young man is NOT ON DRUGS! I think it is horrible that listeners, viewers and the media make such assumptions. Shame on you for doing the same, Kelly! This is a great guy, and we are proud to have him represent our corner of the world! Opinions are one thing - assumptions are another. Careful, please!
Otherwise, carry on................you guys crack me up!

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Subject: Miley Cyrus

Momma T
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Date Posted: 11:55:14 04/29/08 Tue

I have 2 teenage daughters. As a parent, it is my responsibility to teach my children self respect along with many, many other values and virtues. If either of my girls were to so dare as to think of taking off their clothes, wrapping themselves in a sheet and sitting before a camera, I would know that I had FAILED them as a parent. This was meant to be just as it appears....a photo of a child posing seductively to further exploit the lack of innonce left in our youth!
God help our grandchildren!

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Subject: SHANNON

GoSpursGo (Curious)
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Date Posted: 23:12:10 04/29/08 Tue

Fix the KPOD - I tried to listed to the J-si / Kinsey drama and the story cuts off...fix it please!

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Subject: 6 Seconds From the Beach

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Date Posted: 21:56:54 04/29/08 Tue

Is it just me or is every person that plays (and therefore wins) "6 Seconds from the Beach" a female? I don't think I've ever heard a male play. I sit at my desk everyday and get the answers from the voices alone a lot of times. I've tried to sneak off and call a couple of times but I'm too late by the time I get outside. I wish I had a boss that was a little more understanding.

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Subject: Freddy

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Date Posted: 21:48:20 04/29/08 Tue

Hey I have a class tomorrow but I want to VOTE YES FOR FREDDY!!!! Please accept my vote.....

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Subject: Freddy

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Date Posted: 10:01:23 04/18/08 Fri

I was just wondering what the myspace or other site is for Freddy that was on Music that makes you cooler this morning. I'm having problems with the website linked on the front page. I really liked him, and it's great that you guys are giving him this opportunity.

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Subject: Black American's

Demi (I folks from all WALKS of life!)
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Date Posted: 21:02:10 04/29/08 Tue

Hey Kid, Kelly, Al & JC .................Look at your entertainment line up where's the black people???? Black folks listen to your show also. OKAY!!!! Where's Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, JZ, Chris Brown, Leona Lewis, Jordin Sparks? Or are they too hood for ya?????

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Subject: Freddy needs to come to Lake Charles

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Date Posted: 20:09:54 04/29/08 Tue

Freddy needs to come play at L'Auberge du Lac Casino in Lake Charles, LA. Every thursday they have party by the pool and a band plays. Next week is the Gin Blossoms.

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Subject: Freddy needs to come to Lake Charles

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Date Posted: 20:04:48 04/29/08 Tue

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Subject: Freddy's album

Laura Bowen
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Date Posted: 20:02:51 04/29/08 Tue

YES to Freddy! He is amazing and I love his story. I am so glad to see the momentum you have started with him continuing. I also have two suggestions for album titles. Of course "Amazing" or "Second Chance". What ya think?

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Subject: Freddy needs to come to Lake Charles

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Date Posted: 20:02:25 04/29/08 Tue

Freddy needs to come play at L'Auberge du Lac Casino when they start doing party by pool. Every thursday they have a different artist in the evenings. Next week the Gin Blossoms.

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Subject: Freddy and MIXFEST 2008

T. Reg (Hopeful)
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Date Posted: 11:16:03 04/29/08 Tue

You guys need to get Freddy to play at MIXFEST here in S.A. This years acts are not nearly as compelling to go see as last years, except for Colbie C. Many more people will definately want to be there if you get Freddy to play! AND YES FOR HIS IDEA! HE IS AMAZING!

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Subject: Kinsey

Ben Dover
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Date Posted: 19:32:58 04/29/08 Tue

I am an avid listener to your show but first time to visit your website. My favorite segment is your "Kinsey segment" but for some reason I pictured her as being a sassy, miss thang, with an attitude black woman. But I was totally wrong when I saw her picture on the website. And from the way you talk about her, she seem like a cook chick. Damn, JC hit a goldmine! She is very hot....you go boyeehh!!!! From now on Kinseylicious is the way to describe a hot chick!!!

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Subject: Question

Jill (sad)
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Date Posted: 19:26:53 04/29/08 Tue

Hey, I am trying to find the baby bump ring tone that kelly did a while back. Is it still available? I am finally pregnant, and want that fun ring tone. Let me know by email please!!!

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Subject: Freddy Tonight!!!

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Date Posted: 17:52:49 04/29/08 Tue

So this morning i was listining to your show but then I had to go into school and didn't hear what time or where Freddy would be performing.
I would love to go see him so if you could please email back soon that would be great! Or if anyone knows please reply to me :]

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Subject: Freddy

Diane (excited)
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Date Posted: 17:44:33 04/29/08 Tue

Freddy is amazing! I have been recently (3 months) introduced to kidd kraddick morning show. ya'll are funny and it is an excellent show. I am a big fan. However, I must admit that since the start of the "freddy situation" i am obsessed. i feel that kidd has shown such a personal approach (unlike record labels). Obviously, kidd's warmth is the reason for freddy's decision to want to stay in Texas and record the album. I can't wait to turn the radio on in the morning and check on Freddy. He's very talented and level headed and I wish him only the best. Shout out to random man.

Love you guy's!! Your most recent everyday listener,

Diane....South MS

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Subject: a gig for freddy

Candice Lu (hopeful)
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Date Posted: 17:22:43 04/29/08 Tue

To Kidd Kraddick in the morning and Freddy--
I know it's super late notice, but i figured if Freddy wants to be heard by a phenomenal group of people, this gig aught to be considered.. alright so this friday (May 2)Rockwall, Texas is having a Relay For Life. It's 12 hours (7pm-7am) of activity all for cancer fundraising. If Freddy could perform that friday evening i don't even know how much everybody'll love it!! People of all ages will be there so Freddy's music will easily spread fast. rockwall will be great at supporting him :] (take jason castro for example!)

& Freddy, i'll happily pay you to come out to rockwall! you have amazing talent that i hope we'll all be able to witness! so please email me or check out the relay for life website...
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.relayforlife.org/relay/">http://www.relayforlife.org/relay/</a>

it may be a little difficult to organize on such short notice, but i know it can happen

thanks :]

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Subject: Freddy

Jennifer (intrigued)
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Date Posted: 17:11:35 04/29/08 Tue

I think Freddy's idea sounds really interesting. If he made appearances this summer to raise money... I would definitely go see him. I am sure a lot of other people would too. I think it's great that he isn't taking the easy way out and is trying to do things his own way this time. It speaks volumes about someone's character when they choose values over money in such a money-driven society. I listen to the show regularly. Since you have had Freddy on, I can't wait to hear what is going to happen next and enjoy getting to hear his upbeat music in the AM. :)

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Subject: Frederick

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Date Posted: 17:04:27 04/29/08 Tue

Total overkill on this Freddy thing. Dallas should NEVER help anyone from Philadelphia! There are other acts coming through your town you completely ignored thanks to Frederick.

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Subject: Freddy Can Be Successful Without A Major Record Deal

cindy (excited)
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Date Posted: 16:57:58 04/29/08 Tue

I love the idea of the fans being involved in making Freddy's sd. He really doesn't need to sign a major record label to be successful. If he works hard Freddy can promote his own cd on the internet. I like www.musicbizacademy.com
David Nevue tells how he has been able to get his music to his fans as well as make money doing it. The saying "You can do anything you set your mind to", is absolutely true.

