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Date Posted: 13:49:00 02/28/08 Thu
Author: Heather
Subject: Blair is not happy about moving to Hawaii. Todd tried to get some lovin' and Blair snubbed him!! I am ready for some Manning drama.

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[> LOL. I loved it when Todd tried to love on her and she just walked out without saying where she was going. That was great. Blair knows just how to handle him. That's why he loves her so. ;) -- Cathy, 15:42:19 02/28/08 Thu

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[> I don't think Blair is "unhappy" about the proposed move--more like stunned. There was NO advance warning just a bombshell. And, she knows Todd is scared & Todd does not scare easily. The T&B lovin' was nice too. Maybe that will be part of Blair's plan to talk Todd out of moving--some good old-fashioned T&B HOT MONKEY LOVE!!! -- LH, 16:54:24 02/28/08 Thu

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[> [> Todd has never been afraid of anyone or anything maybe that will be part of Blair;s plan to keep them from moving,i think we need to see more that HOT MONKEY SEX between T&B.they are NO 1.i was pissed at yesterday for yelling at Blair,he better straight his ASS up or ship out. -- shelia, 11:19:10 02/29/08 Fri

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[> [> [> Todd IS afraid now. He is afraid for his family's safety. Ramsey is a headcase & Todd knows it!! -- LH, 10:17:46 03/02/08 Sun

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[> For once Todd is putting his family ahead of himself and his revenge. I don't want them moving to Hawaii but you have to respect him for not stooping to violence and revenge. He knows Ramsey would not hurt him, but he has shown he would not hesitate to hurt Blair or the kids. He is trying to protect his family. -- tonya, 09:46:45 03/01/08 Sat

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[> [> Agreed, Tonya. I think Todd is finally putting his family ahead of his revenge. He is trying to protect them & I respect Todd a great deal for doing that. Todd's finally growing up, folks!! It's very refreshing. -- LH, 10:15:46 03/02/08 Sun

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