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Subject: thoughts on europe

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Date Posted: 22:57:45 03/19/03 Wed

ok i just spent the last 20 mintues reading the posts and catching up on what you have all been up to. hmm i'll do some mad posting tonight and try to catch up on the post count. if i beat everyoen to the 100 post can i have dinner too? j/k

spent the last day and a half packing up all my stuff. finally gonna be leaving michigan. dont feel anything yet about the whole school ending thing but then again i think im just deprived of emotions right now.

we definately all gotta go to europe this summer. like james said before, this is a once in a lifetime chance. who knows when will the next time be when we can all gather together and go on a trip. as for my thoughts on it anywhere is good. i was talking with andy tu about the trip too and he had some interesting comments. he was telling me that hes got maddd connections in london. madd connections refering to cute asian girls in school uniforms. ok besides that england doesnt really appeal to me all that much either. however, i have been in france for a wk during soph or jr year of hs. i cant remember...i think my memory has gotten worse since i've come to college. anyways if nothing else the louvre is awsome. seriously if you guys are into the museum scene that place is tite. i could spent 3 days in that place alone. the french are pretty snooty and try to rip tourists off but we can always just eat pbj sandwiches and live in gutters if we do visit france. i think the place i want to visit the most has got to be greece. just imagine the architecture and art thats there sends chills up my spines. i've also heard that amsterdam has awsome scenery.

as for plane tickets i think we should be able to get them for under 500 bucks easy. as long as we dont set a specific starting location it will be pretty easy to find cheap airfare to europe. for example these are the current roundtrip airfares from lax to europe.
prices from travelocity

Los Angeles Amsterdam Netherlands $333 +
Los Angeles Dublin $307 +
Los Angeles London All $418 +
Los Angeles Munich $301 +
Los Angeles Paris All $304
so we can just fly to some random place in europe at start from there.

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