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Subject: plane tickets...plz read!

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Date Posted: 00:06:57 04/09/03 Wed

Yo guys.

IT is time to book airplane tickets for our Europe trip. We will be flying to London on 6/21 (Saturday) and returning from Vienna on 7/14 (monday)... Does anyone have any problems/scheduling conflicts with this? Let me know quick! 626-825-9153 or AIM me

I will be going to STA travel on thursday to book my tickets, so I will let you all know ASAP what flights (flight numbers, airline) I am booking so that we can fly together (except Ricky, who will fly directly from NY). Expect to pay roughly $550 roundtrip. I would book for you guys, too, but I don't have that much money or credit. Sorry!

Please check this forum regularly for updates. How are your designated country research projects going? =) Although we don't need to plan down to the letter, we want a good idea of what things we will be seeing in each country.

ALright fellas, I hope everyone's getting excited!

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