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Subject: Amazing on Friday

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Date Posted: 10:42:43 04/29/08 Tue

I posted a msg on Saturday and waiting for approval...I guess you didn't like it because I don't see it on here! It was regarding the song by Elliott Yamin "One Word". I like Freddy but hearing Elliott's voice was nice as well! This is what I wrote:
"Your show on Friday touched on the word "amazing". It was nice of you to sync Elliott Yamin's "all I can say is amazing" phrase from his single One Word every time the word amazing was mentioned or said. I'm an Elliott Yamin fan and it was a treat to hear Elliott's voice every 2 minutes or so singing "all I can say is amazing"...Anyway, if you get a chance, can you please play the whole song (One Word)on your show? It would totally be amazing if your listeners get to hear the whole song!! Thanks, Kidd!!"

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Subject: what round about time

Angel Dreamer (Interested)
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Date Posted: 10:18:23 04/29/08 Tue

I work in Irving so i was gonna go to the Texas Bar&Grill tonight to see this Freddy guy i hear tall talk about so much. But I didnt ever hear yall say what time he was suposed to be there tonight. please email me back. thanks!

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Subject: Miley Cyrus

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Date Posted: 07:41:29 04/29/08 Tue

I was listening this morning and I was surprised and disappointed that Kidd was calling for Miley Cyrus to be fired by Disney. It's interesting to me that no one has called to task the etremely experienced photographer who took the pictures. This man has been doing this job for longer than some of us have been on this earth and I think he took advantage of HIS celebrity when he took this picture. He probably could have taken advantage of most people who know who he is because it's supposed to be such a big honor to be photographed by him. Also Kidd, I don't recall you asking for Vanessa Hudgins to be fired and she had on a whole lot less than Miley and Jamie Lynn Spears is from Nicolodeon not Disney. As for the bra strap picture. At 15 my best friend from high school showed a boy her underwear when we were in 9th grade, She still made it to college a virgin. So did I. We as parents need to start realizing that children do not so smart things sometimes and it has nothing to do with people on TV. I think Kidd should ask his daughter if she ever did anything like that and I think that if she is honest he'll be surprised and since she was 15 before Miley Cyrus was who's he going to blame for that.

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Date Posted: 13:07:06 04/29/08 Tue

I'm not in favor of them getting back together. I love Big Al but I'm sorry, he had not only 1 chance but 2 and couldnt treat her right either time. So Big Al, I say to you suck it up and reflect on how you can treat the next lady that comes your way. And it will get better with time. I'm sure Bartendica is hurting as well.

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Subject: Uh oh Freddy

perla (concerned)
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Date Posted: 12:51:38 04/28/08 Mon

i like freddy's idea, but at the same time, i dont know if all the listeners are going to want to hear about this any longer. I mean i like Freddy and i think his music is great, and he seems like an awesome human being, but at some point, this might get old. i dont know, just my opinion.

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Subject: Miley

Kimberly (I don't think she should be fired)
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Date Posted: 11:58:51 04/29/08 Tue

I personally don't think that Miley should be fired. If Disney didn't fire Vanessa Hudgins for her pictures, then it would be hypocritical for them to fire Miley. I think her parents should have put their foot down and said they weren't going to leave. That's just dumb. At 15 years old, your parents still have a say in your life. They should have put their foot down and not let the photographer take that picture. As for the ones Miley took herself. What girl doesn't take pictures of herself? It's a girl thing. They might not be as racey as Miley's, but that wisdome comes with age. She's 15 years old. It just shows how normal she is. There are other 15 year old girls doing the same thing, they just aren't famous. That's what it comes down to. If Miley wasn't famous, this wouldn't be a big deal. She's 15. She will grow out of it. She's still learning.

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Subject: Freddy's "idea" questions...

Heather Olsen (Grateful)
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Date Posted: 08:16:00 04/29/08 Tue

I don't understand too much about the business side of the music industry. My questions are about long term exposure for Freddy. With Kidd & the fans, he can make an album, market it to Kidd's listeners, and get radio play on Kidd's affiliates. However, as much as I love Kidd, I don't think that is enough to give Freddy the push he needs to become the national, or worldwide performer that he DESERVES to be. Who pays for the plane tickets? Who pays for the agent, lawyer, and other NECESSARY people he needs in his corner to navigate this psycho business? Who underwrites the tour? Who underwrites the merchandise? Do fans put money where there mouth/vote is and help with financing this whole "IDEA"?! I'm willing to, and hope others will too but even if you get a thousand bucks from 200 fans like me you're just scratching the surface.

All that being said, I am the biggest Freddy fan around. I have a tender heart, as a mom, for this kid trying to do this right. I am also the biggest Kidd fan around as proven by Kidd's lovely version of "Heather you're all that I want, when the ratings dwindle to one, I'll have Heather" sung a year or so ago to the tune of "Heaven" rmember that? :). I want this to work, but question long term if its win/win for everyone.

You guys are the best, and I hope Freddy appreciates Kidd's big heart that started this whole process. I'm guessing Kidd, that Freddy's heart is fairly similiar and that you two can go a long way to change some of the ugly things about this industry if this works out right.

Lots of love and prayers being sent your way,

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Subject: No Subject

Megan (Bored)
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Date Posted: 08:59:09 04/14/08 Mon


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Subject: Freddy's First Album Title

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Date Posted: 07:34:20 04/29/08 Tue

I think the title of Freddy's first album should be AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Subject: Pictures and Disney

Adam Wright
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Date Posted: 08:04:08 04/29/08 Tue

You really have to remember, pictures are only what a person might see. Different ages see different things. Younger Americans are not as dumb as Kelly makes them out to be. Some do know right from wrong, no more or less than many adults out there. I believe the Vanity Fair pictures are an art form. So be it if she is covered by a sheet. 150 years ago, 15 year old girl would be an adult and married, todays times 15 is under age. Our time, new rules judge and cloud ones mind. Wake up people. She was not on the cover of Playboy. Teens, will be teens, adults will be adults, and there is always someone out there that will complain. That is how the world seems to work. Disney, itself is a big company, owning many other studios, even some that make films that many people dont watch, or will never watch. Its a bussiness, like Kiss FM is a bussiness. Kiss FM should be taken as its an audience above a certain age. Parents need to step up here. If you let you child listen to Kiss FM, any time of the day, then you should know what is being said on the air. Most of us like the lyrics in Sexy Can I, some of us enjoy that. Why do you think Sirius and XM are getting bigger, becuase they dont have to listen to the people that whine all day about stuff that has no effect. Grow up. Learn.

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Subject: J. C.

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Date Posted: 09:57:52 04/29/08 Tue

Unfortunately I am not able to listen to your show consistently due to work, but the few times I have listened, J.C. is having issues with his girlfriend. I would imagine some of the info. has got to be made up, but either way, I believe she is lying to him. J.C. has given her the benefit of the doubt too often. From my perspective, she does what ever she wants to do knowing he will not leave her. Todays story was unbelievable. I am not sure about her age (immature and disrespectful), but she does not care about J.C.

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Subject: comments about serbia

hilda halum (disappointed)
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Date Posted: 09:48:59 04/29/08 Tue

Dear Kidd,
I cant't tell you how many years I've enjoyed listening to your radio show, but today I was very disappointed. For a person who prides himself in helping others,your comments about who won the war in Serbia were insensative and ignorant. If you ask me, no one wins when innocent women, children, and men are murdered--no matter if their Muslim or Christian. Keep in mind this was a war of "ethnic cleansing" of non-Serbs, where over 100,000 people were killed and over 3 million were forced to leave their homes. Kidd, I expect more from a compassionate individual like yourself.

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Subject: FREDDIE

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Date Posted: 09:27:34 04/29/08 Tue


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Subject: Miley Cyrus's "Art"

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Date Posted: 09:12:45 04/29/08 Tue

How is it exactly that topless pictures of a 15 year old wrapped up in a bed sheet is art and not kiddie porn? Just because she's rich doesn't mean that Miley Cyrus should be able to be an exception. If it had been a normal run of the mill, every day 15 year old girl, it would have been a completely different story. I don't care about the fan base, or her Disney contracts, or anything else for that matter, the girl is 15 years old and has NO business posing in such a provocative spread. When she's 18 we can debate about her fans, and how she's supposed to be a role model, but she's got 3 more years to go; right now, she's just a child.

