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Date Posted: 13:03:24 04/25/08 Fri
Author: lucy (Giddy)
Subject: In the upcoming SOW, Ron Carlivati says, "I was worried about Blair the past couple of months. She seemed a doormat and not not Blair. May Sweeps starts with Blair starting to stand up and be the Blair we know and love." Everyone is going to have their own opinion especially depending on whether you are diehard T&Ber or a diehard Blairian. I am just happy that Ron Carlivati was thinking the same thing as I was that the last couple of months has NOT been our Blair. I can not wait for May Sweeps.
In reply to: Cathy 's message, "Blair has definitely said that (those exact words in fact) to Todd since this whole thing started. A few weeks ago she told him he could not make decisions about the fam without consulting her. She knows how to handle him, no problem, and I disagree that she's been "allowing" him to do anything. Blair knows that with Todd, she'll get more flies with honey than vinegar. She knows what she's doing. That said (click)" on 11:31:28 04/25/08 Fri

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[> [> [> I can't wait either!!! I'm really looking forward to RC's continued material. In addition to standing up to Todd, I hope Blair also stands up to Starr and tells her that she doesn't know everything at 16, and that having unprotected sex at that age is dumber than dumb and not "making love" and all romantic. -- Cathy, 13:12:11 04/25/08 Fri

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