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Date Posted: 16:40:25 03/05/08 Wed
Author: kathy
Subject: in starrs defense, it is 2008 and many girls have had sex before their 16th birthday nowadays, does the name jamie lyn spears mean anything to you, it realllly should be starrs decision when she will slee with a boy ad who it will be, not her dads. preatty humiliating to have your dad break in n on you your first time and then try to koll yuour boyfriend. It really is starrs decison.

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[> Starr is a minor, she can not give consent, don't care if it's 2008 that's the law. He had a right to stop her. He didn't have to beat the crap out of Colefish, but she's a minor. I don't know what the law is in Llanview but Cole could be charged with statutory rape. -- DaJ, 16:49:53 03/05/08 Wed

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[> [> The age of consent in Pennsylvania is 16 so Starr was well within her rights. Cole is 17 at the most so he could not actually be charged with statutory rape. Mainly because it wasn't. Starr is legally allowed to give her consent to have sex. The big problem that I saw, other than Todd going full blown psycho and reliving HIS crimes, was that Starr and Cole didn't discuss or use protection. -- Dandesun, 04:59:22 03/06/08 Thu

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[> [> [> Where I'm from it's 18 yrs old. And I'm pretty sure they didn't take protection. Starr is not mature enough to have sex, nor is Cole for that matter. -- DaJ, 05:18:01 03/06/08 Thu

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