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Subject: Hey dood!

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Date Posted: 23:05:00 02/14/03 Fri

Like the emoticons don't work...
but they sound cool though. Like, "oh shiet! look out! it's the emoticons!" has this been done already?

yes, it's busy here, but not too busy to mope around for valentine's as well. I'm glad to hear the busy-ness though, although i haven't had a chance to go through more than half of these craazy msgs. But i will...

Anyhow, it's harder year-by-year to imagine a girl that i will like. Amazingly, irony has found its way into even this seemingly adamant aspect of my life, where i thought dominion would be dictated by lust and shallow crushes (in lust). It's getting harder to get that good desperate feeling.

So i hope you guys fared well, like in the movies. Y'all deserve to find beautiful maniquins, love potions, or to create your dream girl on yer pc on a wickedly bland night as this. (um, this'l make no sense unless you watch a lot of movies)

I guess i'm just tired, to sound so weird, but i thought i should write something longer than 2 lines, and here ya go =)... happy readin'.

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