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Date Posted: 13:30:24 11/26/07 Mon
Author: San
Subject: With all due respect to the TnBr's on this board, I just want Blair to have a real storyline of her own. Todd is disinterested in her and there isn't much chenistry there. Blair was better when he was still missing. At least she got her own storylines! Don't bash me as I only want Blair front and center with her own story to tell.

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[> Disagreement isn't bashing. I think Blair more than deserves storyline that does not revolve around Todd and I hear rumors that may actually happen soon. And glad I am of it. As for the Todd/Blair stuff, they seem to doing a very slow rebuild and that's fine with me. It gives me time to give a damn and I do but I'd rather it be worth it than have some patch job that doesn't take and doesn't make sense. -- Dandesun, 13:49:39 11/26/07 Mon

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[> [> I think the problem is T&B are just there... there is no movement in their story, just them being there for each other and doing nothing. I do agree when Todd was missing Blair did have much more interaction with the rest of the town and the show and story where better. -- tonya, 15:14:44 11/26/07 Mon

There is so much story they could tell for T&B, especially as far as Blair.... she already has so much in common with Tommy... and there is the feelings of how Jack with handle it since he has always been a Mama's Boy... and then there is the matter of her money... there is so much they could tell as far as Blair and the Mannings, but they just seem to be going no where with it.

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[> [> [> I am enjoying the storyline just fine. I love the slow build to Todd and Blair. I wish that Tommy would come home, but I like the balance on the show again. I think that Todd and Blair have loads of chemistry. While I would love to have Blair have a storyline of her own, I just don't see that happening while Todd and Blair are married and that is just fine with me!!! -- Heather, 17:28:24 11/26/07 Mon

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[> I so do not want to be apart of the whole non-T&B vs. T&B crap. I have never been a T&B fan since the day they met knowing I thought Cord was perfect for her. However, the reality is since Blair hooked up with Todd in late 1994, she has not had ONE real romantic alternative, and that's not a good thing for a soap character in terms of fresh new material, but it will never change. Flame away. Back to lurking. -- Brooke, 06:38:44 11/27/07 Tue

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[> Well, I have been bashed, but it's jsut a show, right?! My point is, I started watching this show because of the character. I am respectful of history and it's supporters. I just want my gal to have a front and centre story independant of Todd. I do appreciate the slow burn between them and who know, maybe I'll be a convert! -- San, 09:24:15 11/27/07 Tue

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[> [> You've been bashed? I don't see it. Just a few who may disagree with you. I both agree and disagree. Nothing wrong with Blair having her own story independent of Todd, but also, he will always be part of her life (he's the love of her life) and I enjoy seeing them work their way back to each other. I think they have mad chemistry and it's time for them to give in. That said, I am in no way against Blair having her own story. Why can't she have BOTH? -- Cathy, 13:00:35 11/27/07 Tue

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[> [> [> I guess I'll have to reply to myself. Still no answer as to why Blair can't have an independent story and still be with Todd. -- Cathy, 15:16:12 12/02/07 Sun

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[> [> [> [> You know, I love ya, Cathy, but San does not owe us an explanation for why she is not a T&B fan. Its her right not to be one just like those who want Blair with Todd have a right to express that. No one needs to defend themselves here. This is not a pro-T&B board nor an anti-T&B board. Its a Blair/Kassie board, and we all love our girl to pieces. :) -- lucy, 07:25:11 12/03/07 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> I agree with you , lucy, but I am really asking a pretty simple question. If San wants Blair to have her own story, why can't she have that and be with Todd at the same time? Is there a reason she cannot? San (and others) seem to be implying that it is not possible. I am just wondering why, that's all. I don't get why it's one or the other and want someone to explain to me why. That's all. -- Cathy, 15:27:07 12/04/07 Tue

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[> [> [> [> [> [> When I can not speak for San nor others, but I do not want her with Todd for the simple fact that I do not like the character of Todd. :) -- lucy, 17:05:19 12/04/07 Tue

