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Date Posted: 06:03:59 03/07/08 Fri
Author: Dandesun
Subject: Starr's exactly like her father. They both deal in absolutes. There is no middle ground. Starr's showing that right now and so's Todd. Is he heading for a breakdown? Well, he sure ain't all there right now...
In reply to: tonya 's message, "It looks to me like Todd is having some kind of a breakdown too. He could be fun at St Anne's with Allyson Perkins." on 04:58:25 03/07/08 Fri

Although, given that Allison's in a coma, I don't think we'll see the two of them tee peeing the nun's rooms at St. Anne's anytime soon.

It seems that the constant 'I love our family' mentions were a lot more anvilicious than I thought they were. I mean, I knew something was coming up but I didn't expect an implosion of this magnitude.

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[> [> Yeah I think Todd is having a breakdown to.Kassie,Kristen and Todd has been doing great scene everyday When i called OLTL i tell them that but acourse Kassie always does excellent. -- shelia, 16:45:33 03/07/08 Fri

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[> [> [> Re: Yeah I think Todd is having a breakdown to.Kassie,Kristen and Todd has been doing great scene everyday When i called OLTL i tell them that but acourse Kassie always does excellent. -- Lauren (CTKassieFan), 09:42:05 03/09/08 Sun

Todd has always had an irrational streak in him, but personally I think what is making him so much worse is that it is probably rekindling his feelings of guilt over his raping of Marty all that many years ago. And, since Cole is Marty's son, it is really making Todd come unglued to think that Marty's son could have raped Starr. Of course we all know it was NOT rape, but Todd's not going to listen.

I too would like to send out a huge thanks to Kassie, Trevor, AND Kristen for superb acting this week,and I KNOW things are just heating up with this storyline.

If I HAD to be sick with bronchitis, it looks like I've picked a great time. I won't have to worry about missing any great episodes for probably the next couple of weeks at least!


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