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Subject: Miley Cyrus

Estee Leger
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Date Posted: 09:12:26 04/29/08 Tue

I think everyone needs to leave Miley Cyrus ALONE. She is a teenager !!!! Please leave this girl alone before the media turns her into Britney Spears. The media is gonna drive her MAD the same way they torture Britney!!!!!!!!

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Subject: what's wrong with us

big k (C.B.A.R. (confused beyond all recognition))
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Date Posted: 07:34:42 04/29/08 Tue

why is everybody worried about miley cyrus. are there not more pressing issues in the nation right now. for example, how come nobody is trying to to figure a way to stop the oil companies from "raping" at the gas pump, or why the value of the american dollar is going down. no. thats not important, apparently what is, is that the candidates for president get a spot on american idol (because they know more people will vote on that than in the presidential election). and why does the current president think that giving everybody a rinky dink check is going to solve all our money issues. how bout mandating that companies give their employees a raise to catch up with the cost of living. but, nevermind all that, maybe im wrong. maybe miley cyrus is more important. sorry go on with the show.

"keep lookin up".

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Subject: That's his music, don't wear it out!

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Date Posted: 08:43:37 04/29/08 Tue

I love Freddy, he's great, very talented, charming, confident and forward-thinking. Kidd, you need to step up. Take your Adderall and get on board doing at least a mini-album. Enough of the "I like the way" every 3.5 minutes, you're ruining the good vibe by making us hate the song (like the Sarah Bareilles "love song" that is played every half hour, please STOP wearing out a song!)

Work with him, and get some tunes going for purchase... Kidd, you called him and stirred this nest, now Freddy has a unique idea, what better thing to do with your summer for at least 30 mins of your show every day or two? I'm not saying do it on the air, but you clearly want him to be a star, you are the one who discovered him and started this ball rolling. Kidd, do NOT abandon him. You "signed on" when you called him, now he's taking the reins, but you still need to help.

I picture him having a mini-album of a few tunes, and signing the RIGHT record deal with the RIGHT company (because he will need touring money, or at least a free Winnebago or something to make summer concert appearances across the US, if that's what he wants) Make sure you sign with someone who can't fire you over voicemail or who pays a penalty for letting you go. The world's at your feet, Freddy. If they offer you a squillion dollars, tell them you'll only take a million, and then % of what your songs sell. CHANGE the industry! But Kidd, you need to be right with him, you practically set yourself up as his savior/manager.

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Subject: What happened to Freddy staying in school?

Brenda (curious)
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Date Posted: 08:33:03 04/29/08 Tue

Hey, I was wondering what happened to what Kidd said about one of the things being that Freddy has to stay in school...but if he's here a month doing the whole album thing, what happens to school??

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Subject: Show Biz Top Five

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Date Posted: 08:30:38 04/29/08 Tue

UGH! I see why Kellie is in radio, whats with the over exagerated facial expressions?

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Subject: Miley Cyrus

Amanda Dominguez (Disney has no say what is sexy)
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Date Posted: 07:56:23 04/29/08 Tue

I was listening to the show about Miley Cyrus and the on and on about over sexed teenagers.

I want to make is it clear that Disney can't be upset at the photos. The CEO of disney owns a portion of the vastly huge porn industry. Family friendly??? Why do you think that Roy Disney has distanced himself from the Disney franchise...it is not apart of his brother's dream and oppurtunity. So for Disney to come down on Miley is hypocritical.

As for oversexed teen girls.... they were oversexed long before miley cyrus. She is just a bigger influence then all the rest. Christina A... sang I'm a genie in a bottle you have to rub me the right way...sexual I think so. Teenage girls are posting pics of themselves in worst poses then miley. Although there are more tasteful ways of promoting miley artistic-ness. Big al is right...at the end of teh day it is all about the $$$$.

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Katie (just woke up)
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Date Posted: 07:37:22 04/29/08 Tue

i am on your website and my school starts at 8:30 and im going to be voting yes for freddy from now until school starts.
i think his story is amazing and he totally deserves a second chance and he obviously wants to make a record, and why not have fun doing it?
especially with you guys it'll be a great thing to look back at.
i think you guys are great for what you are doing, and i think it was very nice for freddy to not just take the record deal and leave you guys even though that's what you guys were expecting him to do. but he wants to stay with you even more reason to make the record with him!
i hope the best of luck to freddy he is very very talented
and i love you guys!

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Subject: Freddy

3vines (happy)
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Date Posted: 07:36:58 04/29/08 Tue

Love Freddy. voting yes to whatever he wants to do. Kidd should hire him for the summer. He can sit next to J-Si!

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Subject: miley cyris

holly spence (upset)
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Date Posted: 07:33:01 04/29/08 Tue

i would like to comment about the vanity fair photographs, as a photographer i would never think to pose a fifteen year old in that manner, it's a very artistic photo i agree but not w/a fifteen year old, if i did this at the studio i worked i would be fired. this pic is soft core porn for pervs, most men don't need her breast exposed for this to do something for them. i say shame on the photographer and her parents, she is 15! as a mother to pre-teen boys who love miley, they like most children have no idea what vanity fair is, so if were not for the media blowing this up my children would never have known, but they saw it on the today show. the personal photos she is just being 15 that doesn't mean they are all ok but i don't think they are near as bad as people are making them out to be. thanks

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Subject: Freddy's SONG

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Date Posted: 07:26:34 04/29/08 Tue

Does Kidd HAVE to play the "I like the waaaaay" song every time he mentions Freddy? It's already overplayed! At least mix it up a bit, Kidd!

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Subject: Stop the nude pictures issue

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Date Posted: 07:17:13 04/29/08 Tue

Kidd, Kellie and AL, stop your bashing of the Molie Cyrus issue. If her parents are not saying anything, Disney did not say anything, who are you guys to say anything. Nobody cares. I am a recent father of a 5 month old daughter, I don't like what's going on, but that's just me. I have no right to tell someone else what or what their daughter can do. I agree with Kellie, but who cares. Just raise your own kids and hope thing turn up fine. The media does not care, they want news. Britney, with 2 kids and possibly a third. Lynn pregnant at 16.....It's all news......TV would rather report the hell out of it than to profile US soldiers dying in Iraq or Red Cross helping people across the glode. You all work in the media and you yourself knows what you report everyday! Not bashing you guys here, and I enjoy your morning show but........

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Subject: Hmm

Brittany (Irritated)
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Date Posted: 07:13:07 04/29/08 Tue

OKAY Kidd, I listen to your show every morning in Midland Texas. This morning however I hopped in my car and drove maybe 5 minutes and was completely annoyed by you and Kelly ranting about Miley Cyrus' photos. I looked at them on the vanity fair website yesterday and I really dont see anything wrong with them! She was clothed from the waist down, her chest is totally covered and all you see is some ribs and a part of her back! What is the big deal??? She's 15 yeah, SO WHAT, there are tons of girls out there today with photos MUCH worse than that. If her parents had such a problem with it they could have stopped the photos from being printed, they obviously didnt. On another note I dont think Disney should drop her because they make millions off of her and any young girl watching Disney SHOULDNT be reading Vanity Fair... if they are well then that is the parents of that childs fault! You dont want your kid doing what Miley did then dont let them see Vanity Fair or Myspace, there are ways to block those websites nowadays and if you dont want them seeing it on TV then buy a box that prevents the channels. Come on now... OH and let JC talk for once without interrupting him every single word.

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Subject: Is Dinsey Financially or Family Driven?

Craig (Saddened)
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Date Posted: 07:11:43 04/29/08 Tue

Hey, I'm a regular listner and just thought about something I heard this morning on your show. "Are Disney's values Financial or Family driven?

