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Date Posted: 01:58:42 04/05/08 Sat
Author: shelia
Subject: I did;nt think Starr and Cole had sex,i thought Todd came in before they did but eventidally he was to late.i wonder if Starr going to have the baby or have abortion.i think Blair would make a excellent grandma.Blair Rocks.

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[> Oh, I knew all along they did it. Even before the show & KA confirmed it, you could tell they had sex. Didn't you catch those afterglow moments between Starr & Cole before Todd came in?!! And, the dialogue was there too--just vague enough to create some ambiguity (click). -- LH, 15:06:26 04/05/08 Sat

Then, there is the whole real-life Jaime-Lynn Spears teen pregnancy making headlines. It was so clear where this was going. As for T&B as grandparents at this point in time, I was on the fence at first but I think they will be fabulous!!! Look at the way they have embraced Sam. I think it will be tough & the Manning Family will have to overcome some obstacles, but IF anyone can do it, it's T&B and their UNSTOPPABLE Manning Clan!!!

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[> [> The ridiculous thing is, Todd knows it too. Todd knows what he saw when he walked in, and he knows darn well what happened. He's not THAT stupid! Starr all panicked and lying so he "won't find out" I don't get it. He KNOWS. And if Starr had her brains back, she'd know that he knows. -- Cathy, 16:48:17 04/05/08 Sat

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[> [> [> Yes, he does. And, what's more I think Blair is already beginning to suspect there is alot more to the story. That's why she is so suspicious of the teens & worried about Starr/Cole. I think she coming out of her denial about the situation & what REALLY went on between Starr & Cole. -- LH, 20:07:52 04/06/08 Sun

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