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Subject: Date lines for the rest of the semester

Dr. Ivan E. Calimano
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Date Posted: 11:16:46 04/22/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: NoHost/


And rejoice today.. those of you who usually have classes on Tuesday, there is NO class today. Sad because an extra day will be added at the end of the semester but hey, that's life.

Dates to keep in mind....

This coming Sat. [26 Apr 03], I will be in my office to talk to those who are there. Most of the class will be in the TESOL conference. Hope you can share it with the rest of use via this medium and also share what you are doing in class with your colleagues.

Then the first 2 Saturdays of May, we will be finishing up the class with whatever is next on the calendar. We still need to go over email use in the classroom (most of you do know but still somethings you need to go over for a better understanding and use of this tool); the videotape we need to do and in this case, we will tape each other where one will be the teacher and the other the students and then you switch roles.

We will go over the basics of Word and Power Point on 3 May 03. Then you will prepare a simple exercise geared to your group assigned in class using Word. On the same day, we will be looking at Power Point and then you will use the skills to present the basics of your final presentation.

The electronic bulletin board is a good tool for language arts. If you decided where you are going to place it or you will be the owner of one (like Nery), I want for you to write a two page paper answering the following questions: why you pick that particular forum (like the ones on Daves esl cafe) or why you decided to become the owner of one). IN doing this activity with your students, and part of the paper, how the assessment will be conducted? (how you will grade it!!) and the benefits and/or limitations of this tool. Include a cover page with this.

Final presentations will take place on 17 May 2003 from 9am until we finish. If possible, we will have a lunch break and continue in the afternoon if necessary. But if you want to keep it under the 3 hrs limit, plan you presentation ahead of time, time it and see how long it will take. If I remember correctly, there are 6 groups and 3 hours and if my calculations are correct, you got 30 mins. This time includes set up presentation on the PC, giving out the handouts to your classmates, the presentation itself and then the Q and A session. If we need to take longer than noon to finish, we will do so. Therefore, plan your presentation to be no longer than 20 mins.

What you will be reporting: logistics, selection of tools and why, audience (remember ASSURE here), length of the full lesson plan (you will be just showing the basic parts of it), evaluation, and any other pertinent information.

Oh, yeah! I will require a WRITTEN final report with all your artifacts in a maninal envelope. The cover page should have all the names and soc. sec. numbers of the group.

And finally, a one to two pages evaluation of the class. This will be email as an attachment after the last day but should be on my mailbox before 20 May 03. Also, you will hand in the portfolios (for those who are doing it traditionally on 17 May). If you have an electronic one, you will hand me the printout of your index page (or main page) directly from your printer where it will show the URL.

Well... that is all for now. Please print this out for your portfolio o copy and paste on a document for your e-portfolio. See you all later.


PS.. I will be in my office today in the afternoon. Please feel free to stop by to ask questions. Ah, before I leave, tell your classmates that had not participated here to do so, I will be counting soon the names and will give you a grade for this.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Date lines for the rest of the semesterIris Vázquez Llantín20:29:02 04/22/03 Tue
Re: Date lines for the rest of the semesterMarisol Calero21:14:04 04/22/03 Tue
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Re: Date lines for the rest of the semesterJerene14:21:53 04/23/03 Wed
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Re: Date lines for the rest of the semesterlourdes23:33:08 04/23/03 Wed
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Re: Date lines for the rest of the semesterCynthia Ramírez07:28:29 04/25/03 Fri
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Re: Date lines for the rest of the semestervilma18:46:29 05/16/03 Fri
Re: Date lines for the rest of the semestervilma19:58:45 05/16/03 Fri
Re: Date lines for the rest of the semesterAna Iris Martínez De Jesús01:16:58 05/17/03 Sat

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