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Date Posted: 06:18:09 04/03/08 Thu
Author: LH
Subject: Agreed, Tonya. I think the fact that KA is really 16 does skew things a bit in some people's interpretation. This is a very timely & relevant issue and I am thrilled that OLTL is addressing it!!! There are so many teens out there having sexual relations & many of them are under 16. I know that is a harsh reality for some, but is reality nonetheless. It's wonderful that OLTL is tackling it head-on---I applaud OLTL & the cast!!!
In reply to: tonya 's message, "Starr looks young because Kristen is the ONLY one in the teen story who is REALLY 16. The rest are ALL older playing 16. I think they need to have a real 16 in the role, so those fans who are 16 have someone who realistically represents their age bracket. Fan may not like it but there are alot of 16 years olds out there who are having sex and little girls who do end up pregnant, who are just children themselves. The storyline would not be nearly as dramatic if it were a 22 year playing 16. This is a very real issue with teens and their parents and not addressing it won't make it go away." on 05:14:00 04/01/08 Tue

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[> [> [> [> I think Kristen Is doing an excellent job with that Storyline and so is Kassie.Todd is beginning to come down,Blair will keep him in straight.But i don;t how i would act if i had a daughter and caught her in bed with a guy,i hope i could be understandering and trust like Blair did. -- shelia, 11:48:38 04/03/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> The acting from KDP, TSJ, KA, & KA has been top notch!! Really brilliant in fact. I think Blair is starting to get through to Todd with some help from Addie & Viki. I don't harbor any ill will towards Todd in this story. This is an extremely volatile & unpredictable situation. -- LH, 21:16:43 04/07/08 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Oops! Should read: The acting from KDP, TSJ, KA, & BB has been top notch!! -- LH, 21:17:56 04/07/08 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Kassie,Kristen,Trevor is doing an excellent job.i just wished Todd would.nt be so dam mean. -- shelia, 12:24:36 04/08/08 Tue

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> No Worries, Sheila. I think once our T&B lovin' is amped up again, Todd will be a very happy guy. He just misses his OTB Blair!! And, he is frustrated by their lovesick teenage daughter. -- LH, 15:17:19 04/08/08 Tue

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