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Date Posted: 09:21:23 03/04/08 Tue
Author: tonya
Subject: I only saw the last 15 minutes of the show, but TSJ was incredible. When he when after Marko I thought he was going to kill him. I can not imagine what he will do to Cole. I wish he had gotten there before they had sex. But it looked to me like he was too late.

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[> Great performances from the cast today..but Todd beating up on Markko..and then motioning to punch Langston..was GROSS!! Todd is a WHIMP. This is the 2nd time he has beaten on a teen. Now tomorrow looks like Cole is gonna be kicked around too. Yeesh! -- Claude, 09:45:27 03/04/08 Tue

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[> [> Todd is repulsive! I called the comment line to complain. I can't believe the network let this unnecessary abusive act on daytime. The town rapist is now beating up kids. Langston OMG, it's shocking. He popped her in the mouth and beat Marrko up. It's just horrible put this animal in jail and write the character off.. -- Arden, 13:14:03 03/04/08 Tue

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[> [> [> I know I really hope Todd will be charged for assaulting minors. The man is insane. -- lucy, 13:31:54 03/05/08 Wed

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[> todfd looked like a big bully today, he wants to run away from ramsey a grown man, but can beat up maaarko, a little wimp teen, it looks like todd can only fight kids, not growups. -- kathy, 10:03:17 03/04/08 Tue

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[> Dorian must have the best insulated house in Llanview. Wasn't she home when Todd threw Blair down on the bed and raped Blair? -- tonya, 10:57:42 03/04/08 Tue

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[> [> It is hard for me imagine Starr having SEX after we watch her grow up on the Show,Blair better hurry up and get there before he kills Cole,i know one thing he better not lay a dam hand on Blair. -- shelia, 11:18:53 03/04/08 Tue

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[> [> Todd never raped Blair. That whole issue was settled long ago!! Todd loves & adores Blair--he will not hurt her. -- LH, 05:36:41 03/05/08 Wed

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[> Ugh! Not enough adjectives to describe how disgusted I was at today's show. -- Wendy, 12:45:15 03/04/08 Tue

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[> Todd was typical Todd today. He wanted to know where Starr was and Markko wouldn't tell him, so he beat it out of him. Cole is going to get it tomorrow. Man that is going to be intense!!! -- Heather, 13:48:14 03/04/08 Tue

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[> [> I thought it was great drama. Should provide some interesting scenes to come and some great dialogue for every member of the Manning family -- Dorian and Viki too! -- Cathy, 14:06:30 03/04/08 Tue

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[> It was an ugly and uncomfortable scene but that is who Todd is... he is very often ugly and uncomfortable himself. He didn't pop Langston in the mouth though, I see where some might interpret it that way but that's not actually what happened. I think that was poor stage blocking more than anything. I don't defend or excuse what happened today, it was what it was, but it was also very in character for Todd. I did LOVE however, Blair and Dorian going straight for the vodka. That rather cracked me up. -- Dandesun, 14:34:44 03/04/08 Tue

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[> Todd did step over the line with Marko but I thought it was very much Todd and very well acted by Trevor St John. Also the way I saw it he did not slap Langston. He swung towards her to move her out of the way. -- tonya, 15:33:49 03/04/08 Tue

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[> I thought the scenes were excellent! No he didn't have to man handle Marko, but what do you expect from a father? He probably thought she ran away instead of having sex? He suppose to go crazy! Too bad Blair wasn't with him. They need to get the hell out of Dorian's place. She's too much of a busy body! The Mannings right or wrong, need to be on their own. -- DaJ, 17:40:05 03/04/08 Tue

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[> Damn. TSJ just may reel me back in as a mega-Todd fan after all. Crap. I LOVE L&M. Didn't bother me at all that he hit one or both of them. Just wish he'd do the same to Ramsey. And get away with it. Hope he finds a way to stick it to John too (and I like John). Give me midnight-dark Todd over weepy Todd any day - the only change I want is for him to get his cunning back along with having his cojones re-brassed. Hate it that Todd will get grief over beating up Cole. If the guy's man enough to boink someone's daughter he should be man enough take the consequences. I can't stand Cole. -- Fish, 05:07:25 03/05/08 Wed

It would have been nice if Todd could have giving 'Asking nice' a little more of a shot with Marco and Langston, but it was obvious they knew where Starr was and as a father Starr was his primary concern. Minutes could have very well counted in making sure Starr was safe.

If Langston and Marco didn't know what Todd's reaction to Starr going missing would be, Cole and Starr sure as hell KNEW what Todd's reaction to them having (or attempting to have) sex would be. It's unfortunate that Todd's temper gets away from him, but I totally understand it. I'd understand it from any father.

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[> TSJ was incredible. The T&B scenes were wonderful & well-acted and the later scenes with L&M were terrific. Todd did kiss Maarko's butt, but he never hit Langston. He motioned toward her to get her to step back out of the way & it worked. Todd's emotions & actions ran a full spectrum today and TSJ was sensational!!! Looks like it is Blair to the rescue---she will be the one to calm Todd down & stop him from killing Cole. -- LH, 05:42:12 03/05/08 Wed

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[> [> Should read "kick Maarko's butt"...LOL! -- LH, 05:43:36 03/05/08 Wed

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[> [> [> Don't get why Todd calls it rape? Archie Bunker Todd really annoyed me today, but Kassie Rocked. -- a7sogno, 14:38:19 03/05/08 Wed

This is the beginning of the end of daddy being perfect.

He is so far from it.

He wants to be number one with his daughter, the only man.

Get over it Todd, she is growing up, hope John kicks his ass but good.

Great from Kassie, my Gosh she was great today, the look she gives Todd before she threatens to take the children and leave if he ever raised his hand again to her.

Hideous today for archie bunker Todd to try to hit his daughter.

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