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Subject: Quick Easy Cash

Justin Chase (Excited)
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Date Posted: 09:40:09 08/02/06 Wed

This is a Quick and Easy Way to make Money... Let me tell you how, you take the List of names that are on This Paper and you send one dollar to each of these individuals...Then You Start Posting, Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions. Then add your name to the number six spot and take the person who is at number one off and move the 6 to 5 5 to 4 and so on. Here are the names 1) Sam Moore 8624 State Route 21 S. Naples, NY 14512 2) Joung Kim 1113 Chesterfield Road, Huntsville AL 35803 3) Derek Kashmir 32 Edgeware Road, Clithero, Exeter, ENGLAND EX24 6UO 4) Carl Sanchez, 1 Carrnock Close, Huntingdon, York ENGLAND YO32 9YP 5)Brian Gilbert, 823 Dakota, Sabetha KS 66534 6) Justin Chase, 4301 S.W. 15th Apt. 211 Topeka, KS 66604.. In the first Week I made 35 dollars in the second week i came in with 1200 by the third and fourth week i was over 40,000 dollars and I dont know about you but that was pretty nice to recieve that much money and only pay six dollars... Its not a scam and its perfectly legal... If you just sit back and think about it nobody is getting screwed on it unless there are some unhonest people but that is why this is so nice b/c Six dollars to profit into thousands... Thank you Remember only 6 dollars

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