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Subject: My insight...

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Date Posted: 01:45:31 04/22/03 Tue

My feelings is that we need to limit the number of countries we are going through. First of all, that eliminates travel time (Time is money and could be used to make more detailed adventures) Second, it cuts down expenses as the Euro pass is not cheap by any means and the more country, the hairier the situation is (Both to plan and to experience). Research, like James said is definitely worthwhile, since we need to filter out the countries with little to see, and concentrate on the ones with tons to see. That's been my feelings for a while... I'm sure the Applebee's session was no different. I hope we do our work in researching now, than to arrive there having to waste time planning. I hope my comments don't come across as negative or condescending because it's not meant to be... it's more of a reminder. Those are my biggest fears for us. I'm sure we'll get on top of it. Meanwhile, I'm just watching Stephon Marbury torch the Spurs! =)

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