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Date Posted: 08:20:51 03/05/08 Wed
Author: ApothoKeri
Subject: WOW Kassie and KA are ruling the show today! Very, very good material for both of them.

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[> KDP, TSJ. & KA are all doing Tour De Force performances this week. Terrific T&B/Manning Family Drama. Long live T&B and our Manning Clan--the BEST in Soaps!! -- LH, 11:44:38 03/05/08 Wed

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[> I love it when Blair pushed Todd into the door and told him to get away from Starr,Blair was kicking ASS today.i like it when Blair told Todd he better never lift a hand toward her kids again or he will never see them again.Blair and Starr Rock today. -- shelia, 11:47:35 03/05/08 Wed

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[> [> Great drama, today! I was glued to those scenes! Everyone involved put in terrific performances, but Kassie, Trevor, and Kristen ruled! All three of them have such terrific chemistry together. Can't wait to see what happens next! -- Cathy, 12:26:21 03/05/08 Wed

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[> [> [> TSJ, KPD and KA were outstanding.NT -- RT, 12:47:20 03/05/08 Wed


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[> [> [> [> Re: TSJ, KPD and KA were outstanding.NT -- tamarindseed, 13:09:40 03/05/08 Wed

They were all terrific, but kudos especially to Kassie. The look on her face when she really saw Starr for the first time had me tearing up. Blair really had it all together in an impossible situation. She collected Cole's clothes, told him to get out of there, calmed Todd down as much as she could, and comforted Starr. Talk about a multitasker. The tears really started to fall when she was holding Starr, callng her "baby" and trying to make everything better when she knew that was impossible.

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[> [> [> [> [> Yes, it was touching. What the hell would all of them do without Blair? They'd be lost. That's why they all sob every time Blair goes to hospital. LOL. -- Cathy, 14:06:04 03/05/08 Wed

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[> [> [> [> [> [> The fact is they would all be lost without each other---Todd, Blair, Starr, Jack (& now Sam)---they hold each other together. T&B/Mannings are interweaven together & together they are UNSTOPPABLE!!! -- LH, 11:48:34 03/10/08 Mon

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[> Blair should have knocked Todd out today instead of John. I really hope Todd is going to be charged for his crimes today and yesterday. -- lucy, 13:33:50 03/05/08 Wed

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[> As much as I hated yesterday, I loved today. Yesterday pissed me off - I would have loved for him to scare the piss out of Marko w/ some well chosen, not so veiled, threats. It's not like he thought Starr was in danger yet. But whatever. Today I saw & felt the anguish of a dad totally not in touch with reality - That was some real drama. And, OMG, how great were Kassie& Kristen?! I loved how Blair handled both Todd & Starr. That split second when Blair arrived & had to take it all in was amazing. And Starr screaming how she wanted to sleep w/ Cole- now THAT's the way a child of T&B would act! -- Wendy, 13:52:01 03/05/08 Wed

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[> [> I had the same reaction about Starr today. Screaming that she wanted to have sex with Cole is EXACTLY how a child of T&B would act. LOL Today was fabulous. Clips coming. -- TerriL, 13:57:51 03/05/08 Wed

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[> [> Todd's reation yesterday was childish and out of control, but it was true Todd IMO. Kassie Kristen, and KA have been amazing the last 3 days. I have been glued to the tube. -- tonya, 14:25:27 03/05/08 Wed

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[> [> [> When Todd gets out of control Blair is the only one that handle Todd and calm him down she always have to step in and take control.the shows has been great,Kassie,Todd and Starr has been doing an outstanding job but acourse Kassie always does. -- shelia, 14:57:40 03/05/08 Wed

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[> [> Starr is the PERFECT T&B offspring!! I have always said so. -- LH, 11:50:31 03/10/08 Mon

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[> I have to agree,KDP,KA and TSJ were awesome today. It was great material and they took it and ran with it. It was great today! -- Farrah, 15:23:41 03/05/08 Wed

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[> [> that was a great show & performance by KDP & KA. way to go Kassie!!!! I'm calling the OLTL comment line to give kudos to them! -- Janell, 01:57:44 03/07/08 Fri

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[> It was a good show today and yesterday. This is the big story for Blair, it's time for Blair to take control of her family. Todd and Starr were both out of control. I wanted Blair to talk to Starr about her behavior. I wanted Blair to shake some since into Todd. I want Blair to take charge of her family! -- DaJ, 16:45:19 03/05/08 Wed

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[> Loved the scenes today and everyone did a great job, can't wait to see what's coming up next for the Mannings. -- Janice, 17:28:38 03/05/08 Wed

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[> Blair was great. I don't envy her at all but she's the one with the clear head at the moment and she's really doing her damndest to take care of things. First priority is Starr, which is as it should be, but man she's going to have her hands full getting Todd to face the reality of things and pull him out of the nightmare of his own past. Blair's really got her hands full. Great drama, yesterday, though. Ugly and wild and emotional but absolutely riveting. -- Dandesun, 05:47:52 03/06/08 Thu

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[> Kudos to KDP, TSJ, & KA for a terrific week of Manning Family Drama at its best!!! They all work so well together & play off each other so effortlessly---It just proves yet again that T&B and The Manning Clan are the BEST combo in Soaps!!! -- LH, 11:38:07 03/10/08 Mon

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