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Date Posted: 5/06/13 9:13:59
Author: John Cooper
Subject: Re: vulcan accident 1956
In reply to: Alan King 's message, "Re: vulcan accident 1956" on 4/06/13 13:49:18

Alan, you would do better on our newer forum here http://rafforum.activeboard.com/t48101528/1st-october-1956-vulcan-crash-heathrow/ some of the guys saw her through down route

The names of those tragically killed were:

Sqn Ldr James George Woodgate Stroud aged 29 [navigator]
Sqn Ldr Edward John Eames aged 32 AFC AEOp
Sqn Ldr Edward Albert Gamble aged 35 Navigator
Mr Frederick H Bassett aged 38 A.V. Roe Technical Representative

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[> [> [> Re: vulcan accident 1956 -- Angela Geeson, 23/11/15 17:53:34

Squadron Leader James Stroud was my ' Uncle Jim'. I remember the crash well it, was 3 days before my 8th Birthday. His wife, my Aunt, and his 18 month old son, came to stay immediately and I remember my Father taking her to the funeral, at RAF Waddington I think. It was well known in the family that the inquiry was a complete cover up, especially as Jim was listed only as Navigator, when he was a fully trained Vulcan Pilot and should have been in the Co-pilot's seat. It was a very sad time for my Aunt (who had been one of the Bletchley Girls) and my cousin, and it changed their life completely. We went recently, and Jim's Grandchildren to see one of the last flights of the Vulcan. Very emotional.

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[> [> [> [> Re: vulcan accident 1956 -- Maurice Hamlin, 10/09/17 18:18:58

10 th September 2017

Dear Ms Geeson and all relatives or surviving friends of the following crew of Vulcan, who were killed by AVM Broadhurst’s during his ill-judged attempted landing at London airport on 1st October 1956, when he refused to accept three direct orders from Bomber Command HQ signals unit that he must divert.

In Memory of -
Sqn Ldr James George Woodgate Stroud aged 29 [navigator]
Sqn Ldr Edward John Eames aged 32 AFC AEOp, Sqn Ldr Edward Albert Gamble aged 35 Navigator/Pilot and Mr Frederick Bassett aged 38 A.V. Roe Technical Representative.

I am Maurice Hamlin- ex Wop/AG signaller, I was the official wireless operator on duty at HQ who ha three time been in direct contact with Sqdn/Ldr Gamble up to minutes before the crash. I was threatened with Courts Martial for notifying the news media of the true facts and was then silenced by the issue of a 50 year Security D notice, disallowing all mention of the crash.

When my Autobiography describing the truth was published in 2014 and I notified the Government and relevant RAF sources the only repercussion was from Mr Sebastian Cox who berated the honesty of my book by stating that only he knew the true facts relating to the crash. He even refused to accept that my evidence regarding the three diversion orders I transmitted were relevant evidence, or that this information was withheld from the Court of enquiry. Nay interested person can see the Enquiry details and can see that that the Court trice asked why was the aircraft not diverted? My evidence was withheld.
Mr Sebastian Cox does not report the truth, he prefers his story. He must know! because he was born the year the accident occurred.

Isn't it time the truth was accepted, even the newspaper editors are still frightened to print the truth.

If you look into the crash of Neptune MRI (WX545) C Charlie on 19th October 1956 you will again see how Mr Cox prefers to write RAF Crash stories from memory rather than from those directly involved.

I swear to the above true fact and am willing to stand up to any Court of enquiry.
Now approaching 93 I won’t stop confirming the truth, my memory stays very clear.

Maurice R Hamlin

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