Subject: whats with the teeth injuries! ouch! (and other thoughts) |
Author: James
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Date Posted: 21:28:48 02/14/03 Fri
man, i never knew basketball could be so dangerous. my worst fear has always been biting my tongue off accidentally when my defender jumps up into my chin. eeesh (you're welcome for the oh-so-wonderful imagery)
i'm sure your smile is still dazzling, chewy. you lucky dog you, tell us how your valentines day goes.
well, sounds like everyone has been real busy. I'm probably the only who's having a pretty relaxed quarter. School comes to me quite easily, and it helps that my major is relatively easy, too. I find myself playing computer games everyday now; this is at least partly due to the fact that my new computer rocks. so i sort of play the games to impress myself with how awesome my computer is. i know, i sound like i'm still a kid. i think i still am one.
ricky, i'm glad to hear that your situation in the anatomy class isn't as bad as we had thought. i'm sure if i was in dental school, though, i would definitely fail; i haven't studied hard since freshman year of college.
valentines day -- blah blah blah.. i had fried chicken by myself tonight. i'm at home, celebrating my singleness. by the way, i've slimmed down to 175 lbs (i was 191 at the beginning of january)
davy, if u don't post at least once a week, i'm going to slowly downgrade the dinner quality. RIght now, it's at bellagio. you mess up, it's chili's. you mess up again, it's mcdonalds. u mess up once more after that, i'll heat up ramen for you. hahaha..!! j/k sounds like you're busy so good for you.
K, i'm going to shoot some ball now to shed off the craappy dinner i had. Bye!
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