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Date Posted: 09:16:22 04/22/08 Tue
Author: lucy
Subject: I absolutely loved John and Blair today. Their friendship is absolutely priceless, and I cheered when Blair called him a jackass. It was so Blairian!!! I think Blair gave John a serious wake up today without needing to kiss his butt. Go Blair.

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[> I loved scene with Blair and John they are so funny together,Blair was cleaning him up and i loved it when Blair called John a Jackass.Blair Rules. -- shelia, 12:20:23 04/22/08 Tue

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[> [> I agree, shelia, they were definitely funny, and I think that's all due to Kassie&Michael's ability to do comedy. The best part for me is that Blair was in charge, and calling the shots today. I just loved it. -- lucy, 18:13:43 04/22/08 Tue

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[> The more people who call McBain a jackass the better. The way she guilted him about his behavior in regards to Cole's hero worship was actually quite clever. I could have done with more calling him a jackass, though. -- Dandesun, 04:56:47 04/23/08 Wed

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[> Well... I LOVED THEM!!! Let them be friends who can tell each other the truth and let's see what happens. I LOVE that John respects Blair and that Blair has a friend and a life outside of just being Todd's wife. -- tonya, 07:11:45 04/23/08 Wed

Some random thoughts:

John and Thalia have to be faking and Antonio must be in on it. It is out of character for John to show such disrespect for Antonio's feelings.

I think Rex is falling for Gigi and everyone sees it but him.

I feel for Starr and think she should just be honest with her parents. Maybe just tell Blair first and let her handle Todd. Todd needs to see he is hurting things more than he is helping them. I understand about catching them in bed together, but the accusation of rape was too much for me.

Kinda liking the Jessica and Cris scenes.


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[> [> Damn Straight Tonya!!!! Let our firl find her identity in the big old world out there! Here's hoping that once RC is back he puts her storyline straight!!! -- San, 14:06:33 04/23/08 Wed

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[> [> [> What I enjoyed about John&Blair on Friday is that with John, Blair is in the driver seat. She summons him to Creme Brulee, and he arrives in record speed. John even asks her what she wants him to do to help....He let her call the shots on Friday which was oh my god for John...Also, Kassie and Michael have great chemistry which makes me believe in Blair&John's friendship. I hope Blair remain in control with John as her trusted "SuperCop" sidekick. -- lucy, 16:32:39 05/03/08 Sat

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