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Date Posted: 19:59:46 04/04/08 Fri
Author: Danika
Subject: I was surprised they're having Blair go along with Todd's treatment of Starr and Langston for that matter it just seems out of character to me, also(not the popular opinion) it wouldn't bother me if Starr is pregnant it's not that far out of the realm of reality (at least where I live) and soaps are always tackling the issues i.e. aids, rape, etc and now teen pregnancy. I'm curious to see how the whole thing will play out. I've been watching for 15 years and there's always ruts and sometimes dull or annoying storylines, but sooner or later they pull out of it.
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I am not surprised. Blair is being the family peacemaker & keeping things in check so they don't get too far out of hand. She is pleading both cases--I think Blair agrees with & understands both sides in this family battle. I don't think she is on any one side at this point....She is really in the middle. But, I think that will change when she learns that Starr has been lying to her about sleeping with Cole & that Todd was right all along. Todd is the one being honest & upfront with Blair and Starr is the one telling lies (click). -- LH, 14:56:01 04/05/08 Sat
That's a really different scenario, but a VERY WELCOME one for this fan. I think T&B are going to be much more in sync once the whole truth emerges. And, I do think that Starr & Cole will have their hands full. As for Langston, I like her but I have little sympathy for her in this situation. She cannot be trusted here. She is sneaking things to Starr & arranging Starr/Cole clandestine meetings. Todd is right to be suspicious--Blair is catching on too more & more!!
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I am not happy about Blair turning into a Stepford wife. She clearly does not agree with Todd because she did not tell him about Cole sneaking in and she went to see John behind Todd's back because she does not want to upset Todd. Its making Blair look weak, and its so not Blair. -- lucy, 17:58:09 04/06/08 Sun
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I disagree, Lucy. I think Blair agrees with Todd about Starr & Cole and a cooling off period. The reason she did not tell Todd about Cole sneaking in & went to John for help was to prevent Starr & Cole from digging themselves deeper into a hole with Todd. Todd is serious about his threat to send Cole to prison for shooting Miles & Blair knows it. It would be devastating for both Starr & Cole if that happened. She also wants to see things calm down a bit between Todd & Starr and see her family return to some normalcy or at least as "normal" as T&B/Mannings get (click). -- LH, 20:02:08 04/06/08 Sun
I don't see Blair as weak here. I see her using common sense and protecting all sides of the equation. I actually think it is one of Blair's smarter moves!
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I actually think Blair looks very strong in all this. She is the one holding the family together - just like she did after Cole attacked Starr the first time. Blair doesn't agree with some of Todd's methods, but she does agree with him completely that Starr and Cole are moving too fast. She said so. -- Cathy, 00:34:31 04/07/08 Mon
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ITA, Cathy!! Blair is the strong one in this story & definitely the smartest Manning right now!! Todd & Starr are still running on emotion in many respects, while Blair is using common sense. -- LH, 11:02:21 04/07/08 Mon
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It is going to be so sad when Blair and Todd finds out that Starr is pregnany.Cole better be running for his life,i just wonder if Starr will think about having abortion,i hope she don;t,i hope Starr takes responserabity for her action.Blair would be a excellent grandma like she is a mother. -- shelia, 11:25:04 04/07/08 Mon
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The idea of T&B as grandparents grows on me more & more every day!! -- LH, 21:07:24 04/07/08 Mon
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Blech! Sooo not ready for Blair to be a grandma. -- Wendy, 12:45:32 04/08/08 Tue
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At first, I felt like that too, but the idea has grown on me. I think T&B would ROCK as youngish grandparents & they would spoil that kid rotten!! -- LH, 15:22:33 04/08/08 Tue
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Grandma Blair?! Please God No. I want the writing for Blair to improve not get worse. -- lucy, 15:19:43 04/10/08 Thu
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Who says making T&B grandparents will lead to poor writing for the characters? You have no way of knowing that since it has yet to happen. It might result in very powerful & meaty story for them. There are parents out in the real world becoming grandparents in T&B's age range (some even younger!). Why not explore it? There's alot of potential there. -- LH, 17:36:36 04/10/08 Thu
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No need to get upset over an opinion. I say that I have zero interest in watching Blair as a grandmother, but its just my opinion, and I am sticking to it like you are sticking by yours. -- lucy, 17:36:51 04/11/08 Fri
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I also have no interest in watching either Todd OR Blair become grandparents. I have even less interest in watching Starr become a teenage mom. This story is a nightmare to me for many reasons. It would pack more dramatic punch of Starr just had a quick abortion. -- Cathy, 03:23:09 04/12/08 Sat
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I wasn't upset. It was simply expressing my opinion, just as you were expressing yours. No harm, No foul. -- LH, 08:01:10 04/13/08 Sun
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I'm happy she's going alone with Todd, he's right! Starr is too young to have sex. Look at the results, she's not mature enough to know about sex. I think it's about time. Sure Todd is a little harsh, but Starr needs some guidance. I'm sorry she can't go to her mother when she needs her the most. But Starr has had it too easy up to this point in life, it's time she learn she is still the child! Todd & Blair are the adults! -- DaJ, 06:43:12 04/09/08 Wed
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ITA, Daj!!! It's time for Starr to have some boundaries imposed. T&B have never been big on that in the past. Now, it's biting everyone in the butt! -- LH, 17:26:58 04/10/08 Thu
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I think Blair is holding the family together but at the same time I think she also has more compassion then what they are showing, the way he threw Langston's bag at her the other day and the way he is with Starr at time I'm just surprised she hasn't told him to lighten up, it's not the punishment I disagree with, but the treatment. -- Danika, 15:58:32 04/11/08 Fri
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ITA--I think Blair is holding the family together & that's what she needs to be doing right now. And, Blair has told Todd to lighten up & he has lightened up. But, there is still alot of emotional stuff going on right now. -- LH, 08:04:05 04/13/08 Sun
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