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Speaking up this Blair fan wants Blair free of this lil puke version of PUNK Todd! I want Blair to find a MAN worthy of her devotion and love. All she does is fight the drama queen Podd's self-induced probelms. Give Blair her own life and story away from the cowardly idiotic blackhole of Podd. -- BlairFan only, 04:33:00 12/15/07 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Sadly, tptb consider T&B as a package deal, and do not care or give much thought for the ones who are just Blair fans. Right now, Blair plays a secondary role to Todd which UNfortunately does not really appeal to Blair only fans. -- lucy, 08:22:14 12/15/07 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> I was determined to stay way but here goes . .. how many supercouples are out there that allow one party to call the other Bitch/Whore/Slut over and over while the other party has to take it? Old HW, I know, But who comes backs from that? It was so blatant and left me with a very bad taste. I'm sorry but its going to take a lot to wipe that clean for me. -- San, 09:12:39 12/15/07 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> GH's Sonny & Carly were like before they got together and for the most part ever since. It sucked when Todd did it. But at least except for Belt Day, it was Higley-specific. There was a lot that Blair did that I hated during that time, same as Todd. But I respect that others can't get beyond it. :) -- TerriL, 13:44:27 12/20/07 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Well Cathy I can't speak for the others but I explain why I feel it can't be both and it's really quite simple. At least in my opinion anyway, the writers are not capable. I've lost track of how many writers have come and gone -- shygirl, 19:36:03 12/04/07 Tue

and made promises after promises on how they are going to improve the writing for the show. Well I personally have yet to see one writer come aboard that hasn't felt the necessity to destroy Blair at the expense of everyone else but more so when it comes to Todd. Until a writing team can come aboard and talk the talk but most importantly write the good write, the right way. Especially when it comes to Blair with her own storyline and an equal relationship with Todd where Blair's lips ain't attached to his ass or dealing with his constant whore/slut insults. And throw in some Starr respecting her mother for once, preferably while Blair ain't on a death bed unconscious would be nice. That's why I feel as a Blair fan that I can never ever seeing those two things happening at the same time. Plus, heck just can't stand Todd plain and simple.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Shy you can speak for me anytime... as far as the question goes I thought my post relayed pretty much how I felt...plus I just don't care for his sniveling little punk ass no more. -- blainca, 11:01:28 12/05/07 Wed

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[> [> I think its one of things online things in terms of when you post something minus tone of voice, things get misinterpreted. I know T&B have been around for a long time so there are very strong opinions regarding them. San, I know its hard to be in minority, but stay strong. If everyone agreed with each other here, then it would get boring really fast. :) -- lucy, 04:43:12 11/28/07 Wed

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[> For me personally as a Blair Cramer fan I feel mostly hostile..sometimes mind numbingly apathetic and completely disenfranchised.. but I am always most comfortable being hostile. -- blainca (No festivus for the rest of us...), 09:30:44 11/27/07 Tue

If you are just Blair fan then it goes with out saying that you are just plain sh*t out of luck...The words ball and chain & albatross take on a whole other meaning.. It's pretty pathetic what Blair's existence has been reduced to... how to protect Todd, please Todd, implore Todd, console Todd, cojole Todd exclusively prop Todd no matter what or who it costs her she shakes it off and back to business as usual... occasionally there's a side of lip service to pacify us for like a whole segment or two... what a wretched existence..I can see how some T&B fans are enjoying the "slow build" if you will...but there is no real respite.. no real alternative..no real consideration for Blair fans..


No house.. no job..no Jack{who has been shipped off for no good reason which totally really..really freeking pisses me off..I could understand if there was an ugly child catcher on the loose or something akin to that but god no..] no nothin.

Just a big fat bunch of nothing.

God Bless Me. I'm still a Blair fan.

