Author: Anonymous [ Edit | View ]
Date Posted: 21:10:44 08/14/12 Tue
.: CUTEST KID ON EARTH :. OPEN TO ALL AGES! Win Cash! Win Scholarships!

49th Annual Miss Hemisphere presents... CUTEST KID ON EARTH
Cash/Bonds, Scholarships, Crowns EVERY CONTESTANT RECEIVES A TROPHY!
Sat. Aug. 18, 2:30 pm Middletown Grange Fair Penns Park Road Wrightstown, Pa.
JUDGING: Cute OUTFIT: Casual Registration Fee: $35.00
Family Fun ! Arts and Crafts ! Great Food! Great Rides ! Parking Fee $10 CALL: 215-598-9999
Sponsored By: Planet Earth Committee, David Craig Jewelers and John Robert Powerws Model and Acting School
Proceeds to Benefit: Hemisphere Military Tour, Scholarship Fund All girls over 17 will be considered for the Military Tour - Guam

49th Annual Miss Hemisphere presents... CUTE KIDS AND SHOW BIZ SEARCH FOR TALENT Cash/Bonds, Scholarships, Crowns CALL: 215-598-9999
************************************************* Sat, Aug. 18, 2:30 pm. Middletown Grange Fair Penns Park, Rd Wrightstown, Pa. Cutest Kid on Earth One casual outfit, I division, all ages $ 35.00 plus side awards $10 (optional) Bring photo for photogenic. Scholarship to the John Robert Powers Modeling and Acting School awarded! Plus US Savings Bonds from David Craig Jewelers. The 64th annual Fair enjoy the rides, fair grounds, arts and crafts, great food and
lots of fun for the whole family. Parking fee per car is $10. Proceeds from the show to benefit Planet Earth Projects, Hemisphere Scholarships for College and Military Show Preparation in Guam This is a Hemisphere show- no beauty, no talent!
************************************************* Sun. Aug. 19, 1 pm Westgate Mall Shonersville Rd. Bethlehem, Pa. All divisions of Beauty, Cute, model,talent and optionals. Dressing room available.
************************************************* Sat. Aug. 25, 1 p.m. Schuylkill Mall, Rt 61 and 81 Frackville, Pa. All divisions of Beauty, Cute, model,talent and optionals. Dressing room available.
************************************************* Sun. Aug. 26, 1 .m. Silver Lake Nature Center Bath Road Bristol, Pa. All divisions of Beauty, Cute, model,talent and optionals. Dressing room available.
OPEN TO ALL AGES -GIRLS AND BOYS Sponsored By: Planet Earth Committee, David Craig Jewelers and John Robert Powerws Model and Acting School
Proceeds to Benefit: Hemisphere Military Tour Scholarship Fund
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