Well before recently I would have said Family but, not only is there turmoil in the real world with Disney celebrities but also turmoil in the virtual world. Disney has decided to shut down one of it's most successful online games VMK, or Virtual Magic Kingdom. It is a place where all kids can go to be normal. There are many kids online that are dissabled or have illnesses, many like the children you take on Kidd's Kids. I am a proud member of this community and am frantically trying to keep in touch with my friends that I have made but am having difficulty because of the sites restrictions. These restrictions though do make the site safer. Kidd, if you read this I would like you to run this story on the show...

Well back to the topic, Disney is definitly FINANCIALLY driven now. They are closing family games that only brought in a little revenue and are keeping celebrities that are being sexual. This doesn't sound very family oriented to me.


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Subject: Freddy

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Date Posted: 07:10:34 04/29/08 Tue

Just because he didn't have a great experience with the last record company doesn't mean he shouldn't sign with another. You gave him his 2nd chance Kidd. If you don't take him under your wing and be his record producer, etc., doesn't mean you deserted him. Even Mariah got dropped and now she's back. Because of you he got another offer! I know you'll do whats best for everyone.

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Subject: Miley

TJ (aggrivated)
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Date Posted: 06:59:04 04/29/08 Tue

I am a little aggrivated at Kidd Kraddicks opionion concerning Miley. I didn't actually like the photo I thought the photographer could have done a better photo, but I wouldn't have called it dirty. Miley isn't showing anything except her middle and top portion of her back. Also, Parents have a moral obligation to watch their children and teach them about morals. If you wouldn't want your child to pose in a picture of that sort you would teach them the reasons why, but I will not have them make judgement on the girl in the photo. Children grow and will be faced with things in their life that we will not be there to decide for them and the children will definitely see all kinds of things in the world, unless we have them in a barracade. So... although I love ya Kidd kraddick don't be so judgemental of Miley and try to ruin her career.

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Subject: Miley Cyrus

J Renee Dixon (Yea, Yea, Yea~!!!!!!!)
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Date Posted: 06:54:02 04/29/08 Tue

YEA,YEA,YEA.........Somebody needs to make up their f...... minds........This is in reference to the Miley Cyrus pictures and the whole conversation......America as a whole needs to define kids and adults, and stick to that....if Miley Cyrus, and whoever else killed someone, you would have no problem defining them as an adult, but when it something like this, Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, they are children.....Please give me a break~~!!!! You reap what you sow, and if on one hand you classify a kid as an adult, on the other hand they are children, just whatever fits the agenda of the day......this is what you get~~!!!!! Yea, yea, yea`~~~~!!!!

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Subject: Freddy ~ AMAZING and so are you!

Karen ~ (Excited!)
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Date Posted: 01:22:22 04/29/08 Tue

What you all did for Freddy is totally amazing! Yes... AMAZING! You have inspired me and many others! Yes! Freddy has inspired me too and my kids, one very active in the music world! I admire what your doing, what you did and you have touches so many lives with your act of kindness! I've followed the show from the beginning of Freddy's first conversation with you! I can hear him FEEL happy and inspired once again! It is people like you that make that difference in this journey I call life! We need so many more like you! I vote YES!! To Freddy's deal! I hope it works out! For everyone! Hugs to you all! I love your show! I sit in the car for an hour after dropping off kids at school, just so I don't miss anything from car to radio inside... ha! Hugs to you all ~ Thank you for everything!
Karen ~

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Subject: Freddy's Idea

Felisha Hernandez
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Date Posted: 22:23:04 04/28/08 Mon

Kidd, I totally think you should get on board with Freddy's idea of producing his first cd on the show. I love his music and can't wait to buy one of his cd's. I hate downloading music and prefer to physically buy the cd, but for Freddy I would totally pay for the download. I don't want to mess with Itunes, so if your web page would sell it, I would totally buy it. Sooo, pleeeaassse say yes to Freddy's idea. Thanks!

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Subject: Freddy's GREAT Idea

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Date Posted: 20:13:52 04/28/08 Mon

Freddy's idea is great hopefully it will work out on kidd's end it would be even greater if he could have the station do the record stuff and have him work as a artist who goes to the cities where the station is played. I know I would LOVE to see him up in Scranton again. Last weeks series of shows was great I hope all the best for Freddy and hope he doesn't make the mistake of the record deal they would just exploit his talent for making a buck where if Kidd can get his people on board this would be a great new wave of skills and talent from people.

All the best Freddy!!
Frank Giles

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Subject: awwwwww

(alex)andra hogan (dissapointed)
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Date Posted: 19:38:33 04/28/08 Mon

hey how come u guys on the show say like j.c. is soooooo hot well u guys are blinde or just like trying to make him feel better i thought he was hott and how i pictured him was wwwwwwaaaaaayyyyy hotter but i was so totally wrong

but ur show is sooo awesome and i absolutey love (not like lezbo love but like funny love) makenzie

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Subject: Freddy

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Date Posted: 18:32:27 04/28/08 Mon

Okay, I am an avid listener of your show and have been listening since day one of your Amarillo syndication, but OHHHHHH I cannot wait for this Freddy thing to be over. It got real old real fast. Don't get me wrong, I like his music and he seems like a talented guy and I think it is cool that you gave him a 2nd chance at his passion, but even when you had other more established artists on you were beating them with the Freddy stuff. Just know when to say when. Fine, set a certain part of the show up to be about Freddy, but when you have an amazing guy like Jason Mraz on, don't beat him down with this.
Still a fan!

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Subject: I think it is a great idea to make an albulm with Freddy!

Deanna D Gonzales (Enthused)
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Date Posted: 18:07:52 04/28/08 Mon

What a fabulous idea to create an albulm with the input of the listeners!! Just imagine the possibilities. KISS FM and KIDD KRADDICK in the Morning would be stepping out and doing something no one has ever done. This venture has the potential to be a huge success. Do It!!!

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Subject: Freddy

Helen (Excitied)
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Date Posted: 18:05:14 04/28/08 Mon

I think Kidd & the fans should help Freddy make his album.
It would be the first one of its kind and would be special to all his fans.......Please Kidd say yessss!!!!!!!!!

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Subject: Freddy's Request

Shawn (Hey, its different.)
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Date Posted: 18:02:25 04/28/08 Mon

I heard Freddy this morning on your show and I have to say his idea for the fans voting on his CD is unique. Now, it is risky because fans are fickle and to give them that much control can be dangerous. However it will be a great ride and if it works it could possibly make him blow up bigger than expected....if its possible, give him a shot.

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Subject: JC

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Date Posted: 10:40:16 04/24/08 Thu

I love J.C.'s laugh! It makes me smile and crack up every single time he laughs!

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Subject: Freddy

kiva chavez (happy)
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Date Posted: 15:53:53 04/28/08 Mon

I cant tell you how much i love Freddy's songs! i don't know why the record company dropped him, but i'm sure they are going to regret it! He's awesome!

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Subject: Freddy

Keri Oates
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Date Posted: 16:19:47 04/25/08 Fri

You need to know that I believe that you truly have an angel's heart. Freddy is truly a find and record labels would be fools not to scoop this kid up. It is so great to hear some real music that comes from a real heart and not some pre produced, assembly line mumbo jumbo that the record companies push off on the artist and the public to endure. I wish Freddy all of the luck in the world; I know that he will be HUGE!

