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Date Posted: 15:17:27 03/22/08 Sat
Author: Cathy
Subject: What shocks me is Starr's utter stupidity. She was never EVER a stupid chararcter but in fact wiser than most adult characters on the show. Not now. She has sex at 16 without a thought about protection, and then she actually thinks that Sam will be taken away from Todd "just like that" if she says he abused him. She looked totally dumbfounded when Marcie said they'd be a hearing, court, etc. Starr isn't this stupid. Plain and simple.
In reply to: LH 's message, "Starr is out for revenge! She is T&B's offspring after all. Is anyone really shocked by this twist? Not me." on 06:18:53 03/22/08 Sat

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[> [> [> No, Starr is not stupid...She's naive!! Starr is a hormonal 16-year-old who just had a HUGE dose of reality sent her way!! She has had her first sexual experience turn into a nightmare & now she has ignited a situation that is completely beyond her control & limited experience. Starr does not know how to exact revenge on her own father anymore than she knows about sex & safe sex practices---she's a babe in the woods!! -- LH, 16:58:04 03/23/08 Sun

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[> [> [> [> Ok. My question then is -- why is Starr so naive about sex? She has criticized Blair enough for her casual attitude towards sex. She has seen the pain it has caused Blair over the years. Also, Starr has always been wiser than most of the adults in her life. What changed? Could Starr and Cole not have gone to the drug store for 10 minutes and bought condoms? Could they have even mentioned the fact that they weren't protected? I'm not buying it. I do not buy that Starr would be this stupid/clueless, given her upbringing. Yep, I'm still calling it stupid. Sorry. -- Cathy, 10:43:54 03/24/08 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> Clarification: I am not questioning why 16-year-olds in general might be naive about sex. I am asking why Starr Manning is naive about it, given the environment she was raised in and who her mother is. Just don't buy that Starr would act this way in terms of not even considering protection. I hate it when character is compromised for the sake of the story, and I feel that happening (to an extent) here. -- Cathy, 10:55:35 03/24/08 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> [> I don't disagree with you, Cathy. Given Starr's upbringing & her observations of her parents re: what complications can arise from sex, it seems quite uncharacteristic for Starr to have reacted in such a way. And, as I have previously posted about here, I am much more horrified by the fact that NOT ONE WORD was uttered about safe sex and/or protection during Starr & Cole's sex talk than anything else that has transpired (Todd's actions included). I guess we are supposed to overlook that tidbit (click)...... -- LH, 19:17:16 03/25/08 Tue

and focus on the gravity of love that exists between Starr & Cole and their desperate need to be together.However, it just highlights how unprepared S&C were to have sex and now face the consequences of their rash decision. I also agree that Starr's reactionary behavior & naivety in this situation are being played up for story purposes, so they can venture into the teen pregnancy & lovers on the run arena.

I really hope the fact that S&C did not use protection is thoroughly addressed in upcoming dialogue. If not, ABC will be hearing from me again!!

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