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Subject: tsk tsk tsk

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Date Posted: 14:21:34 03/28/03 Fri

How typical of Davy, posting 3 messages in one day when he could have done just one. Davy, doing 20 set of 1 sit-up doesn't mean you are excising more than someone doing one set of 20 sit-ups. Glad to hear that you had fun at the trip though. James, can't wait to meet this awesome girl you are talking about, although seems like i'll have to wait for quite a while. Mike, learning any tricks at Vegas yet? If you do i am ready to double my grad school funds. Where is Ron?

Alright about the trip, I heard from ted that you guys are thinking of getting there a few days before me and meet me there. That sounds fine to me, just let me know the dates and etc so i can get tickets and stuff. Whenever you guys have something set up just let me know alright? i'll finish my next exam on wed, so i'll call you guys up that weekend to see how everything is.

Oh yeah someone i knew a long time ago messaged me out of the blue yesterday, reminded me of how i was when i was back in high school. Since then I've grown to be alot colder, meaner, more cocky, and have a much more passemistic view of life. I don't know if it's due to maturity? expereince? or just lost of faith in human beings in general. I definely need to change my mental status and my attitude toward people though. Alright peace, gonna go study.

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