Keri Oates

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Subject: To Help

Andrew S. (Exuberant)
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Date Posted: 15:25:46 04/28/08 Mon

Hello Kidd and Crew,

I love what you did for Freddy. From what I have heard on the radio I know he is someone worthy of the opportunity and believe he will go far. I wish I could have seen him play in Dallas. I live near Tyler and I was working the morning that he showed up in Dallas. I hope that you decide to help him even more by using his idea. Giving back to the fans would be Amazing! Also if Freddy needs any Pro Photos taken for an album or something, I would be more than happy to help; no cost to him. I am a student Photographer in my spare time. I love your show and think of it as the radio show of miracles. It helps me to remain thankful for the Blessings I have and to never give up on myself or others.
Thank you so much Kidd and Crew

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Subject: Freddy

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Date Posted: 12:51:52 04/28/08 Mon

Kidd Freddy is amazing.. I don't steal music but I haven't bought any for like 3 years. I would buy Freddy's album though. Whatever he decides to do I want him to be succesful and Im sure there are more than enough people that would help contribute to his success. After Freddy Finger 11 and Ray-J seemed like D list celebrities.

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Subject: Freddy

Angela Perez
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Date Posted: 12:32:08 04/28/08 Mon

I just want to tell you,I think this last week was Amazing.
I felt just like Freddy I didn't want it to be completely over. I think you have started something that has a life of its own.I think his idea is the greatest.Producing his music underground ,so to speak. You just have to keep him Pleeaase.You know thats what this age is missing,individualism.I think we need someone to be our hero. I think 106.1 and Freddy could be our music heros.We love ya'll I've been listening since 2005 and I think you all you are the greatest.

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Subject: Freddy!!!!!!!

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Date Posted: 12:20:48 04/28/08 Mon

Wow, Kidd

You really picked a good one this time. I knew from the start that this kid had a great heart. And his idea this morning just proves it beyond a reasonable doubt. For him not to sign on with a big record label and to want to produce and album with you and your radio listeners. WOW. My vote is to let him stay and be a part of the show for the summer. Thanks kid. His music has brought goose bumps and tears to my eyes. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.

Tracie K. Vestall,

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Subject: Freddy Video From BR

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Date Posted: 12:15:43 04/28/08 Mon

Were's the video that was shot in Baton Rouge???? I know a lot of filming was done here cause we were right up in front the stage. I would like to know too is there anyway we can see the entire show maybe on youtube.com? Kinda confused as to why we don't see it online since this was supposed to have been the largest show he had??

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Subject: Miley Burnout

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Date Posted: 12:09:20 04/28/08 Mon

Misled? Yea right. Did anyone see the pic she took with her dad? Not the typical father daughter portrait I would say. And why Vanity Fair? Do her teeny bopper fans read that? I doubt it...more like the age group of the parents. Vanity Fair has put out racy photos of celebs before so Miley and her people knew what they were doing.

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Subject: Freddy

J Ruiz (Jaruiz)
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Date Posted: 10:52:33 04/28/08 Mon

Hey kidd, love your show. I have been listening for quite some time but reallly got hooked on it this past week with the Freddy story. I think he is making the right choice by not signing a record deal and I think his idea is great. What a better end to his story. I thought from the beginnig that you had a deal for him. Not that you have not done enough, but I allways wondered what was at the end. I think the fans would definetely support you and of course him. Take him on his offer. We the fans support the idea. Beat the record labels who only care about getting our money. Keep it real.

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Subject: freddie and his idea

f d (give back)
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Date Posted: 10:49:37 04/28/08 Mon

Hey Kidd and the rest of the crew, I think that you all did a great thing for Freddie and it will be really interesting to see where the BIG idea goes. My thought is this: If this idea gets off the ground and Freddie makes it itno the big leagues, would he be willing to contribute a percentage of sales to Kidd's kids as a thank you for helping him along the path to success? In this way his good fortune is returned as a gift to those who are also in need of a little good fortune. Just a thought...

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Subject: Freddy!!

Brandi Tressler
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Date Posted: 10:45:34 04/28/08 Mon

Kidd, you totally need your own label so Freddy can make his record with us!!! I'm on board!!

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Subject: Freddy

Leslie (Impressed)
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Date Posted: 10:39:18 04/28/08 Mon

Hey, Kidd, Freddy is a genius!!! (And so are you!) His idea is the smartest idea in music since Nine In Nails released their last "album." I really hope you do this and would love to help in any way I can. I am a web developer in Dallas that loves Freddy, so just let me know. By the way, he's all over Twitter, too. You have successfully created a viral phenomenon. Congrats!!!

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Date Posted: 10:22:49 04/28/08 Mon


HEY IM CLAUDIA, JUST 1 OF PROBABLY (1112234556677888900988765544321212323456788653222234566778899000098876700099898888999988766543212231112222222222344543467888654322223345677890000098762345678876543221111111111234567888887654321345678990000987654332111112345678999999998765432222) MANY LISTENERS I AM JUST SAYING YOU HAVE A GREAT AND FABULOUS STATION TO LISTEN TO ITS MY FAV. BUT ANYWAYS I JUST ASK IF YOU COULD MAYBE PLAY A LIL' MORE MARIAH CAREY (BYE BYE) IM JUST IN LOVE W/ HER SHE IS ONE OF MY IDOLS AND THIS NEW ARTIST 9JO DE LA ROSA) SHE WAS ON "BRAVO'S" THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ORANGE COUNTY AND SHE IS JUST AMAZING!! SO IF YOU COULD DO ME THOSE FAVORS IT WOULD BE HIGHLY APPRICIATED!


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Subject: Freddy

Jan in Savannah GA (enthusiastic)
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Date Posted: 10:17:51 04/28/08 Mon

Kidd, as a long time listener, I have witnessed you and your show do lots of mighty good things. This is another one of those life changing things that you have made possible for someone you didn't even know. Please don't do to him what the record company did. DON'T DESERT HIM, DON'T LEAVE HIM HANGING! You have encouraged him to drive all the way across the country, introduced him to a big fan base already. Hey, don't desert US, his fans, who want to be able to buy his music, be it CD or itunes.
You'd want Caroline to helped by someone like you wouldn't you? Especially after she had worked really hard for years on her passion...
I know you will make the right decision.
God Bless you all.

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Subject: Kidd, Food for thought about Freddie's idea . . .

Mary Henry (deep thought)
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Date Posted: 10:02:06 04/28/08 Mon

I listen to your show on Jammin' 105.9FM in Austin, Texas.
After listening to your show this morning, I have a few deep-thought questions about Freddie's idea ?

1. What's in it for KiddLive ?
"Proceeds to benefit Kidd's Kids", maybe ?

2. Freddie is oh-so-talented and it was inevitable that he
would get this deal after your exposure.
Will KiddLive be perceived as taking advantage of
Freddie to get ratings and promote the show ?

3. I don't have an opinion either way, as I like Freddie's
music and was drawn to your website for the first time
after hearing him on your show,
But, perhaps we should think of other outside-the-box
ramifications of implementing Freddie's idea:
a.) Does this mean that other artists you find will
also want to follow in Freddie's path
and have you all play their music and help them
sell records in this way ?
b.) It is an different path than what is normally seen,
i.e. signing with a record company,
so, won't other artists and record companies
complain about you all doing this
non-traditional approach and impacting record
share ?
c.) Isn't this similar to American Idol in a way, in
that you all would be doing something
that is extremely non-traditional ? I reiterate,
it will create major waves in the industry.
d.) Will this make it uncomfortable for other
established artists to come to your studios and
sit down with KiddLive if you are actively engaged
in promoting Freddie on the show ?

4. If the decision is made to move forward with this idea
on KiddLive, we would have to do
a better job of planning out the Stages of
Implementation. The drive from upstate to Dallas
was exciting and daring, but there was no planned :
a) way to get back home.
b) discussion of what Freddie hoped to accomplish in
the big picture with the exposure.
c) Measure of success.

5. What are the risks/drawbacks to doing this ?

6. Why hasn't someone collaborated with and done this
before with a radio station ?

Just some food for thought...

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Subject: Freddy's Music

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Date Posted: 09:22:22 04/28/08 Mon

I would support Freddy any way I could to see him get his music made. He's very talented, he sounds AMAZING Live, and I think he'll go a long way! Just let us know, Kidd! What's the best way to get his music?