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[> [> I've grown to hate Todd and Blair as a couple the last 4 and a half years. Remove Blair from under his thumb and give her a life away from that worst excuse for a man. -- Free Blair, 15:18:51 12/01/07 Sat

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[> Re: With all due respect to the TnBr's on this board, I just want Blair to have a real storyline of her own. Todd is disinterested in her and there isn't much chenistry there. Blair was better when he was still missing. At least she got her own storylines! Don't bash me as I only want Blair front and center with her own story to tell. -- Sheree, 09:47:38 11/27/07 Tue

WOW, it's only taken 4 yrs for people on this board to come around to my way of thinking. I've been saying these things for that long. KDP has how long left on her contract? I think TPTB are putting her on the back burner because they might want to get rid of her. GH split up Luke & Laura, AMC is breaking up Jack & Erica, OLTL NEEDS to break up Todd & Blair PERMANTLY! Recast Evangeline and pair up Blair with RJ or bring on a new character.

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[> I vehemently disagree that Todd is disinterested in her and that there isn't chemistry. I think just the opposite. Todd loves her (just won't admit it) and there is mad chemistry from my POV. -- Cathy, 13:03:37 11/27/07 Tue

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[> [> Cathy, I totally agree. Go Todd and Blair!!! -- Heather, 14:37:37 11/27/07 Tue

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[> [> Re: I vehemently disagree that Todd is disinterested in her and that there isn't chemistry. I think just the opposite. Todd loves her (just won't admit it) and there is mad chemistry from my POV. -- Jessica, 07:59:07 12/05/07 Wed

Cathy, I totally agree with you. Todd does love Blair and always will. Right now they are both so afraid of getting hurt that they are reluctant to admit their feelings. I for one am so excited for the slow build RC has going...it makes me even more invested in the TnB relationship ( if that is even possible LOL). I think that this time around RC is doing things 'right' for Todd and Blair...he is respecting their history as a couple as well as keeping them true to their indivdual character. I am loving OLTL again more than any other soap and can't wait to see TnB in s/ls together as well as on their own!!!

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[> To each his own, but as a Blairian, I am bored out of my freaking mind right now. The last time I was excited was when Blair vowed to bring down Doc Plastic back in the summer of 2006. Anyway, Blair has no identity nor existance in Llanview outside of being a prop for Todd which sucks because it really limits Kassie's material. Kass is such an amazing talent, and in my opinion, I find it so insulting that tptb believe Blair only has fan appeal when she plays a supporting role at Todd's altar. -- lucy (Mad as Hell Blairian), 04:01:09 11/28/07 Wed

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[> I truly love the passion of TnBr's out there and there are obviously lots of you that have come long before I appeared on the scene. I always come back to why I visit this site - Blair and the incredible actress who portrays her, Kassie. She gets what she gets from tptb and always does such a great job. I just want to see more of her and thepossibilities of the character. It's not wrong to want her front and center. -- San, 14:07:06 11/28/07 Wed

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[> [> I don't know why T&B fans and Blair fans should be at odds. -- OTWB, 07:28:49 12/02/07 Sun

I've always been a Blair fan, and a lot of the time a T&B fan. When they're poorly written, I mostly remain a Blair fan, I guess because she's always stuck a chord within me. It seems to me that some put more emphasis on who she's paired with, or not than they do whether the writing is good for the character. I think all Blair fans would be thrilled to see great writing for the character, Todd or no Todd. I wish we could all focus on that, at least as a common goal.

Then of course, we'd all want what we want because all Blair fans are not the same and we'd be just as boring as those twitty Mary Sue's if we were.


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[> Why would anybody want to bash you? We all have opinions... -- DaJ, 08:48:52 12/02/07 Sun

Unfortunately the women on the show are put in 2 categories – those with men and those without men. The ones without men are usually props.

Viki finally got a story after how many years as a prop? I think its great that you want a story for Blair all by her lonesome.

But you are entitled to you opinion, just keep the T&Bers out of it. We want what’s best for Todd and Blair, equally.

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