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Date Posted: 13:40:51 03/12/08 Wed
Author: Fish
Subject: And what about Cole? Other than Todd beating him up a little ain't nobody said 'boo' to that weasle. Neither Nora or John know what circumstances Todd found them in, but man, shouldn't they, like ask. Or something? And I think OLTL missed an opportunity with Gigi to really delve into how hard it is on a single teenage mother. Yes they hinted at it but what we mostly saw was a plucky girl making it on her own. I hope she at least has a convo with Starr in which she tells her how hard it really is, with lots of details and angst
In reply to: Cathy 's message, "I agree with you both, Fish, and LH. I too am a bit aghast that more people (particularly BLAIR) are not coming down harder on Starr right now. I don't see her as a "victim" of big bad Todd as much as I see her irresponsible and impossibly immature behavior over the past few days! (click)" on 11:30:07 03/12/08 Wed

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[> [> [> I think Blair is faboulous Mother,Blair told Starr by her choice to go over Langston with Cole put her in a bad situation and then Starr was going to ran out the door sometimes you can help children out by simply showing them love instead of hammering on down. Starr told Blair they did;nt have sex .i did;nt want Cole and Starr to have sex either but i also did;nt want todd to go crazy on everybody,when Blair finds out Starr had sex i think Blair will be upset.Blair has to be strong to keep Todd fro doing stupid Stuff.Blair Rocks. -- shelia, 10:27:29 03/13/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> Listen, I bow to Blair. She has four children, and she does her best to handle them all! ;) -- Cathy, 13:16:13 03/13/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> I bow to Blair too. It's more like she has 3.5 kids---Todd can immature & child-like at times, but he is ALL MAN in all the most important ways..lol!!! -- LH, 17:02:16 03/13/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> I think both Todd & Blair are good parents--most of the time. In the scheme of Daytime parents & family units, I think TnB are the BEST of the bunch!!!! It's just that sometimes their self-absorption & egos muck up the works. -- LH, 16:58:27 03/13/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: I think both Todd & Blair are good parents--most of the time. In the scheme of Daytime parents & family units, I think TnB are the BEST of the bunch!!!! It's just that sometimes their self-absorption & egos muck up the works. -- gannet123, 18:20:50 03/13/08 Thu

IMO Kassie,KA,TSJ,and BB are doing excellent work with this teen story. I also think Blair will get where Todd is coming from a little more after she realizes they actually slept together. Blair was very much in shock when she first believed Sole slept together but then she believed Starr's lie.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> IA w/you, Gannet. I think the acting is phenomenal in this storyline. I have called the comment with much praise to all involved. TSJ, KDP, & KA in particular have been riveting & are really hitting it out of the park together!!! I also believe that T&B will be more in sync again once Blair learns what really happened & that Starr has lied to her. D-Day is coming for Starr! -- LH, 03:36:13 03/14/08 Fri

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