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Subject: Best Idea EVER

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Date Posted: 09:12:14 04/28/08 Mon

I think Freddy's idea is one of the best ideas I've ever heard! It's even more original the Radiohead's idea to make people pay for their record only if they want to... Nothing will get people to buy a record than if they were personally involved. It's like when bands invite people to their shows because they have invested so much time and effort into it - they're proud of it because they're intimately involved. I think it would work the same way when thousands of people have their input considered - they'll be proud of being involved in the production of Freddy's record and A. buy it and B. promote it.

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Subject: Freddys idea

Stephanie (happy)
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Date Posted: 09:11:48 04/28/08 Mon

I LOVE Freddy's idea! Please take him up on this offer! It would be awesome and as a listener of yours since the 80's, I would love to be a part of something like this!

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Subject: First time...

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Date Posted: 09:10:57 04/28/08 Mon

Hey Guys...This is my first time checking the website( I listen to kiss for many many years)I have to say how weird is to see and match the faces with the voice i`ve been hearing all this years. What brought me here for this very first time was Freddy. I loved what you did for him giving a chance to put his music out again. I love the songs and I thought his idea was really great even with all negativity coming from kelly( she`s been really negative lately and ccomplaining way too much for a morning show).I love your show and you guys are my favorite in the morning..I love Freddy and I`m 32 ..hahaha...keep up...

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Subject: Freddy in Dallas

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Date Posted: 09:10:48 04/28/08 Mon

Where's the video and pictures from Freddy's Dallas appearance?

Also, had to step away from the radio this morning. What was Freddy's big idea?

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Subject: Music that makes you cooler...

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Date Posted: 09:06:18 04/28/08 Mon

Hey guys!!! I just want to say that I am IN LOVE with your show...Ive been listening for a little over 5 years now, and I can't get enough of ya'll! I wanted to let you know about an awesome band called Mayday Parade from Tallahassee,Florida. They're signed to Fearless Records (with Plain White T's)and they're amazing. They have a myspace so you can listen to their music. My cousin is the lead-singer of the band, and I've grown up around most of the other guys, and I can honestly say that they're all sweethearts. Please check 'em out, I DEFINETLY feel cooler listening to them! :) I love you guys!!!!

-Alana (Tallahassee,Fl)

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Subject: Freddy IS amazing!

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Date Posted: 08:58:38 04/28/08 Mon

Kidd and Co.,
I love Freddy's idea about putting together an album with his fans. It is totally original and a great shout out to the people who should really matter most to any artist. I totally respect the opinion of this show and have bought a lot of music recommended on Music that Makes You Cooler. After the show on Friday, I was worried we wouldn't hear from Freddy again and it made me sad so this was a great start to Monday morning. You should set up a little donation account for Freddy so his new fans can help him get this new album going, I can't wait to buy a copy!

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Subject: Freddie Idea

Jesi Roberts (don't stop beliveing)
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Date Posted: 08:54:21 04/28/08 Mon

Just heard Freddie's idea. Hey ya'll have the chance to be a part of something huge and ground breaking. Kidd you started this and "us" your listners are supporting Freddie. Besides getting your show great press, this idea is like a reality show for us listners. A chance to be a part of something big. Say "YES" Kidd!

Don't forget about Mixfest coming up here in San Antonio!Send him down to kick it off!!!!

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Subject: Step up

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Date Posted: 08:52:07 04/28/08 Mon

I think Freddy’s idea is pretty cool. You guys have a chance to help out a good kid and keep him genuine instead of wiping your hands clean and throwing him to the wolves. Yes, it would be easier for you to tell him no, of I can’t do it but why not take the challenge and do something incredible. You guys always complain that once someone becomes big they no long know you. Here is a kid willing to give up big bucks and put his fate in your hands. He is willing to take a chance on you, don’t you owe him the same. Show the listeners you can rise to the top honestly! Don’t do it to make money, then you are no better than the labels; exploiting someone else for your own personal gain! This kid has faith in you; he believes you are different. Show him that people still care even when there is nothing in it for them, show the world!

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Subject: Freddy making his music for the show

Maryan (open-minded)
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Date Posted: 08:50:11 04/28/08 Mon

I've been listening to the show this morning. LOVE IT!

Anyways, I heard how Freddy was talking about making his music for the show and keeping the audience involved.

Well, what if you sell the CD's on this site and use some of the profit for some of the charities you do on this show.

Freddy would be able to play his music the way he wants to and Kraddick fans would be able to benefit!

I don't know, just an idea.

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Subject: freddie

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Date Posted: 08:49:11 04/28/08 Mon

i have to say that freddie's songs have been stuck in my head since he came on and played on friday.....his idea about doing a record with you all and having the fans vote for everything is a wonderful idea! i really hope it goes through cause i cant wait to get my hands on some of his music! i got online and saw his picture this morning and about fell out of my chair! gorgeous! anyway, i'll keep listening and hoping that you guys find a way to pull this album off! good luck!

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Subject: Freddy Wexler

Annette Muir
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Date Posted: 08:44:11 04/28/08 Mon

I was just listening to Freddy and Kidd Kraddick on Freddy's idea about making a record. I think it is absolutely a great idea having the listeners a part of it and Kidd apart of it. Freddy's music is wonderful. I love it especially the theme song he wrote. I hope you guys agree to do this with him. He sounds like he could produce an album with help. Would love to have an album from him. I am also a 49 year old mom that likes his music. Thanks, Annette

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Subject: Freddie

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Date Posted: 08:43:18 04/28/08 Mon

DO IT!!! Your music is great. It is not record studio "great" but that is not what Freddie is about. Garage bands end up HUGE Star!!! Think about what you will be apart of... the first to ever do it. I will buy his CD, even if it is like "the mommy test".. You have to do it.

My kids have been ontime to school for a week and a half because I make sure I am in the car at 7:20 to hear about FREDDIE. I guarentee you that I am not the only one. I am a 36 year old mother and business woman and I can't get enough of this kid!!!! Imagine what the younger listeners are thinking??!!! DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Subject: Freddy

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Date Posted: 08:40:13 04/28/08 Mon

Do the CD with Freddy. That sounds like an awesome idea. The cd would be amazing and as a fan to be able to have a part in that would be awesome. DO IT!!! GO FREDDY!!!

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Subject: Freddy's Album

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Date Posted: 08:40:02 04/28/08 Mon

can I design Freddy's album? I would do it totally free, because I like his music and I like your show! Let me know!


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Subject: freddy

sarah (confused)
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Date Posted: 08:28:27 04/28/08 Mon

where's the freddisode from the baton rouge performance?

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Subject: Ray J - fame blinds the KKITM show

Mark in Frisco
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Date Posted: 07:27:11 04/28/08 Mon

Great radio - 'Ray J you are so cute, so sexy .. I love you...' not exactly thrilling radio! ...and I like the new song that he ...huh hum wrote....well the music and the hook were already written he 'added the hit you from the front - hit you from the back' ...but he wrote the song!!! lol

If you like Ray J so much - head down to the south side of any town -there are tons of athletic very average looking Black men...many just waiting to make & release X-rated videos - great role model! I love how he ended a couple phone cals - 'God Bless'....I guess Kelly wanted to 'hump' his religious side.....such hippocracy.

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Subject: Freddy and The Bucket

C. White
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Date Posted: 05:10:28 04/28/08 Mon

Hey guys...
Awesome thing you did for Freddy, loved his music and his journey. What is the deal with "The Bucket"?. Is it a go or a no go?

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Subject: Freddy = Adrian Grenier + Ben Folds

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Date Posted: 22:14:32 04/27/08 Sun

Dude has the look and the talent! Someone please re-sign him and get HIS music to the masses! You are awesome Kidd for giving him the chance he deserves! Thank you!

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Subject: Freddy

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Date Posted: 21:33:08 04/27/08 Sun

I love Freddy!!! I've been listening every morning to him. You guys need to send him here to Odessa, I would love to go see him!!

