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Date Posted: 27/03/16 21:26:32
Author: Iain Henderson
Subject: Re: Vulcan XA897 Memorial Project
In reply to: B. Valentine 's message, "vulcan accident" on 28/02/04 15:13:12

To whom it may concern,

The Memorial 'Mob' are in the process of looking to create a simple memorial to the loss of XA897 at London's Heathrow airport on the 1st of October.

We are currently awaiting confirmation of our request to install a memorial at the Chapel of St George at Heathrow. But we would appreciate assistance with the project, not least helping to locate family members who may wish to attend the Memorial unveiling on the 60th anniversary of its loss, this October.

As with other incidents we remember, we truly appreciate the incident may still be very emotive, as is to be expected of course. But we aim to always remember (without wishing to sound disrespectful in anyway) the who (of the incidents - those lost and those left behind), and not the how or the why behind some of the events and incidents we cover.

The Memorial 'Mob' were created to remember the lost & forgotten events of the Armed & Emergency Services, if you would like further information please see our websitethememorialmob.webs.com, or look on Facebook or Twitter.

Our email is available through this portal as well, so please feel free to contact us.

Thank you in advance for any support you may be able to offer. Regards

Founder of the Memorial 'Mob'

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[> [> Re: Vulcan XA897 Memorial Project -- Maurice R Hamlin, 14/09/16 12:50:35

Crash of Vulcan XA897 Those tragically killed were:

Sqn Ldr James George Woodgate Stroud aged 29 [navigator]
Sqn Ldr Edward John Eames aged 32 AFC AEOp
Sqn Ldr Edward Albert Gamble aged 35 Navigator
Mr Frederick H Bassett aged 38 A.V. Roe Technical

This year features the 60th anniversary of this blatant cover up of the true reason for this accident.
AVM Broadhurst's determination to attend the massive international media reception awaiting to congratulate him, whatever the cost.
Minutes before the crash I was in direct contact with Sqdn Ldr Ed Gamble, ordering him a third time that Broadhurst must not attempt to land. These were orders direct from the AOC Bomber Command. Yet he refused and killed his crew.
Their must be a complete record of these orders. Mr Sebastian Cox, director of RAF Historical records must know this, yet refuses to accept the truth.
If my statement isn't the truth; Why did they place a D notice to stop the media investigating. Why was I threatened with a Court Martial. Why was the Crash enquiry Board not allowed to know that Broadhurst had been sent 3 Diversion orders.
Why, if I am lying, do they not take me to court for defamation of character.

I outline the full truth regarding the Vulcan crash in my autobiography, The Hidden Truth. which also states the truth regarding the crash of Neptune C Charlie at the Mull of Kintyre just 10 days later;

Again the Air Ministry placed a D notice to hide the truth and again I was threatened with Court Martial.

Again Mr Cox refuses to record the truth outlined in my book; even though when the AOC Coastal Command reread the official crash report which blamed my crew, he emphatically disagreed with the courts findings and changed the records.

I always thought historians were like archaeologists who dig deep for the true facts behind ancient myths.
Maurice R Hamlin. 3000117 ex RAF Wop/AG/ Flt/SGT Signaller
hamlinmaurice@gmail.com or phone 00 34 96 296 0920

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