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Date Posted: 04:41:56 02/19/08 Tue
Author: Terry C
Subject: Yeah Tonya, Addie was calling Miles from the ball to ask him to join her & Blair overheard & grabbed the phone from her & told her she can't go on a date w/Miles & then Addie stormed out & supposedlt told Blair she ruined the nite for her(that part wasn't on camera). But she was telling it to Todd.
In reply to: tonya 's message, "Loving how together T&B are. They should use The Sun to really go after Ramsey. When the 2 of them go after someone ... no one does it better. Did I miss the scene with Addie getting mad at Blair? I heard Blair mention Addie was mad because of Blair disapproving of Miles, but I never actually saw it." on 01:47:51 02/19/08 Tue

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[> The scene took place in the kitchen...Addie used her cphone to call Miles to invite him to the ball and Blair overheard and stopped her, and scolded her for inviting him. Miles is their enemy so I can see why Blair don't want her mother involved with him. I loved the scenes with T&B and Ramsey. -- Janice, 04:47:50 02/19/08 Tue

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[> [> That scene with T&B and Ramsey was hilarious when Ramsey thought Blair didn't know about Shane/Gigi. I loved the mock surprise look on Blair's face and the way Todd said, "oops, I forgot to tell you that I shot at a woman and her son!" LOL. -- Cathy, 07:54:10 02/19/08 Tue

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[> [> [> Yep, it was. T&B vs. Ramsey was hilarious when Ramsey thought Blair didn't know about Shane/Gigi. I loved the mock surprise look on Blair's face and the way Todd said, "oops, I forgot to tell you that I shot at a woman and her son!" T&B teamwork, baby!! The best in Daytime. Now, bring on the TnB romance & love in the afternoons & let's dispense w/the violent, menacing psychos--Ramsey, Spencer, Mags--for a good long while!! -- LH, 13:04:29 02/20/08 Wed

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[> [> No Janice the scene I was referring to took place at the ball after Todd went to get him & Blair a drink. She caught Addie on the phone again trying to get Miles & she told her she can't go on a date w/Miles & she supposedly stormed out(not shown on camera) & told Blair she ruined the ball for her. -- Terry C, 14:20:57 02/19/08 Tue

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[> [> [> Looks like they edited out scenes with Addie/Miles and/or Addie/Blair. Maybe they ran long on time and couldn't fit them in. -- Cathy, 15:26:56 02/19/08 Tue

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[> [> [> Okay. -- Janice, 04:04:46 02/20/08 Wed

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[> [> [> Several of the GoRed Ball scenes were cut. This is why we need OLTL on DVD!! -- LH, 18:11:01 02/24/08 Sun

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