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Date Posted: 04:14:20 07/17/08 Thu
Author: tonya
Subject: As a John and Blair hopeful... I am glad you said "awhile".
In reply to: Kassie DePaiva 's message, "Ok guys... some things are happening soon in Llanview that might set some Todd and Blair fans on their ears... or they may fall out of their chairs. But for the John and Blair hopefuls..... there is some action coming your way for awhile. I'm very curious about how every one feels about the events. Remember, it is just a soap and tomorrow it can all change... so let me hear what you think. Trevor, Susan, Michael, and I just want to tell good story and make you want to tune in tomorrow." on 03:17:27 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> I am with you Tonya, i am glad Kassie said "awile" I just want Blair to be in a good story and have some juicy material to sink her teeth into. -- Farrah, 10:25:42 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> I am with you Tonya and Farrah,we have been waiting for a while but as long as Kassie has a huge Storyline i am happy. -- shelia, 11:04:52 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> Re: As a John and Blair hopeful... I am glad you said "awhile". -- Lauren (CTKassieFan), 12:10:32 07/17/08 Thu


I would just like Blair to be front and center with a HUGE storyline! :) Marty's return should spark some interesting fireworks as well. It surely sounds like there will be a lot of action coming up and I can't WAIT! Especially now that I just got Soapnet, I can watch the best episodes (any you are in are the ones I consider the best) twice.


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[> [> As a Blair fan I am in hell!! Blair and John are boring. Blair needs to get the hell away from him before she is totally distroyed. I will scream if they start making papaer airplanes!!! -- Heather ((BLO suck)), 05:43:14 07/18/08 Fri

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