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Date Posted: 12:23:39 03/20/08 Thu
Author: Dandesun
Subject: When Daddy had a problem with Starr having sex, Starr decided Daddy hated her and wanted to ruin her life. She's... pretty much what Todd and Blair made her. Spoiled rotten.
In reply to: kathy 's message, "has starr lost her mind. In the previews for tomorrow she tells todd adn b lair ythat sam belongs with marcie not todd. when did starr get so nasty and mean spiriited, stgarr is vaery unlikeable right now. and starr and cole are not romeo and julietr, sorry abc promo depts." on 09:44:55 03/20/08 Thu

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[> [> Starr only seems to be "loving" towards her parents when they are giving her her way. If Todd told her tomorrow that she could see Cole, she would be all sugary sweet with him. Same with Blair. Starr's self-centered actions are making me sick. I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for her. If she'd been mature about her relationship, she wouldn't be in this mess. -- Cathy, 16:05:45 03/20/08 Thu

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[> [> [> The Romeo/Juliet thing is my hotbutton. Romeo and Juliet were wanks. So are Starr and Cole. I never sympathized with R&J and I don't really sympathize with S&C. I sympathize with Blair. Not so much Todd. He's being a wank, too. -- Dandesun, 16:15:36 03/20/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> I sympathize with Blair because she is caught in the middle. I understand her concern that she doesn't want Starr to leave when she's 18 and never speak to them again. But I also sympathize with Todd. His methods are too extreme, but he is trying to save his daughter from her (obviously) stupid self. He's right that she's too young to have sex. What he doesn't know is that the damage is likely already done. A pregnant Starr is exactly what Todd is trying to keep from happening. I can't help but feel for him, esp. if she is pregnant. -- Cathy, 03:05:56 03/21/08 Fri

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[> [> [> I also have to point out that if Starr had waited just 30 more minutes before she ran off and jumped into bed with Cole (without talking about or using protection) she would have been there when Todd came to her room and announced they weren't necessarily moving to Hawaii right away. Starr never even gave Blair a chance to talk him down. -- Cathy, 03:11:05 03/21/08 Fri

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[> [> [> [> Yeah, she's exactly like her Dad. The concept of 'waiting' doesn't mean anything to her. If she's not getting her way then she's going to do something about it RIGHT NOW. I'm surprised she hasn't threatened to hold her breath until she gets her way. Starr's what her parents made her but just like I don't always like or agree with the crap they do, I don't like or agree with what Starr's doing. -- Dandesun, 07:17:48 03/21/08 Fri

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[> [> [> [> [> LOL....Isn't that the truth! Like I said, Starr's actions were irresponsible & reactionary....Very T&B-like in truth!! -- LH, 15:29:29 04/04/08 Fri

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