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Date Posted: 21:08:00 04/26/08 Sat
Author: LH
Subject: Oh please, GAG ME!!!! T&B are NOTHING like Blair & Maxhole. 1) T&B actually have chemistry together 2) T&B achieve a HOTNESS factor that can never be even uttered in the same sentence as the other "combo" 3) T&B have never been gag worthy--especially during T&B lovin' 4) T&B love scenes are always Must-See TV with REAL feeling, passion, emotion, & great heat.....It's T&B HOT MONKEY LOVE!!!! There is NO comparison. T&B are the best!!!!
In reply to: lucy 's message, "Its cool that T&Bers enjoyed today's show, hell, I am just giving my Blairian two cents which is allowed. I do not remember T&B having sex in a public place with no locks where anyone can walk in and out. I do not remember Todd ever being so comfortable with his manhood to the point he was expose himself. For me, it was gross. I think Cris successfully made both of them look like idiots which was sad knowing it was Cris. I think the reason why I am so put off is that Blair&Todd now remind me so much of Blair&Max." on 15:28:11 04/25/08 Fri

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[> [> [> [> [> I keep trying to be respectful of the your posting style, but when you start putting down my posts in a mean spirited way than its alittle too much to swallow. Please remember everyone here has different opinions, and we have to be respectful. LH, I do not know if you realize it or not, but you are very heavy in the way you deliver your opinions. You can only speak for yourself by voicing your opinion, but your opinion is not fact. Writing in CAPS and exclamation marks does not accomplish anything especially on a board where everyone loves Kassie and Blair. Thank You. -- lucy, 16:09:00 05/03/08 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Caps & exclamation points can provide emphasis when needed. -- LH, 17:16:03 05/03/08 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Emphasis on what? you do caps and exclamation marks on such a regular basis to the point that sometimes I think I am at a cheerleading pep rally. Just saying. -- lucy, 20:09:42 05/03/08 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> P.S. Say whatever you want about Maxhole, but he was Blair's first love, and she will always have a soft spot for him. I really loved Max&Blair together for a number of years until Blair accidentally ran over Luna -- lucy, 20:21:23 05/03/08 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Not me. That pairing never set off any bells or sparks w/me. KDP & JDP never generated any heat together on-screen. Off-screen, I have met them both & they are a lovely and radiant pair, but on-screen they really never clicked. Both Kassie & James have acknowledged it too. James has always been very pro-T&B over the years. He has said that their dynamic really works well & has said some very nice things about the pairing (click) -- LH, 11:55:25 05/04/08 Sun

I actually think Blair & Max were a better match w/Mia Korf as Blair. At least I saw some spark there, but I never cared for MK as Blair & really did not even like the character until KDP took over. MK's Blair was NOT a rootable character, imo, and was very cold & distant. I never liked Max--in fact I hated him for ages!! The ONLY time I was able to get behind him was toward the end of his tenure on OLTL when Max & Roxy got together. They were AWESOME together!! JDP & IK had me in stitches....What a terrific team!!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Emphasis on what? Emphasis can be a tonic for life, Lucy. And, there's nothing wrong with some T&B Cheerleading!! -- LH, 12:30:55 05/04/08 Sun

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