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Subject: yo

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Date Posted: 01:51:58 02/07/03 Fri

what up guys. Some of my friends in dental school and I went to see the Knicks vs Laker game today, it was a last minute kinda thing so we were just looking for scalp tickets. we all got tricked by the damn black guy who sold us fake tickets, but it was $50 so we just looked at it as if we lost it at vegas =) anyhow, we got real tickets and the game was great, we found seats that no one were sitting in, 3rd row behind the lakers bench! Shaq is one big fella when you are 10 ft away from him. it was funny because half of the people there were actualy laker fans. everyone would yell defense, but when kobe makes a shot everyone would cheer, so basically we celebrate no matter what happens, interesting crowd.

I had another practical exam today, i won't go much into detail but basically its a drilling exam and they gave me the wrong tooth to work with during the exam (they labeled #3 as #14), took me half an hour to figure it out because it just didn't seem right, and when they gave me the right one my hands were shaking because i was so nervous and i messed up a bit. hopefully it comes out okay.

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