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Subject: Europe thoughts, costs!

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Date Posted: 12:37:15 01/30/03 Thu

Okay, who wants to go to England and France? Cuz I know Ricky hasn't been there. Also, there are lots of things I haven't seen in France (i was only in paris, which was great for the most part..except for the pickpocket attempt). But if everyone's cool with not going to those places, I'll go with that. If we do go to England and France, we can just be more sensitive with our expenses.

as for airfare, it'll depend on where we fly to. Last summer, I flew to London for around 750 (round trip).

We'll sort of be roughing it (hostels and camping), so our accomodations shouldnt cost much.

As for food, we will mostly do cooking (i can bring a backpacking stove or 2) or make sandwiches -- that kind of thing. I figure lots of places will have cheap fast ethnic food. I know Paris has cheap delicious gyro joints. maybe we can limit ourselves to eating one or 2 nice restaurant meals in each country, so we don't miss out on the different cuisines.

train-rail passes aren't too expensive, from what I remember. I think the rail passes for 4 weeks shouldn't run over a few hundred (200-400 maybe? not sure)

lets see what the total pans out to:
~$800 Plane
~$500 Food (roughly 18 dollars a day, just my estimate)
~$300 Hostels (about 10 bucks a day)
~$400 Rail passes

Total: 2 grand. (those figures above are overestimated, too)

of course, if we decide to do museums, buy souvenirs, see shows, that stuff is extra.

2,000 seems a lot maybe, but guess what? I forked up ~$6000 for my study abroad program in England. And this trip is going to be even more fun than that one (cuz you guys will be there, of course =) )

ALRIGHT, that was lengthy. let me know what u guys think...

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