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I think that the Spencer storyline made her look bad. I like John and Blair has friends and didn't want romance but it will never come close to the Spencer/Blair storyline. (Don't get me wrong, I don't like the idea of her sleeping with another man so soon after her divorce). But if the storyline will lead to a feud between Marty/Blair then I'm all for it since it would make Blair act more like her old self. I haven't been too thrilled with RC's work in general post strike but I think we will get some good scenes with Marty/Blair (RC is all about history and Marty/Blair is part of it). -- Janice, 06:27:16 07/19/08 Sat
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Definitely echoing your sentiments on the SpenSUCK fiasco, Janice. That mess was stomach churning & utterly repulsive!!! But, even in that sl, Blair waited awhile before sleeping with the enemy & I could rationalize her behavior. The grief over losing Todd, watching her husband & father of her children sent to death row, Todd refusing his appeal, dealing with the upset over more of Todd's lies, etc. This time, I cannot defend Blair's actions. They make NO sense!!! Blair obviously still loves Todd & never wanted the divorce..... -- LH, 14:53:14 07/19/08 Sat
Instead of fighting for her marriage & family, Blair allows Todd to goad her with another one of his ruses & doesn't even find out why?!!!
That's NOT Blair....
And, this John/Blair stuff is coma-inducing and turning this into quad will be the kiss of death!!!
I really see RC turning Blair into a SLUT for this sl to sell the T&B/Marty/John quad and remove some of the stigma from a Todd/Marty hook-up on the way back to T&B and John/Marty.
I HATE how this makes Blair look...IT'S CHEAP & TAWDRY!!!
RC should just write Blair as the modern day Karen Wolek selling it on every street corner w/McDingy as her Marco Dane pimp and Todd as Blair's far from clueless yet unsuspecting & adoring hubby. And, just be done with it.
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