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Date Posted: 13:58:37 12/10/07 Mon
Author: lucy
Subject: Making Disney Magic with Kassie DePaiva by Lauren Flynn(click to read interview)

Making Disney Magic With Kassie DePaiva
� By Lauren Flynn

Digest's Lauren Flynn went behind the scenes of Super Soap Weekend with Kassie DePaiva (Blair, OLTL).

One of the perks of covering ONE LIFE TO LIVE for Soap Opera Digest is interviewing Kassie DePaiva (Blair), who is always gracious, sweet and has plenty to say. But at the recent Super Soap Weekend in Orlando, FL, DePaiva decided that for her 15-minute Q&A before the OLTL motorcade, she would be the interviewer since we've chatted her up so many times on the 12-year running Super Soap.

Kassie DePaiva: What was your expectation of Super Soap?
Soap Opera Digest: A lot of screaming fans and beautiful stars waving and answering questions.

DePaiva: Now, kicking it off today, has it met those expectations or has it exceeded them?
Digest: I think we're still moving toward that! I've really just started the day and I haven't seen a motorcade yet.

DePaiva: Have you witnessed any autograph sessions?
Digest: Yes, I saw Kathy Brier's [Marcie, OLTL]; she looked great and was very friendly and waving a lot to screaming fans.

DePaiva: Now, if you had to be a soap fan, whose line would you stand in?
Digest: Oh, my goodness, it would be yours, Kassie!'

DePaiva (laughing): Oh, stop. For real.
Digest: Michael Easton [John, OLTL].

DePaiva: Michael Easton � that's good to know. Well, you're here and he might be in this motorcade, so if you want to sneak in his car, go right ahead. [Editor's Note: This editor did not stow away in Easton's car, but did have a photo taken with him, thanks to DePaiva.]

DePaiva: So have you been to Disney World before?
Digest: Well, I was at Magic Kingdom when I was a little girl, but it was completely different. There are a million things here to do now.

DePaiva: Right. Did you come from a soap-watching family? Now, speak into the microphone.
Digest: Yes.

DePaiva: Were you an ABC soap opera watcher?
Digest: Absolutely, all the way. I ran home from kindergarten, no joke, to watch Erika Slezak do Niki/Viki.

DePaiva: Oh, that's fantastic! I think this is great. So did you watch PORT CHARLES?
Digest: Yes, and I already told Michael Easton that I was a big Caleb fan.

DePaiva: So did you come from, like, a four-generation family of watchers?
Digest: No, my grandma didn't really watch soaps. It was all my mom, and she didn't really care how racy it was. My Barbies got married every week � probably more often than Blair did!

DePaiva (clapping and laughing): Well, that says a lot. What do you hope to walk away with this weekend?
Digest: Good memories of a sunny day and getting to see all the cool parts of Disney World.

DePaiva: What about your favorite Disney character?
Digest: Well, it has to be Snow White, but that's partly because people always tell me.�

DePaiva: You look like her! Oh, can we run a picture of you and Snow White together?
Digest: I would love to do that.

DePaiva (calling out to her Disney escort): Sam! I would love to get a picture of Lauren and Snow White because I'm interviewing her, and I think it would be great since her favorite character is Snow White and she looks like Snow White! Is there any way we could get hold of her? We're gonna do it. Ask and you shall receive.
Digest: REALLY? Yay!

DePaiva: This is what you do here in Disney World! You can make your dreams come true, babe!
Digest: Kassie, you're making my dreams come true!

DePaiva: I think that's great.

link to interview with pictures:

Kass just excels at everything even being an interviewer:)

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[> Thanks for the link Lucy, Kassie is so great with her fans . -- Farrah, 14:20:42 12/10/07 Mon

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