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Subject: Farewell, so long...

Dr. Ivan E. Calimano
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Date Posted: 00:19:44 05/31/03 Sat
Author Host/IP: sju-12-16-47-11.prw.net/

Hello to all...
Hope you are getting ready for a good summer... you deserve a good rest. For those of you who are taking a summer class, good luck and enjoy it.

I am thankful for all I learned from you and that you may had learned something from this class. As it was expected, some knew part of the strategies and others learned new ways to use them. Sharing what we do in the classroom is a good way to learn from others. So, I get the feeling that you all got something out of this class which makes me feel good.

I read most of your comments and I appreciated them, especially your candor in saying what you said. So, if I teach this class again, will take into consideration your comments. Also, will have them in mind for the future.

So, good luck in your studies and for those of you that finished this semester, all the luck and success in your career. You all (w/ a texan accent!), take care and stop by my office anytime. You are always welcome.


PS also feel free to drop me a note too.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Farewell, so long...lourdes00:42:30 05/31/03 Sat
Re: Farewell, so long...Ana Iris Martínez De Jesús10:20:24 05/31/03 Sat
Re: Farewell, so long...Claribel Avecedo Toro22:29:32 05/31/03 Sat
Re: Farewell, so long...jerene11:29:17 06/01/03 Sun
Re: Farewell, so long...John Perez21:15:19 06/01/03 Sun
Re: Farewell, so long...Doris M. Ramos22:06:58 06/01/03 Sun
Re: Farewell, so long...vilma10:55:36 06/04/03 Wed

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