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Subject: Pipe Band for Funeral, please help.

Barry Phillips (desperate)
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Date Posted: 07:32:45 04/18/09 Sat

Dear All
Please forgive my forwardness but I am in need of your advice or assistance with short notice.
I am trying to find a local cadet Pipe Band to play at my Mothers Funeral.
My mother was a very proud Scottish Lady who loved the sound of the pipes, as wherever she would be the sound would always transport her mind back to homeland.
I wanted to have a piper at the funeral, but after searching for the apt tune to mark her passing I found that Amazing Grace is in deed the perfect lament, however I wish to something as special as possible for her on her day and the sound of a pipe band and drums does this tune the most justice and would be such a dramatic yet poignient way to pay my respects. Unfortunately though I would pay my last penny to do this for her I cannot afford the costs of a regimental Band or proffessional marching band or the like.
As an ex member of a Cadet Force Prachute Regiment Band during school, It gave me the idea that there maybe a CCF or similar Pipe Band that may play for us and we could afford to pay them for this.
I however have searched the internet and am at a loss.

Is there any band or persons you may know that could assist me. I hope this is not too forward a request but I have 6 days until the service on 23rd April 09 (North London) and I desperately want to try every avenue available to make this happen.
I accept that this may just not be a possibility but , my mum brought me up to learn that nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and just ask, and this has served me well in my life as a result. I owe it to her to at least give it a try. I will have a lone piper there ,but the overwhelming image in my mind of a lone piper leading the mourners out of the chapel to be welcomed by a band of pipes and drums breaking into a rapturous rendition would be only surpassed by the emotional charge one enjoys at The Edinburgh Tattoo; it is an image that if it became reality would live with me and my family for the rest of our lives.

I would be gateful for any assistance or advice you may be able to offer and I thank you so very much for your time taken in reading this, and I hope no offence is caused by it.
I am trying everything including asking The Bands of The Armed Forces etc. It really is a Jim'll Fix it situation without being disrespectful. We are encouraging our freinds and family to donate to our Local Hospice and may even try and raise money off the back of this I manage to pull it off.

Any advice at all is appreciated.
Kindest Regards

Barry Drummond Phillips 0779 887 0431

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