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Subject: FREDDY!

Jordan (dandy)
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Date Posted: 20:09:29 04/27/08 Sun

Okay. That CJ person that just posted a messege is crazy! I think freddy is UHmazingg!! He's super hott too(:

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Subject: Freddy music

Lisa Riedel
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Date Posted: 17:08:43 04/27/08 Sun

I would like to find out Freddy's last name and where I can get his music? I tried to find video from Friday's performance but could not find???? Please help! I really liked his music

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Subject: Job???

Colt Stevens
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Date Posted: 16:35:54 04/27/08 Sun

Whats up Kidd.....just wanted to stop by and say whast up to yall.....great show but just wondering....they have any job openings for the show I could apply for somehow??? lol

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Subject: A new game!=]

Brittany (awsome)
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Date Posted: 16:18:23 04/27/08 Sun

hey everyone..
i just wanted to say thet i love waking up in the morning
and listing to yalls show..
i can't listin to much of it becasue i
hafe to go to school..
but i love all the games and stuff yall do..
well i was just gonna say
yall should make a game called(ARE YOU SMARTER THEN KIDD KRADICK)i think it's a good game..
well see yah!!!

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Date Posted: 11:19:31 04/10/08 Thu


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Subject: Freddy (again)

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Date Posted: 14:34:28 04/27/08 Sun

Hey gang - As most of your long time listeners I LOVED what you did for Freddy!!! He IS amazing -- and I love him more for the respect he has for his family. You can tell he's a bright kid by listening to him. He'll do well. And thank you for bringing him to us. BUT, did he keep up with his school work this week?? Right before finals???? It is great that you told him to stick with school -- I do hope he will!! That too is a great opportunity he shouldn't throw away.

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Subject: Freddy

Denise (Positive)
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Date Posted: 10:04:15 04/27/08 Sun

Hi Kidd,
I have never done this before so I'll be quick.
I'm a 49 year old African American female and I love Freddie's music. He is sooooo talented and I
think this project your doing is fantastic. This drive to Dallas can only make Freddie stronger and ready for the big concerts in the near future. This was a great way to start small and gradually work his way to the big league. This time, he will be ready and he won't just jump when one of those big record people come knocking at his door.

Freddie's parents should be very proud of how they raised this fine young man. Freddie without knowing it, has shown that even in tough times you can still go to your parents and let them help you without resolving to drugs or drinking. God has truly blessed this young man and each day he's out there singing and interacting with people is a tribute to his parents. I woke up looking forward to hear about Freddie and his adventures, just like Kellie's adventures to Dancing with the Stars. I can't wait to hear about tomorrow. Way to go!

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Subject: Freddy

Chris (:))
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Date Posted: 01:34:19 04/27/08 Sun

Hey Guys LOVE your show. You guys make my morning. I Listen to you on my way to work. Al your the best dont let the others mess withyou:).... Early this week I was abel to get to Freddy's my space thru you guys.. I cant anymore could you please send me his myspace??? PLEASE!! Kelly Emma Kelly is beautiful!! Deante congrats on your new baby!!! LOVE listening to you guys Keep up the great work!!!

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Subject: Freddy

Victoria (The Excited)
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Date Posted: 23:11:14 04/26/08 Sat

Hey Kidd, The Crew & FREDDY

Freddy is amazing. I went and saw him in Baton Rouge. I drove two hours and it was so worth wild. When I heard him sing it was like nothing I've ever heard before. I looked at my dad and said "Dad give me your cell phone holder (which is real alligator skin) I have to give it to Freddy!" so he ran and got one for me. This was one of my birthday presents (going see Freddy) which I have to say was the BEST ever!!! My mom, dad, aunt and 4 of her friends brought me and also loved his music extremely. They also loved how he asked his parents first and think he is a great role model. Thank you for making this happen for him!

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Subject: What is Freddy's Myspace Address? Website?

Rachel (Lovin' Freddy !!!)
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Date Posted: 22:43:54 04/26/08 Sat

Hey ... what is Freddy's myspace page?

What is his website?


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Subject: FREDDIE

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Date Posted: 10:32:52 04/25/08 Fri


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Subject: Deal or No Deal Lunch

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Date Posted: 15:52:46 04/26/08 Sat

Does anyone know why there aren't any pictures of Al with the Deal or No Deal girls? I want to see what they looked like!

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Subject: Freddy

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Date Posted: 08:56:46 04/25/08 Fri

What is Freddy's last name? Does anyone know? I want to google him.

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Subject: AMAZING

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Date Posted: 14:36:20 04/26/08 Sat

Your show on Friday touched on the word "amazing". It was nice of you to sync Elliott Yamin's "all I can say is amazing" phrase from his single One Word every time the word amazing was mentioned or said. I'm an Elliott Yamin fan and it was a treat to hear Elliott's voice every 2 minutes or so singing "all I can say is amazing"...Anyway, if you get a chance, can you please play the whole song (One Word)on your show? It would totally be amazing if your listeners get to hear the whole song!! Thanks, Kidd!!

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Subject: Is Freddy Playing this weekend anywhere?

Stephen (Curious)
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Date Posted: 13:28:48 04/26/08 Sat

Does anyone have any information on whether Freddy is going to be playing another show this weekend somewhere in Dallas?

I bet he definitely needs to rest his voice. Any infor would be great!

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Subject: freddies myspace

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Date Posted: 11:09:06 04/26/08 Sat

ok i really want to add freddies myspace but i cant find it how do i addd him?

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Subject: Music that makes you cooler

RockStarKisses (Jorgia) (blissfuly wonderful)
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Date Posted: 10:05:35 04/26/08 Sat

Hey there Kidd & Crew!

I always love listening to Music that makes you cooler. I love some of the bands that you guys find. They are truly amazing. You have had a lot of really great artist on here. You have given me so much music to say cool. I have an AMAZING artist for you. His name is Jason Reeves. His songs are soulful drench ballads just oozing with amazing lyrics. You in a song and Photographs & Memories have you to be my two favorite songs. You should totally check him out. Here is his myspace:

thanks for keeping me cool,
(Jorgia Rivera)

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Subject: This Generation's Answer to Billy Joel?

Victoria (Blown away!)
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Date Posted: 16:15:26 04/25/08 Fri

I was 'amazed' upon hearing the depth and creativity in Freddy's music - - I can't help but draw a comparison between his work and that of a young Billy Joel. His music is a very bright star shining over a sea of sameness. Thanks, Kidd,for bringing us a new luminary!

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Subject: Your music

Joe Haines (excited)
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Date Posted: 23:09:08 04/25/08 Fri

Man you should make a video of each song and make them available for purchase at a price you set and use pay pal to do it I would buy your music in a minute. I wish I could have seen you in Tuscaloosa Alabama

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Subject: Prom

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Date Posted: 09:52:16 04/25/08 Fri

I think you should have Freddy go to prom with that girl.

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Subject: to all of you

kaylee franklin
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Date Posted: 22:11:13 04/25/08 Fri

oka kidd..#1 this freddy guy is amazing and i already love his music..and #2 he is really cute..that is a big plus..i absolutley love your show..it is funny and i wake up to it every mornin..listen to it while i'm getting ready for school..and listen to it until i get to school..i love all of yall..kelly is my inspiration..love you guys..

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Subject: FREDDY!!!

shannon sullivan
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Date Posted: 17:40:53 04/25/08 Fri

Kidd what you did for freddy was amazing! his songs are awesome and so is he! i was wondering if he is going to be playing somewhere this week and if so where and wen because i really want to go see him!! but once again wat yall did for him was remarkable, keep up the amazing work. ;)

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Subject: "Awesome" Freddy...way to go Kidd!!

