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I want to see Starr tell her parents together. Starr has been SO immature throughout this ordeal where her parents are concerned. She has been playing them off each other to cover her own a$$--which just underscores her naivety. Starr needs to do the right thing & tell TnB about her situation. -- LH, 09:30:13 04/19/08 Sat
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That's the point. It's NOT Todd's fault. Nor is it Blair's fault. It's Starr & Cole's fault....They had unprotected sex out of desperation & are now facing the consequences. Now, it's time for Blair to make STARR take responsibility for her actions--which is what Todd has been trying to do, but not in the best fashion. T&B need to be a UNITED force on this situation & in ALL areas!! -- LH, 09:15:54 04/19/08 Sat
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You know, guys, Blair's far from perfect. Todd's reacted to things badly and it would appear that Blair will, too. This is kind of why they're so good together, they're both messed up, they both do inappropriate things. Personally, I see Blair blaming Todd for Starr not coming to them with the truth. I hope she will be mad at Starr as well, but I can see her blaming Todd in the heat of things. -- Dandesun, 05:58:55 04/21/08 Mon
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We'll see how it plays. I have a feeling T&B are not going to know Starr is pregnant for a while yet. I think Blair will blame Todd for Starr's running off -- not for her pregnant state cause they won't know about it. Just a guess. -- Cathy, 07:12:44 04/21/08 Mon
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Maybe so. I guess we'll see. I would rather have T&B learn about Starr's pregnancy sooner than later and FROM Starr herself, but I have a feeling they will learn about it some other way. -- LH, 18:06:42 04/21/08 Mon
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Honestly? I don't think Starr is pregnant. I think that's what will come out in the end. She thinks she is, but she's not. The test was wrong. -- Cathy, 13:16:42 04/22/08 Tue
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I really doubt it, Cathy. Starr was at the clinic for a screening & I think a sonogram was done. She was about to go through w/the abortion before Cole arrived. Clinics confirm pregnancies prior to performing abortions....Starr IS pregnant!!! Sorry to dash your hope. Any ambiguity is gone. -- LH, 13:57:05 04/23/08 Wed
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starr is also to blame -- tina, 12:34:18 04/21/08 Mon
Starr is also to blame in this she is the one choosing to lie and then run away.
Todd is caving in and Blair is supposedly pleased wsith Todd's change towards Starr and Cole and is even willing to let them date after 6 months, which is a compromise.
So, I don't get why Blair blames Todd after Starr runs as he is trying to compromise with Starr. Which is more than Starr is doing.
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IA--I feel Starr has the lion's share of "blame" & responsibility in this situation. She was irresponsible & completely reactionary.....Her behavior & actions are the real cautionary tale here. Starr screwed up & now she is facing the consequences!!! -- LH, 18:13:33 04/21/08 Mon
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Say it with me, Starr: "NO GLOVE, NO LOVE".....An important lesson at any age of sexual development!!! -- LH, 18:15:25 04/21/08 Mon
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