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Date Posted: 07:04:04 02/03/08 Sun
Author: Terry C
Subject: Hi Guys, Just want to let you know I'm still out here. Been away most of the winter, bought a cono in Fla& h/been there more than here. Don't have a comp there yet, but will soon. Haven't missed the show but had no e-mail access. Miss posting w/you all esp when T&B got it together FINALLY. MISSED ALL YOU GUYS A LOT, & I'll talk to you soon now that I'm back in N.J.

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[> Glad you made it back, wondered where you were! We missed you too. Loving my T&B!! I wish John would go to hell with his stupid threats! LOL -- DaJ, 06:21:42 02/04/08 Mon

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[> [> [> Welcome back Terry!!! I am loving T&B right now ... but I love me some John McBain too... -- tonya, 04:06:42 02/05/08 Tue

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[> [> [> [> Glad you back Terry.Was;nt T&B awesome making HOT MONKEY SEX. -- shelia, 11:44:39 02/05/08 Tue

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[> [> [> [> [> Made my day Sheila, the few thousand times I've watched it. There better be more, MUCH MORE, coming. Personally I want (&think we deserve) A HOT SHOWER SCENE, If we had to endure one wher & Spense UGGGGH, then we so deserve one w OUR T&B. Don't think we've EVER had one w/them that I can re-call. Anyone remember one?????? -- Terry C, 14:19:40 02/05/08 Tue

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Terry, I was thinking the same thing. T&B definitely should do a hot shower scene. And no, they've never had one - not that I can recall. They seem like a couple who would do it in the shower though. They've done it everywhere else! -- Cathy, 15:53:35 02/05/08 Tue

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Yea Cathy, I agree. I've been watching since the 70's & since they joined in the earlt 90's, thru all their ups & downs, I was quite sure they hadn't done one either.My memory ain't what it used to be, but I remember all aboit T&B. And yes Daj, I am BAD, I've waited a lifetime for a shower scene,it's not like they don't run them all the time, just always w/the wrong person(or in this case JERK) -- Terry C, 07:28:53 02/06/08 Wed

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> I could definitely get into some T&B hot monkey love in the shower, pool, hot tub, etc. T&B always bring it!! -- LH, 19:38:37 02/14/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Terry C you are bad, in a good way! LOL We so deserve a shower scene! I hated the one I saw with that sick dog! Yuck, can't even write his name! Go T&B! -- DaJ, 03:15:19 02/06/08 Wed

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[> I would love to see a shower sex scene or pool sex!!! Pool sex or hot tub sex would be hot. But deffinately more sex!!! -- Heather, 16:55:09 02/05/08 Tue

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[> Hey my dear, dear die hard Tand Bers. Glad to see ya back in action. Let's keep the sex scenes to a minimum ... I'm getting way too old for that stuff. LOL. K -- Kassie DePaiva, 11:49:56 02/06/08 Wed

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[> [> Kassie you have like the best body in that soap. I am 27 and I would gladly trade with you. But sorry I want a lot more sex scenes!!!! -- Heather, 12:14:27 02/06/08 Wed

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[> [> Are you SERIOUS K w/that absolutely perfect gorgeous body of your, that all of us would kill for. Age don't mean nothing girlfriend, look in the mirror. Yes that shower scene suggestion was mine. You guys ROCK & are hotter& sexier than any 20yr olds I watch on TV. -- Terry C, 13:22:23 02/06/08 Wed

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[> [> Sorry Kassie, I don't see anything "old" about you. Best body in soaps. Hands down. No cellulite. How do you pull that off? Bring on the sex scenes! LOL. -- Cathy, 14:09:04 02/06/08 Wed

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[> [> Kassie you are the best lookin and have the best body and You and Todd makes the best SEX SCENE ever,my Water Bill probably will go this month as many cold shower i had to take. Yall was so so Hot.i hope yall don;t wait to long to make HOT MONKEY SEX again.You are beautiful and Todd is so so fine.yall Rock.i wishe i had your body Kassie. -- shelia, 11:20:03 02/07/08 Thu

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[> [> Didn't you know life starts at 40??!! LOL You've only just begun to live! -- DaJ, 16:43:01 02/07/08 Thu

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[> [> [> Have to echo the T&B love here. You two make the show, Kassie!! There is NO better pair in soaps. T&B ARE DESTINY!!! Loving my TnB lovin'---much more to come on the horizon! -- LH, 19:29:28 02/14/08 Thu

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