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Date Posted: 21:23:27 04/25/08 Fri

Thank you Kidd. I think it was brilliant that you made such a generous offer for Freddy to come to the show, but also let him tough it out a bit to get there. It is not getting what we want that makes us happy in life, but being able to prove to ourselves that we can overcome the challenges we encounter on the way. That was the real gift you gave to Freddy, and the listeners also had a chance to be inspired to live their own dreams. I can't help but think that Randy Pausch (of the Last Lecture speech)would approve of the Freddy Needs Gas tour too. Outside of Kidd's Kids, this is the best radio event your show has done. P.S....What does Caroline think of Freddy? Blessings, Penny from Pensacola

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Subject: Freddy

Jessicah (worn out softball mom tonight)
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Date Posted: 21:20:24 04/25/08 Fri

I really enjoy this guy's music. Can you give all of us myspace challenged listeners a direct link or way to be able to download his music? Has anyone ever thougth of hooking him up w/Ryan Cabrera since he's been through this all himself before? I think the two of them would be an awesome show! I'm not one who would normally comment but I really really love what I've heard and would buy it on Amazon or Itunes if I could find it right now. Thanks for making him known to those of use who don't do the whole myspace thing. I think it would be awesome instead of a JC/Kinsey cd this time for Kids Kids to have Freddy's cd's avaible for purchase through you guys. It could be split 50/50 proceed wise nad it would be an awesome way to see just how many fans he's gained through you guys. Anyway-- thanks for having him on. I think his music is "awesome"

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Megan (In Love)
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Date Posted: 20:58:48 04/25/08 Fri

I am completely "In Love" with Freddy. This is SO not like me to come out and say these kind of things but, He is GORGEOUS! I would eat him alive! (ok...so maybe that is a little extreme) But, he is honestly one of the 3 most handsome men that I have ever laid eyes on. Not to mention, his music is GREAT! If Freddy would like to look me up on myspace.....my name is Megan Graves San Angelo,TX 76905. I LOVE HIS EYES!!! Kid.....I love u 2! And I have the Upmost respect for my "hillbillie" gurl, Kellie!
Megan from San Angelo, TX

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Subject: More Freddy

Debbie in LBK
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Date Posted: 20:02:32 04/25/08 Fri

I'm going to need another "Freddy" fix soon. -I'm not ready for this to be over. :) - Please help this kid keep going with this dream. It's too awesome of a story to let it slip by him. Kidd- don't abandon him. While I know a large part of his dream is up to him, I think he needs positive influences and help from people just like you.
love all you guys on the show.
Debbie in LBK

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Subject: FREDDY

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Date Posted: 19:16:34 04/25/08 Fri

hey i just wanted to say that i heard you guys talking to freddy last monday and have kept up all week with you and it is amazing that you guys gave him this chance. not many would do what you guys did for him. i love his music it is inspiering!!!!! i only wish there was more cases blike this one.....i want his cd when it comes out. i have been singing his music all day!!!!!!!!!
love you all

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Subject: Bummed Out

Sad (Disappointed)
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Date Posted: 19:08:41 04/25/08 Fri

Kidd & team, You mentioned this morning that you had been getting feedback about Freddy playing in Dallas and that people were hoping he would be at a different venue over the weekend so more people would be able to see him.....Well, I'm just so sad that didn't come to fruition. My daughter and her friends were unable to miss school on Friday and were really hoping you all would be able to pull something off to have that happen. So, I figured I'd tease you a bit by mentioning that none of your affiliates seemed to have a problem at all in finding a venue. Just saying. The first morning of the trip I think one affiliate had about 5 hours to get a venue?? And you all had what---a full week right??? Hmmmm, RRRIIIICCCCKKKK!!!! or I guess it would be SSSSHHHAAAANNNNOOOONNNNN!!! (I'm not gonna dog Shannon too much- as I really adore her) I'm just pointing out that I as well as many were very disappointed.

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Subject: you guys are off the charts...hearts so big

summer (off the charts happy)
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Date Posted: 18:50:45 04/25/08 Fri

my name is summer broussard. i am from lafayette, la. i listen to your show every morning and have become an addict to it. i talk about you and the co-hosts that compliment you EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! do you understand what that means?? i really do tell "tell" of the day to everyone that i come in contact with! most of all, because everything you talk about...definitely touches me...so. i absolutely promote your show; and, by show, i mean, the intimacy of the conversations you all have (together)...and therefore take to heart firstly and then address secondly to the listeners....which is so sweet and is why i love you guys so much...the chemistry does not solely exist between you and kelly ras...it is a beautiful and entertaining thing to experience amongst every character in the show, as i find myself laughing outloud alone in my car EVERY SINGLE MORNING en route to my running destination...
..i am representing you now and will continue to do so daily, as you guys continue to serve me in this manner EVERY SINGLE MORNING!!!!!!!!!! i owe you all the best of tears, cheers, and leers (per Al...love you Al)

summer lee broussard
lafayette, la

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Subject: FREDDY

Dena (WOW)
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Date Posted: 10:59:51 04/25/08 Fri

FREDDY looks just like Vince from the HBO series Entourage
(Adrian Grenier). Are you realated in any way. Freddy's music WOW! KIDD isn't there more you can do for this guy. You have made bands big before.

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Subject: Freddy Was Great

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Date Posted: 16:33:55 04/25/08 Fri

Kidd and Crew, that was the one of the nicer things ya'll have done. Now WHERE is the album (sorry age is showing) CD. or when will it be available for gentle public? I WANT ONE NOW!!!!


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Subject: Freddy

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Date Posted: 16:05:40 04/25/08 Fri

Where are the pictures of Freddy live in studio they are not on the website.

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Subject: Freddy

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Date Posted: 15:53:07 04/25/08 Fri

hey I just wanted to let you guys know that the whole Freddy tour (sorry guys) has been amazing. He is very talented and you have made your listeners feel like they were apart of something real!!!

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Subject: Kellie - Weight

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Date Posted: 15:19:38 04/25/08 Fri

Kellie - When I looked at the still picture on the home page of kiddlive.com today at your Top 5 news stories, your face and your hands seemed to be looking mighty slim - almost too much so....why are you still dieting? I clicked on the video and it confirmed what I was thinking. I don't mean any disrespect, and you didn't ask my opinion, but it is something that popped out at me....

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Subject: Freddy

Michael Holt (Alright)
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Date Posted: 13:57:18 04/25/08 Fri

Kidd, This kid Freddy is truly one of the greatest natural talents I have ever had the privlige of hearing. A true artist and a genuine compassionate individual. Before today I thought he was a good kid trying to do right and live the big dream (and I'll be honest that's impressive), but today when he gave that mother $500 and then donated the rest to Kidd's Kids he earned a spot that very few people in this world have the ability to get to. He could have used this money to further his career or pay back what he owes, but instead he used his talent to make the world a better place. I have two beautiful and heathly daughters, and I have worried about them being raised in a world with so much disgust and foulness. Freddy's ability and his character has given me some hope that we will all be ok...that the world isn't really all bad anymore. I wish him the best of luck and I know he'll do huge things in his life with or with out his music. And thank you Kidd for being the person you are as well...the whole team came together to help out a well deserving young man and the whole team deserves a huge thank you from all of us, your listeners. But I think Freddy thanked you for everyone when your generosity and confidence was paid back by a young man living his dream and in turn giving back to the world. Next to your annual Kidds Kids event, this is truly your best accomplishment not only as a show, but as a group of people who want a better world to have our children grow up in.

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Subject: Freddy

Erica Bond (Erica Loves Freddy)
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Date Posted: 13:53:46 04/25/08 Fri

I Love Freddy, his story, his music, everything. Good job Kidd for helping this kid out. I can't wait for a CD. Is there any chance we could get him one done ASAP. He sounded so great live on the show this morning. I was so looking forward to him getting to Dallas. I am so impressed by what he did with his leftover money. Freddy will be appreciative of Kidd and the morning show forever. I hope that the morning show will keep us posted on his success. Love the show, Erica

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