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Subject: Re: millinery trims and decorations for sale

Janet Billiington
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Date Posted: 09:17:10 03/23/05 Wed
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In reply to: Terri Kettering 's message, "millinery trims and decorations for sale" on 07:08:57 01/13/04 Tue

>Wow, I got the bug also. I love to make the tear drop and pillow box hats. Although, I'm learning to make bridal hat bands now.

Since I'm over 50, and a Red Hatter Lady, I'm making red hats for our group members.

I live in Colorado. I would love to start a hat business selling my hats. I've collected quite a few vintage hats. I wished I lived during that era. With my fat face, I have to be careful with what style to wear. I use love to shop and look on ebay for hats. I work a lot so I don't get around to the local places to look at the hats.

I'd love to see a list of items you are offering.

Thanks for taking the time to read this email.

My home address is:

janet Billington
3221 Bell Mountain Drive
Colorado Springs, Col 80918

Hope to hear from you.
Have a great week.


After several years of buying and selling vintage and
>hand-made millinery and reproduction clothing trims
>and decorations, I have got to clean out some of this
>excess inventory. Please feel free to email me with
>any want lists. I deal only in snail mail (for now),
>and send actual samples once I am acquainted with a
>person. Please feel free to contact me at
>maidnhnd@hotmail.com. Thanks!

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RE: I believe it is called horse hair ribbon for ladys hatsBetty Ann Bliss08:53:03 09/22/05 Thu

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