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Date Posted: 16:30:37 04/25/08 Fri
Author: Cathy
Subject: Didn't they have sex in the stables? I guess Araby (was that the horse's name?) didn't mind. ;)
In reply to: lucy 's message, "Its cool that T&Bers enjoyed today's show, hell, I am just giving my Blairian two cents which is allowed. I do not remember T&B having sex in a public place with no locks where anyone can walk in and out. I do not remember Todd ever being so comfortable with his manhood to the point he was expose himself. For me, it was gross. I think Cris successfully made both of them look like idiots which was sad knowing it was Cris. I think the reason why I am so put off is that Blair&Todd now remind me so much of Blair&Max." on 15:28:11 04/25/08 Fri

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[> [> [> [> [> Hey Cathy i agree with you i did;nt mind either anywhere Blair and Todd wants to have HOT MONKEy SEX will be fine with us as long as they have a HUGE STORYLINE.They are bad to the bone. -- shelia, 01:14:34 04/26/08 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> And Todd's office, when they didn't lock the doors, and in the back of a limo while someone was driving. It's not like they were having sex in the gym with everyone there. They went into a sauna... a small room and closed the door. So they didn't notice Cris at first. Big deal. I wouldn't call Todd a pride as he seems to keep Blair happy in the sack... he's a jerk and does jerk things... like telling Cris without words to suck it. It was surprising but there have been other things Todd's done that have been more out of character to me than that. -- Dandesun, 06:02:24 04/26/08 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> LOL - I was thinking about that time in the limo, too! Didn't the driver look semi-disgusted/freaked before he put up the dividing window? That was many years ago - both that and the stables were back when RH had the role. ;) -- Cathy, 08:30:57 04/26/08 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> The driver was green with envy.....Like so many others are--lol. T&B ROCK!!!! -- LH, 23:49:09 04/28/08 Mon

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