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Subject: TESOL Conference

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Date Posted: 22:38:37 04/26/03 Sat
Author Host/IP: 66-50-95-94.prtc.net/

hey guys,
What did you think about the conference??? I had a great time especially after Dr. Saciuk's presentation. I went to one after lunch and it was pretty good although we did not have enough time becuase they opened the door late. But it had to do with oral communication in the classroom and its focus on language learning. I learned that it is true we use content materials as a strategy of interest for the students and instead of focusing on the way the students present the material we stress importance on the material itself. So be aware that you do not make the same mistake as I.
As for the second conference I was expecting more than what I got. There were UPRM university students presenting on research they had done on languages such as comparision between Puerto Rican English and Nuyorican English and it was a pretty big let down because all they presented were the statistics of the results and not the work in content.
I wanted to know what would help me with the rivalry that sometimes exist between the "portoricans" and the "nuyoricans" well they didn't tell me anything that would keepo me awake so unfortunately I had to snore myself awake.
See you saturday Guys.

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Subject Author Date
Re: TESOL ConferenceMaritza Negron00:02:11 04/27/03 Sun
Re: TESOL ConferenceClaribel Avecedo Toro12:13:12 04/27/03 Sun
Re: TESOL ConferenceCynthia Ramírez06:57:46 04/28/03 Mon
Re: TESOL ConferenceIris Vázquez Llantín21:10:47 04/28/03 Mon
Re: TESOL ConferenceMarisol Calero23:11:19 04/28/03 Mon
Re: TESOL ConferenceDoris M. Ramos08:19:51 04/29/03 Tue
Re: TESOL ConferenceJerene17:02:51 04/29/03 Tue
Re: TESOL ConferenceJohn Perez10:15:35 04/30/03 Wed
Re: TESOL ConferenceAna Iris Martínez De Jesús01:38:40 05/17/03 Sat

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